Coming Soon: “Paedophile Rights” ?
Channel 4 will screen a controversial documentary tonight in which a paedophile speaks openly about his attraction to four-year-old girls.
The broadcaster has been criticised by victim support campaigners for giving airtime to the 39-year-old man, called Eddie, and encouraging him to discuss his urges. Read more
I was alerted to a discussion this morning on the Wright Stuff, Channel 5 Talk (Nonsense) Show on the subject of the above Channel 4 documentary. The Wright Stuff is a programme I studiously avoid for a number of reasons, not least because it is so predictable and so politically correct that I’ve never viewed one of their “discussions” without yawning. This discussion was useful, though, because it demonstrates the need for what Lenin termed the “useful idiots” to get revolutions off the ground. Playing the part of the Devil’s Advocate, Matthew Wright made the case for Paedophile Rights when the majority (if not all) of the members of the public who rang in to comment proved to be opposed to the screening of the Channel 4 documentary.
Bending over backwards to appear open-minded Wright, wearing his Devil’s Advocate hat, pushed the callers to answer questions such as “[but] do you know any paedophiles?” and “where do you get your information about paedophiles from?” – that sort of thing. He wouldn’t have heard me, of course, but I shouted at the TV screen: “No, but then I didn’t know any homosexuals either until they started coming out of the woodwork thanks to the media presenting them as victims” and “I get my information about paedophiles from the same place that I get information about other undesirables – then they become “approved” and they’re not undesirables any more, you silly man”.
Is this documentary – as portrayed – simply so that we can view the problem differently, find ways to help these poor individuals overcome their disordered sexual attraction to children? Or are the useful idiots in the television industry pawns in the campaign for paedophile rights? Present the nice guy, explain that he just can’t help it, maybe he was born that way and maybe this is yet another taboo we need to shed, just as “society” is no longer shocked at same sex couplings or even men having operations to become women and women becoming men. If they’re born that way and can’t help it, society shouldn’t make “victims” of them, surely?
As Catholics, do we have something specific to contribute to the issues surrounding the screening of this Channel 4 documentary? Comments invited.
Comments (31)
Goodness where to start with this one! My immediate thought is this is the logical consequence to “gay” rights. For many years, “gay” activists have been campaigning for rights for paedophiles. Editor has made the point above that some claim homosexuals are “born that way” and this is used to justify homosexual activity. Therefore if anyone with a sexual aberration claims to have been “born that way” then why shouldn’t they rise up and demand things?
Peter Tatchell published a series of interviews with boys under 16 who had engaged in sexual activity with older men. I’m not suggesting that all homosexuals are attracted to minors, but the two issues appear to be linked. Before anyone jumps in and condemns this statement for being outrageous, remember that Tatchell has been the leading “gay” activist in this country for decades and is seen as a spokesman for “gay” issues. I don’t remember any other homosexual condemning or distancing themselves from him so we must presume that he speaks on behalf of Britain’s homosexuals.
The Catholic response to this is quite simple. We must do everything to protect children from this abomination. We should protest vehemently about any publicity which seeks to promote, justify or soft the public ‘ s attitude towards paedophilia.
We should also point out the hypocrisy that often accompanies discussion of these issues. The same people who think nothing of bleating on about “child protection” think nothing of exposing children to pornography sex education. It is worth remembering that the Paedophile Information Exchange were one of the first to campaign for Sex Education in schools.
Finally, we have to look at the bigger picture and state unequivocally that all sexual deviance comes from the separation of sexual activity from the act of procreation within a valid marriage. When you remove this link then you allow all sorts of deviance and perversion to rise up.
A fantastic post. Everything you’ve said is clear and goes to the heart of the issue. I agree totally with you. I do think this is an attempt to soften us up for a debate on paedophile rights. You are right to say we must protest vehemently about this, absolutely. If all Catholics watched the documentary and then complained, it would make a huge difference. This is what the prolife organisations should be doing, but they don’t seem to be very active at all, more’s the pity.
“this is the logical consequence to “gay” rights”
It absolutely is. Your comment about the hypocrisy is also bang on. One minute they’re bleating on about child protection, as you say, and the next they’re pushing pornography and sex education.
I’m not disagreeing about the need to be pro-active, but when you see this sort of depravity being soft-pedalled for public consumption, you have to remember Our Lord’s words that some devils are only cast out by prayer and fasting.
In healthier times, this man “Eddie” would have taken his sexual deviance problem privately to a psychiatrist, who in turn, if he thought it appropriate, would have referred him to an exorcist.
But these are not healthy times, as 250,000 paedophiles in the UK alone (Mail Online stat) amply demonstrates. We live in a world that has rejected Our Lord and His grace in favour of a return to pagan culture, like a dog returning to its own vomit. This channel 4 programme is just the latest example of a culture in moral meltdown, a prelude to its complete collapse. Only a radical return to Our Lord can now deliver this world from imminent catastrophe.
Our Lady of Fatima has put this possibility of a restoration into the hands of the Pope and the bishops, requesting of them a public and solemn consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart. As long as they refuse to comply, Lucifer will continue to gain ground. It really is that simple!
I also think there should be harsher sentences for those who commit crimes against children.
I watched the documentary and it reminded me of the beginnings of the homosexual rights movement when they said all they wanted was to be decriminalised – nothing more. The message tonight was similar – paedophiles should be encouraged to “come out” so they can be helped. I thought it was very interesting that they used that term “coming out” more than once.
In this case, they don’t ask to be decriminalised just that the ones who don’t abuse children should be helped, but how can they be helped if there is such as stigma to being a paedophile, was the mantra. I think it was diabolically clever.
That’s not to say that I don’t think the paedophile Eddie was genuine. He came across that way, but this documentary could only help the campaign for paedophile rights. Encouraging them to “come out” is a step to getting us conditioned to accept attraction to children as we were conditioned to accept same-sex attraction, IMHO.
Here’s a ‘guess what happened to me’ story, but it’s on topic.
In a recent Facebook thread, I had people falling over themselves to agree with me that child abduction/abuse is something vile and reprehensible. (Some of you may have read of the mysterious disappearance of little Moira Anderson from near her home in Coatbridge in 1957. A bus driver, who was working in the area at the time and had ‘paedo form’ was prime suspect, this is how the discussion started).
However, as soon as I mentioned the link between homosexuality and paedophilia (I cited ‘NAMBLA’, which freely admits to its agenda), I suddenly became public enemy number one – I was full of ‘bias’ and the old favourite – ‘homophobia’….
Well, we’ve already had special Masses to endorse homosexual ‘couples’, I dare say special Masses for paedophiles are next up.
I’ve taped the programme to view, as I couldn’t watch the live broadcast last night, so more on that later, but, speaking as a former nominee for the Stonewall award of Bigot of the Year, I know only too well that the charge of “homophobia” accompanies any hint of criticism of homosexual activity.
As I see it, in order to play the ‘great socialist’ one has to regard one’s fellow human being as ‘God’, regardless of what he/she/it says, thinks or does. Any criticism of your fellow human being’s inclinations or behaviour is therefore a ‘mortal sin’, never mind that they have their own free will to choose whether to do good or evil. Never mind that one of the Spiritual Works of Mercy is to ‘admonish the sinner’.
The only thing that isn’t tolerated nowadays, it seems, is ‘intolerance’ – and I personally have almost ended up doing fisticuffs in the workplace for arguing that homosexuals are not ‘born that way’. Funny how nobody ever claims that terrorists, rapists or crooked stock market traders and sleazy bankers ‘can’t help it because they’re born that way’.
One research project after another has proved the link between homosexuality and paedophilia. Homosexuals number only some 2% of the population, yet statistically they account for at least 20% (and perhaps as much as 40%) of all child abuse cases. This picture is repeated the world over. Not every heterosexual is a child abuser and it is true to say that neither is every homosexual. However, the facts make it clear that to allow homosexuals (be they scout-masters, teachers, social workers, priests or whatever) access to children is just asking for trouble – and to allow homosexual ‘couples’ (especially males) to adopt children is criminally insane.
Pat McKay,
” Funny how nobody ever claims that terrorists, rapists or crooked stock market traders and sleazy bankers ‘can’t help it because they’re born that way’.”
Absolutely! Well said.
I have to express my surprise, however, (knuckles about to be rapped, sit up!) that you use the term “heterosexual” given that it was coined to spread the illusion that we have a choice to be one or the other. However, I agree with you that not every ordinary person with a normal sexual appetite is a child abuser and it is true to say that neither is every homosexual. 😀 😀 😀 😀 Am I a cheeky devil or what? Strictly rhetorical question!
OK, point taken. But what you and I would consider to be a ‘normal sexual appetite’ is clearly at odds with the ‘LGBT’ lobby’s interpretation of it.
Indeed, one of them once said that …..’celibacy is the only unusual sexual behaviour’….!
Well Pat, unfortunately, in this day and age, celibacy is unusual sexual behaviour.
Pat McKay,
Most people are unthinking and have been brainwashed by the media as regards these matters, but there has been a wealth of recent, telling examples which illustrate the link you mention.
These first three incidents, from November 2014 alone:
In the USA, a homosexual co-founder of the largest LGBT lobby group and significant donor to Obama and the Democrats, has recently been arrested for raping a 15 year old boy. (Note that this victim profile – teen boys -,was statistically the favourite target of the homosexual predators within the Church, responsible for the bulk of the abuse crisis).
In Germany, the Green Party had to apologise for previously (1980s) working with “Federal Association for Gays, Transexuals and Pederasts” to try to legalise Paedophilia:
(I note that currently, the Scottish Green Party is co-led by a homosexual, Patrick Harvey).
In Sweden, the homosexual leader of the nations largest LGBT lobby group – a UN funded organisation which advises the Swedish Government – has been arrested for rape and abuse of minors.
I cant say either of these stories have been even moderately prominent in the media – I only retrospectively found that daily mail article today.
The pattern in these cases mirror a very similar incident from Scotland in 2009, when the leader of the group LGBT Youth Scotland was discovered to be the leader of a paedophile ring:
(I understand the paedophile ring in question was a separate organisation to LGBT Youth Scotland 😉 )
And, of course, the openly pro-paedophile views of Peter Tatchell, a prominent UK LGBT activist, are well known – as is his advocacy of the complete abolishment of the “age of consent” in law.–peter-tatchell.html
Unsurprisingly, Tatchell also had links with paedophile organisations with the openly Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) group (now defunct):
Of course, paedophile groups were until ~1980s openly part of the ‘Gay Rights’ movement (see German example above too). In the UK in 1975, a pro-paedophile speech was given at the Campaign for Homosexual Equality conference, covered by the Guardian newspaper (a despicable rag, then and now).
So there is a wealth of very modern evidence directly connecting homosexuality and paedophilia.
What is particularly chilling is that these dangerous predators routinely appear in the leadership of influential (and often publicly funded) LGBT groups, and are the darlings of the political scene.
I hope this information is of some use when facing down mindless proles shouting “homophobia”!
I have to say, as a Traditional Catholic, and an SSPX supporter, after having actually watched the programme, I feel it was very reasonable, balanced, sensitive and insightful. Before you all go mental and accuse me of being an evil twisted paedophile apologist, then don’t.
I for one know precisely how child sexual abuse murders the psychic and spiritual life of a child, permanently, and I probably know this more than most of you hear…
But the fact is, who are we to demonise persons who experience unwanted paedophilia inclinations, and do not act on them? Its not their fault, is it?
I’ve now viewed the programme myself and I agree with you – it seems to have been a genuine attempt to find a way to help those who admit to being sexually attracted to children. The man interviewed, Eddie, seemed very honest and it took courage for him to participate in the programme.
That doesn’t mean that those who wish to see paedophilia legalised won’t capitalise on the programme. I didn’t like the repeated use of the term “coming out” which is associated with liberating homosexuals from perceived injustice, especially prior to the legalisation of homosexuality. However, that said, you are right to caution us against labelling you “an evil twisted paedophile apologist” – you’re not!
Like you, I just watched the programme today. I can see where you are coming from and I think the overall tone of the programme was genuine. There was also a firm commitment to child protection.
I thought parts of the programme were very dangerous. There seemed to be an overall assumption that paedophiles are “born that way”. I cannot accept this.
I think the idea of helping paedophiles is interesting, but this can only be done via psychiatric treatment. I don’t think organising “circles” where paedophiles can meet and support each other are helpful at all. My opinion is that this minimises the severity of such an affliction.
Predictably, the programme didn’t mention evil at all. Paedophilia is truly demonic. That is why we need Catholic psychiatrists who will, based on their expertise, decide whether an exorcism is required.
My fear is that this programme will be seized upon by activities who seek to promote paedophilia.
I agree with you as well – looks like I’m on the way to voting Liberal at the next General Election 😀
I should have added words to the effect that the programme was well intentioned, according to the lights of those involved. A Catholic producing that documentary from an authentically Catholic and moral perspective, would have made different interpretations and drawn different conclusions.
As you say, Eddie was in his 20’s before realising he had a problem with this issue and since he indulged in pornography – a massive problem in society today – there can be no question of his personal responsibility. The “born that way” doesn’t apply to any evil – nobody is born with an uncontrollable urge to do wrong. That would be unthinkable. Whatever inclinations to evil we face, God’s grace is there to enable us to overcome the temptation.
The thing is, Eddie has been brought up in a permissive society where being moral means donating a few quid to charity, whether a moral charity or one of the many charities involved in what can only be described now as the sex industry – everything from sex-education to porn.
I agree that parts of the programme are dangerous; I’ve already mentioned the use of “coming out”, and when the “circles” idea was floated I immediately thought of the deadly-to-the-spiritual-life-of-Catholics RENEW programme… I’m nothing if not predictable 😀
I agree with everything you have said. 🙂
You’re the original Fourth Wise Man!
And you are a very wise wummin! Four wise men and a wise wummin has a nice ring to it!
I accept. Make it a diamond…
I didn’t watch the programme, but I acknowledge the valid point you make.
I don’t doubt for a minute that you know what you are talking about- and I am not about to accuse you of being a twisted paedophile apologist,but I have trouble with this: “persons who experience unwanted paedophilia inclinations”, it sounds like these inclinations are just part of being human. I don’t believe they are. They are completely unnatural and a perversion of the natural tendency for adults to protect the young.
Demonising the persons (who must suffer acutely) is not the answer, but allowing them to believe what they experience is natural/unavoidable, is to leave them without a motivation to fight this abnormal tendency. I believe, the liberal notion that human nature is good and left to itself will always do good, makes it unnecessary to exercise self-control.
The new website looks very good! I like it 😀
I’m delighted that you like the new website. It’s growing on me, not least because it is achieving its purpose which was to make it easier for me to post news items and opinion polls quickly. Mission achieved!
I’m interested in this statement:
“It’s not their fault.”
Whose fault is it? I can’t accept that a new born baby is born a paedophile. Therefore, is it a developmental issue? Is there an element of choice? Has the person opened themselves up to the demonic?
I thought it was very interesting that Eddie said he came to realise he was a paedophile in his mid 20s and it was through the use of pornography. I believe pornography opens up the soul to demonic attack. Could Eddie have become more and more depraved the more pornography he viewed? I believe this could be the case, therefore perhaps Eddie IS to blame…
I cannot help but think that he needs solid spiritual, as well as psychiatric, advice. Prayer, fasting, Confession and possibly Exorcism.
How often do we hear it said….’what a lovely little boy’…or….’what a lovely little girl’…The good God intended us to be attracted to children, to make us take care of them.
How anybody can twist or distort this caring instinct into something as evil as paedophilia is beyond my comprehension. I agree with Petrus, anyone with these inclinations needs to seek urgent psychiatric help.
Pat McKay,
Most people are unthinking and have been brainwashed by the media as regards these matters, but there has been a wealth of recent, telling examples which illustrate the link you mention.
These first three incidents, from November 2014 alone:
In the USA, a homosexual co-founder of the largest LGBT lobby group and significant donor to Obama and the Democrats, has recently been arrested for raping a 15 year old boy. (Note that this victim profile – teen boys -,was statistically the favourite target of the homosexual predators within the Church, responsible for the bulk of the abuse crisis).
In Germany, the Green Party had to apologise for previously (1980s) working with “Federal Association for Gays, Transexuals and Pederasts” to try to legalise Paedophilia:
(I note that currently, the Scottish Green Party is co-led by a homosexual, Patrick Harvey).
In Sweden, the homosexual leader of the nations largest LGBT lobby group – a UN funded organisation which advises the Swedish Government – has been arrested for rape and abuse of minors.
I cant say either of these stories have been even moderately prominent in the media – I only retrospectively found that daily mail article today.
The pattern in these cases mirror a very similar incident from Scotland in 2009, when the leader of the group LGBT Youth Scotland was discovered to be the leader of a paedophile ring:
(I understand the paedophile ring in question was a separate organisation to LGBT Youth Scotland 😉 )
And, of course, the openly pro-paedophile views of Peter Tatchell, a prominent UK LGBT activist, are well known – as is his advocacy of the complete abolishment of the “age of consent” in law.–peter-tatchell.html
Unsurprisingly, Tatchell also had links with paedophile organisations with the openly Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) group (now defunct):
Of course, paedophile groups were until ~1980s openly part of the ‘Gay Rights’ movement (see German example above too). In the UK in 1975, a pro-paedophile speech was given at the Campaign for Homosexual Equality conference, covered by the Guardian newspaper (a despicable rag, then and now).
So there is a wealth of very modern evidence directly connecting homosexuality and paedophilia.
What is particularly chilling is that these dangerous predators routinely appear in the leadership of influential (and often publicly funded) LGBT groups, and are the darlings of the political scene.
I hope this information is of some use when facing down mindless proles shouting “homophobia”.
Pat McKay
Sorry I may have placed the above post badly – it is a reply to your post of.November 26, 2014 at 8:49 am
No worries, Gabriel. The content makes it more than worthy of absolution.
It’s totally idiotic, and dangerous to say that homosexuals, paedophiles and others who are captive to sexual abominations are ‘born that way’. I cannot conceive of a loving God who would create people to have such an innate predilection towards committing mortal sin. We are all weak in the face of sin, thanks to the transgression of our First Parents, but through the assistance of Divine Grace we can overcome everything. Sadly, we live in a World where the Social Reign of Christ the King is not recognised, and thus God has removed His Grace, thus Satan is having a field day. As St. Paul said in his First Epistle to the Corinthians:
‘Because that, when they knew God, they have not glorified him as God, or given thanks; but became vain in their thoughts, and their foolish heart was darkened. [22] For professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. [23] And they changed the glory of the incorruptible God into the likeness of the image of a corruptible man, and of birds, and of four-footed beasts, and of creeping things. [24] Wherefore God gave them up to the desires of their heart, unto uncleanness, to dishonour their own bodies among themselves. [25] Who changed the truth of God into a lie; and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
[26] For this cause God delivered them up to shameful affections. For their women have changed the natural use into that use which is against nature. [27] And, in like manner, the men also, leaving the natural use of the women, have burned in their lusts one towards another, men with men working that which is filthy, and receiving in themselves the recompense which was due to their error. [28] And as they liked not to have God in their knowledge, God delivered them up to a reprobate sense, to do those things which are not convenient; [29] Being filled with all iniquity, malice, fornication, avarice, wickedness, full of envy, murder, contention, deceit, malignity, whisperers, [30] Detractors, hateful to God, contumelious, proud, haughty, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
[26] (Challoner notes)- God delivered them up: Not by being author of their sins, but by withdrawing his grace, and so permitting them, in punishment of their pride, to fall into those shameful sins.
[31] Foolish, dissolute, without affection, without fidelity, without mercy. [32] Who, having known the justice of God, did not understand that they who do such things, are worthy of death; and not only they that do them, but they also that consent to them that do them’.
As Cardinal Pie of Poitiers said to Napoleon III:
‘The time has not come for Jesus Christ to reign? Well, then the time has not come for governments to last’.
As the Lord said, ‘come to Me, all you who labour, and I will grant thee rest; for My yoke is sweet and my burden light’. What glorious peace and harmony would prevail if the encyclicals Rerum Novarum, Quadragesimo Anno and Quas Primas were implemented. No need for a UN!
Peter Tatchell: ‘The positive nature of some child-adult sexual relationships is not confined to non-Western cultures. Several of my friends – gay and straight, male and female – had sex with adults from the ages of nine to 13. None feel they were abused. All say it was their conscious choice and gave them great joy.
‘While it may be impossible to condone paedophilia, it is time society acknowledged the truth that not all sex involving children is unwanted, abusive and harmful.’
Why any homosexual would take inspiration from this fiend is beyond me. I do not homosexuals are all involved in it, but at Petrus said, the links are irrefutable.
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