40 Days For Life – N o t i c e. . .

40 Days For Life – N o t i c e. . .

If you would like to participate in the 40 Days For Life vigil outside the old Southern General Hospital, Maternity Unit, next Tuesday, 15th March, there will be a mini-bus leaving the church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Balornock, Glasgow, at 10 am. returning 1 pm.  

For the address of the church, click on the image of the baby above, but note that the email address given there is no longer in use. 

Comments (8)

  • editor Reply

    I would encourage as many as possible to join the group from the Immaculate Heart of Mary parish. I’m hoping to be there myself. Well, not “myself” – I’ll be with others. My bodyguards, for starters, so don’t get ideas!

    March 11, 2016 at 1:10 am
  • Misha Reply

    I am surprised that two days have elapsed and only one comment (and that is from the Editor) on this thread given the gravity of this subject.

    March 12, 2016 at 8:10 pm
    • editor Reply


      Will YOU be going to IHOM to join the group going to the vigil on the mini-bus?

      March 12, 2016 at 8:36 pm
  • Misha Reply

    Hopefully, if so, will drive there. BTW I have two WordPress Accounts for a while as I tried to set up an Avatar, got in some kind of glitch and every so often it uses a name used to set up the account in the first place !….and for the benefit of the conspiracy theorists out there…Misha is the name of my dog.Might have to start from square one again. Hope that puts the record straight.

    March 12, 2016 at 8:50 pm
    • editor Reply


      The mini-bus has been organised because it is impossible to park at the hospital. Just impossible. You can drive (as I will do) to the Immaculate Heart parish and then join the rest of us in the mini-bus and return with the bus to collect your car.

      You’d probably be better deleting your WordPress account and starting over. Then, when you are in your dashboard, click on the mystery man avatar where it says “change avatar”. Just make sure your chosen picture is saved on your computer where you can easily find it.

      March 12, 2016 at 10:48 pm
      • lupine22

        I have a relative near the hospital anyway so I have a place to park. As regards WordPress, it seems almost impossible to delete an account. You can alter profiles etc. On the ‘net there are people saying that there is no delete function.My error to begin with was trying to set up an Avatar, it then said user name already in use, I then tried all sorts of names etc. to no avail.Plucked something at random and that worked, but no link to Avatar..two accounts running and so forth, plodded on to resolve and eventually gave up. Sometimes it worked OK and other times it seemed to redirect via WordPress. Probably ticked a box somewhere in the system and got caught in some kind of cyber-loop who knows.Just been reading about the “mystery man” avatar.

        March 12, 2016 at 11:21 pm
  • editor Reply

    R E M I N D E R . . .

    Tomorrow, Tuesday,15th March, there will be a mini-bus leaving the church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Balornock, Glasgow, at 10 am. returning 1 pm.

    I would urge everyone who can make it, to join the group.

    I will post a short report on return, but this thread will be deleted in a day or so, as it was really only meant to be a NOTICE – I forgot to close it to comments!

    March 14, 2016 at 10:49 pm
  • editor Reply

    I have just returned from the 40 Days For Life vigil. Those pro-lifers who are there every day, from 8 am to 8 pm in all weathers (and today is freezing cold in Glasgow) are truly heroic. I’ve managed to stay the course for less than two hours on the few occasions when I’ve participated, so I am full of admiration for those who have been going along daily and staying for hours at a time.

    I travelled with the mini-bus from Immaculate Heart of Mary parish in Balornock. There was a small but cheerful group, including some young people and one well wrapped up toddler (who giggled most of the time!) For some of the young people it was their first time – one young mother and daughter had not been before, but felt it was very worthwhile.

    As on previous occasions, we prayed the Rosary and sang a couple of hymns, while waving to the supportive drivers who smiled, waved and tooted their support of the vigil.

    On the return journey home, the Parish Priest provided sandwiches, drinks, biscuits and even some sweets for the youngsters. One teenager described him in glowing terms, the least of which was “what a good priest !”

    And so say all of us !

    March 15, 2016 at 2:44 pm

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