The Church… A Lawless Society?
Note: we removed the video which had been here originally, due to troll disruption.
Part of the Catholic Truth series, Thinking Through Catholic Truth – The Big Questions…Answered.
Comments invited…
Note: we removed the video which had been here originally, due to troll disruption.
Part of the Catholic Truth series, Thinking Through Catholic Truth – The Big Questions…Answered.
Comments invited…
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Comments (40)
Excellent video which just exudes clarity. I thoroughly enjoyed watching this video.
Thank you for that very positive kick start to this thread.
I second Petrus’ comment! Only to add that a couple of things: one, as the speaker implied, Francis has inherited a lawless Church and has taken full advantage of it. In fact, those who are faithful to the law, dogma and doctrine are his special objects of scorn and insult.
Two, this lawlessness has come about because of the false conception and false application of “mercy” initiated by John XXIII in his disastrous opening speech to the Council. This false “mercy” has trumped discipline and replaced law. In fact, the Church has been obscured by lawlessness, brought about by her internal enemies and their useful idiots. What we have now is near-total anarchy.
There are a couple of new laws, though, that are the current operating principles of this broken Church:
1. Whatever the Pope says is law.
2. If your action results in sexual gratification (esp. perverted sexual gratification), money, power and prestige, then your action is lawful.
RCA Victor,
One of the few to trace the now endemic “false mercy” back to John XXIII – as we keep saying, Pope Francis did not appear out of nowhere. The foundations of the path to this very broad Church was well and truly laid by his immediate predecessors.
So, thank you for that insightful post. Well said!
Indeed, the “medicine of mercy”, Gaudet Mater Ecclesiae 16 and the mind-boggling “We don’t need to speak about evil anymore cuz everybody already knows what it is and doesn’t need to be reminded…”
One might argue that technically, there was no “rupture” inherent in the V2 docs but there can be no doubt at all that a massive rupture at least in practice occurred when JXXIII dispensed with the method of affirming good and condemning evil that was the way of the Church since the time Our Lord founded her.
That rupture is implicit in the Lawlessness of the “corporate culture” of Catholicism today.
That’s it in a nutshell.
2 Thessalonians 2.
This is exactly what I have seen since my conversion and I confess, it has shocked me every single day.
And never lose that sense of shock. Just couple it with a belief, rooted in divine and Catholic Faith, that Our Lord is, despite all appearances to the contrary, faithful to His promise to be with His Church until the end of time.
Let us remember that in the Old Testament days the Law was hidden for many years behind the altar, then the scroll was found by Helcias and presented to the King.
Let us pray for a “Helcias” to find the Law today.
Food for thought, indeed. And it would take the brassest of brass necks to gainsay [the lawyer featured in the video] in his core affirmation.
But let us not be naïve. The problem of lawlessness, of disorder, runs far deeper and needs to be put into perspective. The fact is that lawlessness prevails not just in the Church, but throughout the West. This is true of our institutions—just look at the EU, to take only one example—but above all it is true of individuals. Indeed, the parlous state of our institutions—including the Church—has its roots in the parlous state of personal morality, and because there is a circular relationship between institutions and individuals, we are in the grip of a downward vortex that is sweeping all before it.
We may not like to admit it, but the majority throughout the West is now not only immoral, but increasingly amoral. Think about it. An ever increasing majority believes in divorce; abortion; the ‘right’ to fornicate, to commit adultery, and to engage in sexual perversion; the legalisation of drugs; euthanasia, including the putting to death of children; the ‘right’ to ‘change’ one’s sex … the list is endless. And we talk about the reasons for this until the cows come home, but the sad fact is that the good and righteous man of whom the Psalms speak is now very much at a premium.
We are in the grip of a moral nihilism which holds that morality is ultimately meaningless. And this, of course is part of the wider phenomenon of nihilism which has the West firmly in its grasp to the point where the fiercest battle raging today is the battle for the meaning and sense of human existence, something which, alas, the reigning Pontiff is utterly unequipped to understand.
In the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, the Catholic Church fought a valiant battle against modernism, and she was right to do so. But in the fray a deadlier enemy was creeping in unobserved. That enemy is nihilism which is revealing itself daily as the moral equivalent of the bubonic plague.
All so true. Relativism set the scene for nihilism and that’s what we have now – people, from the Pope down, don’t actually KNOW right from wrong. Absolute truth, done and dusted, it seems.
Is this ‘lawless Church’ a result of God permitting Satan a period of time to sift the Church – I think it was 100 years? I seem to recall something about this in a vision that Pope Leo XIII had, which prompted him to write the prayer to St Michael the Archangel (said after low Masses). Not sure about the authenticity of this? Does anyone know the details etc?
I don’t think there is any reliable verification of that – can’t see how there could be, actually. Personally I’ve always been sceptical of the idea that God would give the Devil any specified time – like a permission – to do his destructive work. Doesn’t ring true. I’ve never given that claim any credence.
I submit a read of the first two chapters of Job {and then the rest of the book} will give you cause to re-evaluate your skepticism.
In fact, God did essentially what you are skeptical about in the Pope Leo XIII account. He “made a deal” with the Devil and more, He staked His own Name on HIS faith in the faith of the man Job.
I am a convert {2013} who came to the Church substantially because of the Scriptures, and it is because of the account of the book of Job that I believe the account of Leo to be true. Rather, because the Scriptures show precedent, and because the events that have unfolded in the Church since the supposed account have mimicked the agony of Job.
If these events are indeed a modern example of God working as He worked with Job, the Lord is placing a very great weight on the shoulders of all of us, and indeed, He Himself KNOWS that through the merits of His Son and the power of the Holy Spirit, we can remain in Him through it all.
Such a grave and heavy weight to place on us, yet…St Matthew tells us: “For my yoke is sweet and my burden light.” With His power, it can be!
6 Be you humbled therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in the time of visitation:
7 Casting all your care upon him, for he hath care of you.
8 Be sober and watch: because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, goeth about seeking whom he may devour.
9 Whom resist ye, strong in faith: knowing that the same affliction befalls your brethren who are in the world.
10 But the God of all grace, who hath called us into his eternal glory in Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a little, will himself perfect you, and confirm you, and establish you.
11 To him be glory and empire for ever and ever. Amen.
1 Peter 5.
Finally, remember Major John Howard’s orders at Pegasus Bridge, for they are our orders as well:
In Cruce Spero.
As you will know, the Book of Job is primarily poetry, a reflection by Job and his friends on the purpose of suffering. I’m not saying it is unhistorical – no, Job & friends were real figures in history, certainly, but that is not to say that everything in the Book must be taken literally.
The scene of which you speak, in the first two chapters, is allegorical in nature. We are not obliged to take it literally, although anyone who wishes to do so, is free to do so.
The key to understanding Job is that he was doing what we are all still doing to this day, trying to makes sense of/explain the mystery of suffering.
Of course, we know, that God, by His permissive will, permits suffering (but is not the cause of it, does not will it… He cannot will evil) and so Job, it seems, understood this and explained his thoughts about the mystery of permitted evil, as a literal conversation between God and the Devil.
Not sure I’m explaining this very well but I will try again later if you are not satisfied.
Be very careful that you do not force your own skepticism into an interpretation of Holy Scripture to discount an account attributed to a Pope.
Neither the possibility of a “purely” poetic nor allegorical interpretation of portions of the Book of Job discount the acceptable possibility of a literal interpretation. Or one mixed.
The overarching topic presented in Job, that is that of theodicy and it is relevant to our situation today. God has not CREATED this current crisis in His Church, but, as you suggest, He certainly has permitted it. The question then is…”What caused it?”
I submit that on this earth we may never know, BUT…to exclude the possibility of God allowing Satan a “free hand” of sorts cannot be dispensed with. In the past, He turned over the nation of Israel to pagan neighbors for punishment. He waited {in patience?? for their repentance??…think about that vis a vis the safe haven that has existed for perverts in the Catholic Church clergy…} for some 400 years because the sins of the Amorites were “not at the full” before He brought severe judgment to them and He then used a foul and horrific pagan King to punish the nation of Judah, a King He called
“my servant Nabuchodonosor the king of Babylon”.
And we know in the Apocalypse God will “set free” Satan for a little while {Ap 20}.
No, the possibility that God could allow Satan a free hand for “100 years” is in no way precluded by any Catholic doctrine. Indeed, the events of the last “century-ish” seem, to me and many others, to allow the possibility to turn into a probability, that Pope Leo had that vision, and that the selfsame vision is being lived out in front of our very eyes.
God’s blessing on you and your work here!
Since I am not denying any article of the Faith, and since my earlier attempts to find corroboration of some kind had failed, I am perfectly entitled to my “scepticism” about this alleged conversation between Pope Leo and the Devil. However, seeing your reaction to my personal opinion, I decided to do another search and this time I found a very interesting article, if far too lengthy to read carefully, given that I have a diary full of appointments right into the evening today. The article is published on a website entitled: Unveiling the Apocalypse – Prophecy in Catholic Tradition and below is a pertinent extract, which I find very interesting indeed…
“Although it is virtually unheard of, the visionary element of this prophecy was recorded for posterity by Cardinal Giovanni Nasalli Rocca di Corneliano. The aforementioned article in Ephemerides Liturgicae V. LXIX (which contained the testimony of Fr. Pechenino), also notes that Card. Corneliano gave an explanation for the exact wording of the St. Michael Prayer in his Pastoral Letters for Lent – stating that:
“the sentence ‘The evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls’ has a historical explanation that was many times repeated by his private secretary, Monsignor Rinaldo Angeli. Leo XIII truly saw, in a vision, demonic spirits who were congregating on the Eternal City (Rome). The prayer that he asked all the Church to recite was the fruit of that experience. He would recite that prayer with strong, powerful voice: we heard it many a time in the Vatican Basilica. Leo XIII also personally wrote an exorcism that is included in the Roman Ritual. He recommended that bishops and priests read these exorcisms often in their dioceses and parishes. He himself would recite them often throughout the day.”
This would suggest that the original source of the prophecy of the 100 years of greater power was actually the Pope’s private secretary – Mgr. Rinaldo Angeli, and that this is the same retinue mentioned by Fr. Pechenino – the one who followed the pope immediately after he received his vision. Given that Mgr. Angeli had been the Holy Father’s private secretary since shortly after his election in 1878, this would make him the most likely candidate for the source of this prophecy.
On 18 May 1890, a different, much longer prayer to St. Michael was approved for use by Pope Leo XIII, which may help to shed some further light on the thoughts of the Holy Father after years of reflection on this vision. This is the same exorcism prayer in the Roman Ritual mentioned by Card. Corneliano:
O glorious Archangel St. Michael, Prince of the heavenly host, defend us in battle, and in the struggle which is ours against the principalities and Powers, against the rulers of this world of darkness, against spirits of evil in high places (Eph 6:12). Come to the aid of men, whom God created immortal, made in his own image and likeness, and redeemed at a great price from the tyranny of the devil (Wis 2:23-24, 1 Cor 6:20).
Fight this day the battle of the Lord, together with the holy angels, as already thou hast fought the leader of the proud angels, Lucifer, and his apostate host, who were powerless to resist thee, nor was there place for them any longer in Heaven. But that cruel, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil or Satan, who seduces the whole world, was cast into the abyss with all his angels (Rev 12:7-9).
Behold, this primeval enemy and slayer of man has taken courage, Transformed into an angel of light, he wanders about with all the multitude of wicked spirits, invading the earth in order to blot out the name of God and of his Christ, to seize upon, slay and cast into eternal perdition souls destined for the crown of eternal glory. This wicked dragon pours out, as a most impure flood, the venom of his malice on men of depraved mind and corrupt heart, the spirit of lying, of impiety, of blasphemy, and the pestilent breath of impurity, and of every vice and iniquity.
These most crafty enemies have filled and inebriated with gall and bitterness the Church, the spouse of the Immaculate Lamb, and have laid impious hands on her most sacred possessions (Lam 3:15).
In the Holy Place itself, where has been set up the See of the most holy Peter and the Chair of Truth for the light of the world, they have raised the throne of their abominable impiety, with the iniquitous design that when the Pastor has been struck, the sheep may be scattered.
Arise then, O invincible prince, bring help against the attacks of the lost spirits to the people of God, and bring them the victory.
The Church venerates thee as protector and patron; in thee holy Church glories as her defense against the malicious powers of this world and of hell; to thee has God entrusted the souls of men to he Church venerates thee as protector and patron; in thee holy Church glories as her defense against the malicious powers of this world and of hell; to thee has God entrusted the souls of men to be established in heavenly beatitude.
Oh, pray to the God of peace that He may put Satan under our feet, so far conquered that he may no longer be able to hold men in captivity and harm the Church. Offer our prayers in the sight of the Most High, so that they may quickly conciliate the mercies of the Lord; and beating down the dragon, the ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, do thou again make him captive in the abyss, that he may no longer seduce the nations.
(Rituale Romanum, 6th ed. post typicam, (Ratisbon: Pustet 1898), 163ff).
Note that towards the end of the prayer, we find the rather telling statement: “do thou again make him captive in the abyss”, which can only suggest that the prayer of Pope Leo XIII concerns the unleashing of Satan after he had already been captive in the abyss – i.e. after the “thousand years” were over. The era which Rev 20 tells us that a hoarde of demons would be unleashed from hell to encircle the Heavenly Jerusalem, the Holy City of Rome – a scenario which corresponds exactly with the vision experienced by Pope Leo XIII. In this respect, it is noteworthy then that Pope Leo XIII issued Humanum Genus (his encyclical against Freemasonry) in the exact year he was reported to have first received his famous vision – in April 1884.
The fact that I expressed myself sceptical about this alleged conversation between God and the Devil overheard by Pope Leo – and that, to my ears, it didn’t ring true – doesn’t mean that it didn’t happen. I’m not infallible. Yet… 😀
An excellent video – very clear and every word so true. I’m sorry to say but the Catholic Church does look like a lawless society today, with even the Pope breaking the liturgical laws – e.g. washing feet of women/Muslim on Holy Thursday. It all just beggars belief.
Margaret Mary,
It is a Church in search of its own relevancy in worldly terms, having lost faith in the fact that its relevancy is given, and can only be given, by the mystery of Christ.
The Church…. Lawless?
Well, here’s a couple of events currently advertised in Catholic outlets in the Archdiocese of Glasgow, so you tell me…
Firstly, in the bulletin for St Aloysius’ Church in Glasgow (Jesuit parish), we find the following:
IGNATIAN SPIRITUALITY CENTRE: Visit Glasgow’s Cathedrals; Led by Sr Isabel Smyth SND Saturday 3rd November 11-4.00pm. The Ignatian Spirituality Centre will lead a group to visit two of Glasgow’s four Cathedrals. In each Cathedral there will be a person to tell us something about their particular Christian tradition and about the building itself. Visit St Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral on the Great Western Road [Ed: and St Luke’s the Evangelist Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Dundonald Road. [Ed: ]
Bring your own packed lunch. Meet at St Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral, G4 9JB at 11.a.m.
Secondly, the Programme for Session 2018-2019, Newman Association (Glasgow Circle) includes the following advertisement:
Thursday, 21 March, 2019, Contemporary Persecution of Christians (title to be Confirmed – sic)
Father Timothy Radcliffe O.P. [Ed: ]
Catholic Truth writes…
1983 Code of Canon Law # 752: “…Christ’s faithful are… to ensure that they avoid whatever does not accord with [Catholic) faith and morals…
Lawless? Really? What on EARTH makes you think that? The fact that both of these events will be packed out? Well, yes, there IS that…
I’ll bet Father Radical-cliff will be expounding mostly on his version of “persecuted Christians” – i.e. the LGBT=>Z crowd. Go ahead and “accompany” them, Father. Hopefully someone (certainly not Francis) will figure out that you’re just another perverted Pied Piper like Fr. James Martin, SJ (= Social Justice).
RCA Victor,
In this week’s Scottish Catholic Observer, about which I posted a comment on the Catholic Education thread late last night, there is a letter headed CONTROVESIAL AMERICAN PRIEST IS WORTH LISTENING TOO (sic)
Ignoring the bad grammar and misspelling of “to” in the headline, the “controversial American priest” to whom the editor refers and letter writer (from Dundee) defends, is none other than Fr James Martin SJ.
It’s beyond belief now, how widespread is the apostasy from the Faith and thus, abandonment (and ignorance) of true morals.
Is the SSPX leadership finally waking up? This article is pretty strong, for them…..
I’d like to add a couple things as a theologically-trained convert from Protestantism.
First, the lawlessness referenced is certainly NOT a “feature” singularly associated with the Catholic faith, and in fact, has been a significant cultural phenomenon of Western society since at least World War 2 {really, establishing itself in the interwar years 1920-1940}. It was fostered tremendously by the vast chaos created by the basically half century of epic war preceding 1950. I sincerely believe much of the moral ills of Western civilization can be found seeded in the cultural and moral suicide Europe and elsewhere committed through wars of aggression and excesses of defence. Indeed, Pope Benedict XV said as much in his cry in 1916 that Europe was committing suicide by World War. We now can see a corpse barely twitching…
A friend’s father, a good Catholic and member of the “Greatest Generation” told him once; “Son, it wasn’t the ’60’s Generation that destroyed Western Culture…it was US. We did.” Indeed, from the war was brought back and injected into society fornication and adultery and divorce and covetousness and moral decay of all sorts. That was well-entrenched in common culture BEFORE the total revolution of the ’60’s.
Having said all of that, the same applies to other times in history. The leadership of the Church has at other times demonstrated gross laxity in enforcing moral and liturgical law and doctrine. Endless examples can be found, starting with…all the way back!…the Corinthians who needed St Paul to coach them into disciplining one of their own, and…St Peter himself in his sidling up to the circumcision crowd, but one horrific example from later history is the handling of slavery in “Catholic” nations of South America. While the Popes condemned various forms of slavery and one cannot in any way legitimately consider Catholic doctrine approving of it as one can quite factually say about various sects of North American Protestantism, nevertheless, sharp and decisive discipline was NOT imposed on Catholics involved in the establishment and expansion of race-based slavery in Latin America. This itself is an example of the “lawlessness” that is a wolf scratching at the door in every time period in history.
And finally, moral lawlessness is no unique character flaw of Catholic leaders. The Protestant groups are permeated by it and worse; they have simply adopted immorality as doctrine with changes in teaching on contraception, divorce/remarriage and for some, even abortion and homosexuality. The war we fight in the Catholic faith was lost long ago in Protestantism.
May we keep up the fight!
God Save the Church.
By “theologically-trained” I mean, in Protestantism. That is to say, I hold what one might call a Masters in Heresy, a degree that has actually come in very handy in spotting Protestantism everywhere manifesting itself among Catholics and Catholic leaders. And funny, my training in history and political science involving communism which I THOUGHT became useless after the “fall of the wall” back in the late ’80’s has re-emerged as quite relevant in the day of Bergoglio! Who knew?? LOL.
Rod Halvorsen,
I don’t remember it saying anywhere on the video that lawlessness was unique to the Catholic Church, LOL!
The point was, the Church has never been “lawless” as it is today.
Never before in history did Our Lady appear to warn that this lawlessness was coming, as she did 400 years ago in Ecuador and in 1917 at Fatima.
I think that’s the difference. The Church was literally the rock while the rest of the world went its own way. What I took from the video is that, just as we’ve seen the destruction of western culture, so we are now witness the destruction of the Church, humanly speaking – we know it cannot be destroyed, but to all appearances that is what is happening and it is because the Church authorities are not applying the Law.
Not really directing the comment to you, but rather to those who pop in, especially non-Catholics who see something like this and think “So there.”
As I mentioned above, we are defending ground already given up by the Protestants.
As you say, it looks grim…because it is grim.
“Hold until relieved”.
Some of you may remember that a blogger posted a parish advertisement on another thread (probably General Discussion) a week or two ago, which encouraged parishioners to attend an event in St Patrick’s Coatbridge (PP Fr Sweeney), Diocese of Motherwell. Well, one of our readers went along to that event and emailed the following short report – yet another example of the lawlessness now rampant within the Church, thanks to the “shepherds in wolves clothing” failing to protect the souls in their care:
I’ve at last put a few notes together following the 31/10 event at St. Patrick’s, Coatbridge (my old high school Church, incidentally).I’ve attached a pdf of the 28/10 St. Patrick’s Bulletin, on which I’ve marked an orange ‘cloud’ around the text (p2 – Ed: simply the advertisement for the event), note that there was no mention of who would be hosting the Q & A session, but it was Alistair Dutton of SCIAF and Filochowski who took the floor… The Parish Priest, Fr Sweeney, introduced the programme. Also in attendance was Fr Hughes, pp of nearby Trinity All Saints, Coatdyke.
Ed: note, Filochowski is a homosexual, former Director of CAFOD, who lives in a civil partnership with former Carmelite priest, Martin Prendergast. If you think Fr Sweeney didn’t know this when he invited Filochowski and then withheld his name from advertisements following my email of complaint, there’s a bridge over the River Clyde I’d like to sell you, Discount for Dopes
The movie was titled ‘The Claim, Archbishop Romero, his people and Pope Francis’ and lasted approx. 1hr 20mins. It was mostly in Spanish and subtitled throughout, so one had to be near the front to see the text properly. I heard Filochowski explain to a few people that he was ‘the only one who was licensed to show this movie’, therefore he ‘had to be there to ensure no copies were made of it and that it got removed from the premises at the end of the show’. However, it was quite interesting, I expect we’re all familiar with the old ‘haves and have-nots’ scenario. El Salvador’s main produce comprises coffee, cotton and sugar cane. The poor peasant people who depended on these for their livelihood were being oppressed and exploited by the oligarchs, whose paltry pay was barely enough to sustain an average size family. I often heard my dad (+ R.I.P.) say this about the UK….. ‘the privileged people wish to remain privileged – and everything is geared-up accordingly’… Ditto re El Salvador!
Step forward Archbishop (now Saint) Oscar Romero. He was appointed and installed as Archbishop of the capital, San Salvador, in 1977 amidst unprecedented national tension following fraudulent presidential elections and the massacre of protesters. He sided with the peasant people and regularly spoke out vigorously against their oppressors. His homilies were transmitted nationwide via radio, of course incurring the wrath of the oligarchy. The radio equipment would get destroyed, then as soon as it had been replaced and the homilies back on-air, its destruction would happen anew. This repeated a number of times. However, Romero also faced opposition from within the church, from his fellow clerics. He also had difficulties with the Pontiffs of his time, trying to convince both Paul VI and John Paul II what the true situation was in El Salvador.
On February 17th 1980, Romero sent an open letter to US President Jimmy Carter pleading for an end to military aid to the Salvadoran security forces. He began receiving death threats and in his last Sunday homily on March 23rd he literally pronounced his own death sentence when he demanded that rank and file soldiers refuse to obey sinful orders to fire on innocent civilians. Archbishop Romero was assassinated the following day at 18.26 in the evening, as he celebrated Mass in the chapel of the Divine Providence cancer hospital where he lived.
Anyway, Messrs. Dutton and Filochowski made a big issue out of PF’s input with regard to the canonisation process, which had ‘more or less stalled until he came along’. They couldn’t praise him highly enough, Filochowski reckons PF ‘will be made a Doctor of the Church’ in a few decades’ time! A big issue was also made about the ‘special bond between the Anglican Church and Oscar Romero on account of Robert Runcie’s installation as Archbishop of Canterbury some 12 hours after the assassination’ …. (huh?).
Someone in the audience asked what the way forward would be for the Trust, now that the canonisation had finally taken place (incidentally, there’s a web-site ) The answer came that we are called not just to be admirers of Saint Oscar Romero, but imitators of him (surely that could be said of all the Saints!).
I’ve had a quick scan through the web-site and found the following who’s who….
The Trustees are:
Julian Filochowski – Chair
Stephen Davies – Vice-Chair
Clare Dixon – Secretary
Rev. Richard Carter
Jan Graffius
Sr Eileen McLoughlin
Bishop John Rawsthorne
David Skidmore
Rev. Frank Turner SJ
& Stephen Lloyd – Hon. Treasurer
The Patrons of the Trust are:
Most Rev. Leo Cushley – Archbishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh
Sr Maria Julia Garcia – Missionary Carmelite of St Teresa
Sr Pamela Hussey – Society of Holy Child Jesus
Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin – Archbishop of Dublin
Cardinal Vincent Nichols – Archbishop of Westminster
Most Rev. John Sentamu – Archbishop of York
Mgr Rafael Urrutia – Chancellor, Archdiocese of San Salvador
Lord Rowan Williams – Master of Magdalene College, Cambridge
Very Rev. Dr John Hall – Dean of Westminster Abbey
Interesting to note one Vincent Nichols, who said on TV that ‘those complaining about the Soho ‘gay’ Masses should learn to hold their tongues’…. END OF REPORT
So, was the Bishop of Motherwell (Bishop Toal) aware of this event on his watch, under his nose? Did he give it his ‘blessing’ – and was he aware of Filochowski’s pedigree (and if not, why not)?
The e-mail address is [email protected]
Anyone up for it?
There’s really no point in writing to the Bishop after the event. He’s unlikely to have tried to stop it beforehand, so he can claim that there’s nothing he can do about it now that it’s over.
Be assured, however, that it will go into the mix ad infinitem when I am listing the evidence of homosexual influence within the Church in Scotland and, thanks to the suspension of Father Despard in contrast with the toleration of the openly “gay” activist parish priest of St Bride’s, Cambuslang, the Diocese of Motherwell in particular.
Of course the Church is lawless and off the rails. When I think of the trouble we had to go to in order to find out the rules for the month of the Holy souls, I know with certainty that confusion reigns! Nobody seems to know which or what. Nothing seems certain anymore and I really cannot see most young persons even bothering to work it all out. I read a great article on Rorate Caeli which I’ll post below which sets out how we are not by passing Purgatory by a long shot. Why are we not told this? I am horrified by the fate of the good soul in this article!
Chilling! Thank you so much for posting that – chilling – piece about Purgatory.
This line jumped out at me, because it’s what I have always understood (intellectually) from a young age, although, lamentably, I don’t reflect on it sufficiently: “We are simply what we are before God.”
I’m going to remove all mirrors from my home and instruct my friends to stop telling me how glamorous, witty, intelligent, saintly etc. I am – I MUST! For the good of my soul!
Seriously, that is a sobering reflection – again, thank you for posting it – most appropriate for this month of the Holy Souls.
Not only lawless, but elitist, arrogant, corrupt, substantially homosexual, and deluded into thinking they are above the law, whether civil or Divine:
( See also the final USCCB vote against a resolution to procure the McCarrick files from the Vatican: )
RCA Victor,
Those two reports make incredible reading. I was stunned reading the One Peter Five report and kept highlighting bits to copy here, until I realised it was pointless, that the whole thing needs to be read, and by the time I reached the Lifesitenews report, I’d run out of superlatives, and, just about, the will to live. The behaviour of those bishops just beggars belief.
One thing is crystallising in my mind and I’m just going to post it here, in advance of our formal notice…
As you know, I’ve informed a few bloggers by email that this blog will be closing permanently at some point in the coming months, before July 2019.
What you won’t know is that one correspondent today replied to suggest that we replace the blog by posting more of our videos on the website. We have been considering ways to make more use of our website, so that is a possibility. Just in case (and we hope it does NOT come to pass) we end up with some “breaking news” of our own along the lines being reported in those two linked articles, some commentary from CT, in between newsletters, might be helpful to some readers.
In any event, thank you for those links, which make very interesting, and thought-provoking, reading.
We must all pray hard for the Triumph – very soon – of the Immaculate Heart of Mary!
I think continuing to post videos is a great idea, including the CT team’s analyses of new scandals. I’m sure there will be plenty from which to choose…
Thank you, RCA Victor, That seems to be the popular view – doesn’t mean we’ll have time to post videos every day, but on a reasonably regular basis. All we need to do now is pray that the scandals are fewer and further between!
I’m afraid the scandals are going in the opposite direction. We’ve reached the stage in the Passion of the Church where she is being turned over to the State – via American Attorneys General and their grand juries – to be condemned and executed, just as Our Lord was brought to the State for the same purpose.
I’m afraid that means we’re not even close to the end yet….
Editor, just noticed your reference to closing the blog next year. Very sad and surprised to read that. I have learned so much from the contributions of other bloggers. It will be missed.
Thank you. I gave the date when our renewal is due, early July, but, to be honest, I’m keen to close it asap.
Watch this space!
The blog will be missed but I think the decision to move to a more video-based apostolate is absolutely the right now and quite visionary.
Hopefully, those of us on social media will share these videos.…….ABORTION MENTIONED
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