2019: Happy New Year Everyone!
Praying for much grace for us all as we enter the new year -including popes, prelates and priests, as well as national leaders.
Feel free to post your own good wishes, thoughts, prayers, jokes and stories on this New Year thread.
Happy New Year, to one and all!
Comments (29)
Happy new year to all CT bloggers.
The Scottish television programmes were dreadful. I watched the Lulu Hogmanay Hooley on STV which was more like a wake. She looked ridiculous in a black coat, leggings and a white hat – like a man’s hat. Horrible. The performance was, IMHO, pathetic. Hardly knew anything she sang. All pop stuff. Then I looked at the BBC shows and they were as bad. I didn’t see any “happy new year” wishes at the bells. I laughed when I heard “Auld Lang Syne” sung – in Hong Kong! Not on the Scottish shows. LOL! I don’t think I’ll bother waiting up next year.
There, I’ve made a bad start to the new year, moaning already, LOL! Happy new year everyone!
I’ve seen Lulu wearing a man’s hat (or one that looks like a man’s hat) in the past. I agree, it looks ridiculous. She’s well past her sing-by date, if you ask me. So, maybe time for her to hang up that daft hat!
Since they stopped putting on programmes like the White Heather Club (showing my age) it’s really not worth watching anything on TV on Hogmanay – there’s nothing specifically “new year” about any of the shows now.
Happy New Year!
Add the posh, American accent instead of her working class Dennistoun accent and Lulu is certainly a person to avoid. “Mutton dressed as lamb”, springs to mind!
Happy New Year 2019 to you all!!
Happy New Year to you all. We turned on the TV to hear Big Ben and watch the fireworks. The accompanying programme was utterly moronic! Must be getting old…whoops I am old!
I realise that these firework displays are all the rage now, and they ARE lovely, but I’ve never been a fan of fireworks (always avoided Bonfire Night even as a child) so I can’t help wondering what sort of alternative ways to mark the turn of the year might be employed.
A quiet “service” of some kind, invoking the intercession of the national saints might be nice; prayers to St George of England, St Andrew of Scotland, St David of Wales and St Patrick of Ireland. Prayers for peace in the year to come – something like that, might turn out to be just as popular as the firework displays – or am I being argumentative for the sake of it, even on the first day of the new year?! 😀
And before you all remind me that such a service would likely be “ecumenical” and so Catholics could not participate actively, I mean that it could be pre-recorded and broadcast seconds after Big Ben strikes midnight… Watching it on TV doesn’t equate to “participating” – does it? I mean, does watching the Queen’s Speech on Christmas Day equate to being a monarchist? 😀
A very Happy New Year to you and yours, in 2019.
Happy New Year to everyone. In recent years I stopped sitting up to see how the New Year is brought in via television. Moronic programme! Elizabeth, I like your use of that term as it is an apt description of what passes for entertainment. But then….and here is me thinking that I am a young glamorous lady – but then I try avoid looking in the mirror, for the reality tells me a different story.
Theresa Rose,
Your reality is NOT “reality” – how could anyone with such a beautiful username be anything OTHER than glamorous?! Buy a new mirror – your first New Year’s resolution of 2019!
I do agree about the TV shows, as I’ve already said above. They are pathetic and have been for a number of years now.
Wishing your glamorous self every grace and blessing in 2019. A very happy New Year to you (and your new mirror!)
Happy new year to all the bloggers !
“All the bloggers” … even li’l ole moi? (Lionel, take note of my fluent French!)
We brought the New Year in with watching the 1950s Scrooge and a glass of fizz! Happy New Year to you all!!
I did the same – and Alistair Sim’s version of A Christmas Carol is the best! Despite the fact that he was Scottish…..:-)
Happy New Year, everyone!
RCA Victor,
I thought of you (Lionel and a Spanish lad who attends our Masses!) when I saw this van… This is one imaginative, creative, entrepreneur Scot! Destined methinks, for a very successful new year!
Happy New Year to thee and thine!
Scrooge – now, why am I not surprised?
Kidding! 😀
Wishing you all a blessed New Year, mirrors and their reflections included!!
I got fed up with my mirror’s negativity so I purchased a friendly one from a circus fire sale. I had no idea I was so tall, dark and handsome in beveled glass. My advice to everyone is: of you want to look, well, different, get a mirror with a hump!
I agree about the New Year television viewing, it was absolutely rancid. Lulu was around when the Pope was an altar boy and the Gregor Fisher attempt at Rev. I. M. Jolly was extremely poor for a comedian of his calibre. The entire New Year entertainment on TV was barrel scraping rubbish, I turned it off straight after the bells.
Was reading today that the wee man Khan, Mayor of London, had a fireworks display honouring the EU. It didn’t go down well with a good many people. He’s classic of what happens to a society when a cultural Marxist gets into power.
Believe it or not, I did once buy a coat because, although I wasn’t crazy about it for a number of reasons, it really did slim me down – a bit like this…
However when I saw myself as my own mirror at home saw me, I could see immediately that I’d been fooled.
A very happy New Year!
I was mystified as to how I could have thought I looked so much slimmer in the shop, until a friend told me that there really ARE such mirrors in ladies’ fashion shops.
On my guard ever since? you ask. I’ve never bought another coat, that’s for sure! And WOW! do I feel the cold!
Yes, I saw that on the news about the fireworks in London but haven’t heard anyone criticise “the wee man Khan…” That’s good news.
Good grief, that’s my reflection in that mirror. But where’s my tie?
I went Googling to look for your missing tie – couldn’t find it, but does this help?
No. I only wear full posters, usually one on the back and one on the front that read: “The end is nigh” and “Hellhounds and imps of Satan” respectively. You can catch me doing Sauchiehall Street every Saturday 9 till 12!
Forgot to say, in good old Glasgow fashion: that’s wan ugly burd in that cartoon!
Me or you?
Neither of us, I hope!
Was that beveled glass or deviled glass? And, as the Arab customer said to the camel trader, one hump or two?
RCA Victor
I suppose it was a bit of both, the devil being in the bevel, so to speak. And, as the camel trader said in response to the Arab customer: You are awful, but I like you!
Good humour! Excellent!
Holy & happy new year to all of you!
In case you’ve missed the van I posted above, I’ll post it here, as well, since one very creative Glasgow businessman has mentioned Paris in his advertising… Believe me, in or out of the EU, he’ll not be travelling to France and Spain to do a bit of painting and decorating! Still, his sense of humour is just what we need to see us through Brexit!
Wishing you and all your family, a very happy and grace-filled New Year in 2019.
I wish you, Dear Editor and all other posters, a Very Happy New Year. May God bless you all..
Thank you, John, and a very happy New Year to you as well.
Happy New Year all!
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