16/1 – Anniversary of Death of Mother Mariana, Victim Soul for our times

16/1 – Anniversary of Death of Mother Mariana, Victim Soul for our times

Editor writes:

Today, January, 16th, is the anniversary of the death of Mother Mariana, to whom Our Lady appeared over 300 years ago, and entrusted revelations about the crisis to come in the world and in the Church in the 20th century, asking her to be a victim soul for our times. 

The extract below, is taken from the website of Our Lady of Good Success, (Prophecies for Our Times)…

Prophetic revelations made to Venerable Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres

This article is based on excerpts taken from the 18th Century manuscript entitled The Admirable Life of Mother Mariana of Jesus Torres, written by Prior Manuel de Souza Pereira, Franciscan Provincial in Quito, Ecuador and director of the Convent Mother Mariana founded. This manuscript was written a century after her death. Mother Mariana is linked mysteriously to our times by the visions Our Lady showed her of the 20th Century over 350 years ago. This apparition has been approved by the Church and Mother Mariana has been declared Venerable in the first step towards her canonization.

On January 16, 1635, surrounded by her community and her Franciscan confessors, Mother Mariana made a solemn profession of Faith, and then asked, as a last favor, to die on the ground, in imitation of her Seraphic Father, St. Francis. After receiving Holy Communion and the Sacrament of Extreme Unction, she foretold the exact hour of her death: 3 p.m. Just before she died, she read her last will and testament, a moving testimony that gave her daughters inestimable advice about the religious life along with many prophecies concerning the order. At its end, she turned to the priests: “My fathers and sisters, the time has come for me to depart; recommend my soul to God with the appropriate prayers. I thank you for everything. Always, I beseech you, have this convent and your sisters in your care. I die, as I was born, joyously and peacefully in the arms of my mother, the Seraphic Order.” Two tears rolled down her cheek, she sighed, and with an angelic smile, that blessed soul left her body.

After death, her body remained flexible, her complexion rosy, and the charming smile on her face gave her every appearance of being alive. During the wake, the sight of a blind girl was restored when a flower from the crown that encircled Mother Mariana’s head was touched to her eyes.

In 1906, during the remodeling of the Convent, her three-century old tomb was opened. They discovered the body of Mother Mariana de Jesus whole and incorrupt, complete with her habit and the articles of penance that had been placed in the tomb with her. An exquisite aroma of lilies emanated from her whole body. Thus God preserves some of his saints who practice heroic virtue and maintain holy chastity in their earthly lives.

Mother Mariana possessed the gift of discernment of spirits, which Our Dear Lord so often gives to founders of religious orders. Since she could read the hearts of her daughters, she would comfort them, telling them how to progress in the spiritual life and explain how it was necessary to die to oneself in order to practice real virtue. She repeatedly warned them to guard the common life of the Convent and obey the Rule. When prayer and community life are wanting, she said, everything falls short, for the religious without prayer is like a soldier without arms in combat. She told them to be patient in their sicknesses, since illnesses are the best and most meritorious penances, which free souls from illusions, vanity and pride. She especially warned her daughters to guard against that “cursed human respect, which makes one ask: ‘What will others say about this?'” Instead, she counseled that they should guide their lives in the cloisters according to the norms of the Gospel
and ground themselves firmly on the strong foundation of humility.

Let us consider some of the revelations that Mother Mariana was blessed to receive from Our Lord and Our Lady. Click here to read more (scroll to ‘Prophecies’ for revelations about the crisis in Church and the world in our times.)


We’ve discussed the revelations of Our Lady of Good Success many times; indeed, we featured these prophecies on the front page of our November 2018 newsletter.  From time to time, we pause to remember them and to reflect on the way the truth of these prophecies is being revealed all the time in our modern world and in the Church.  We do so again, today, at the request of one of our bloggers, John, who emailed yesterday to say “Tomorrow is the anniversary of the death of Mother Mariana I wondered if you could promote this on your blog.  My sister and I went on a pilgrimage to Quito a few years ago and since then have had a deep devotion to Our Lady of Good Success.”

The increase in sexual deviancy, the direct attack on our very humanity represented by “transgenderism” and the defence of even the worst of these by Catholic priests and bishops should mean that these (and the Fatima warnings) should never be far from our minds.

The astonishing canonisations of the popes who could have called a halt to the dissent and scandals caused by priests and bishops, right up to and including the recent canonisation of the pope responsible for the horrific break with Tradition manifest in the introduction of a new Mass – Pope Paul VI – is – again – evidence of the truth of the Quito apparitions.  It is surely noteworthy that Rome was struck with flash floods and hail just one week after the Paul VI canonisation. Click here to see the photosand if you agree with the BBC that this was caused by a long spell of hot weather, I have a wee green man from outer space to whom I’d like to introduce you…

It seems incredible that the hierarchy continues to ignore these prophecies… Can you think of any other explanation other than my own best guess –  that they are suffering from spiritual blindness of the kind that accompanies living in a state of personal grave sin? 

Comments (27)

  • Catherine

    Happy Feast Day everyone.

    Can anyone tell me the name of the book that tells her story and about the prophecies. I would like to get it.

    January 16, 2019 at 7:01 am
    • westminsterfly

      Hi Catherine,
      The definitive books on this devotion are ‘The Admirable Life of Mother Mariana’ Volumes I and II by Fr. Manuel Sousa Pereira (translated by Dr Marian Horvat). I have read them and they are fantastic – I couldn’t put them down. They are available from http://www.ourladyofgoodsuccess.com Look under the ‘Stores’ section. They also stock a great hour long DVD called ‘Our Lady of Good Success: History, Miracles, Prophecies’ which I recommend. In the meantime, a magazine giving an oversight of the Our Lady of Good Success story can be found here:- http://www.chiesaviva.com/413%20en.pdf

      Our Lady of Good Success and Mother Mariana, pray for us!

      Below is a short novena:-

      * Hail Mary Most Holy, Most Beloved Daughter of God the Father
      Through the intercession of Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres,
      grant thy good success to this request (name request)…
      Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be…
      Saint Michael, pray for us.

      * Hail Mary Most Holy, Most Admirable Mother of God the Son
      Through the intercession of Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres,
      grant thy good success to this request (name request) …
      Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be…
      Saint Gabriel, pray for us.

      * Hail Mary Most Holy, Most Faithful Spouse of God the Holy Ghost
      Through the intercession of Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres,
      grant thy good success to this request (name request) …
      Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be…
      Saint Raphael, pray for us.

      * Hail Mary Most Holy, Temple and Sacrarium of the Most Holy Trinity.
      St. Michael, St. Gabriel, St. Raphael, pray for us.

      Our Lady of Good Success, thou who art the all-powerful intercessor before the Most Holy Trinity, deign to hear and answer my request, so long as it contributes to the salvation of my soul and the glory and exaltation of Holy Mother Church.

      Hail Holy Queen…

      Star of the Stormy Sea of my mortal life, may your light shine upon me so I do not stray from the path that leads me to Heaven.

      January 16, 2019 at 11:36 am
      • Margaret Mary

        Westminster Fly,

        Thank you for that novena – I am very grateful to have that as I believe the novena to Our Lady of Good Success runs from 24th January to the 1st February.

        January 16, 2019 at 2:39 pm
      • westminsterfly

        Yes, that’s right. The novena goes from 24th Jan to 1st Feb and the Feast Day is on 2nd Feb. This year, the 2nd Feb is a ‘triple whammy’: The Feast of the Purification; The Feast of Our Lady of Good Success and the First Saturday of Our Lady of Fatima. There is a longer Our Lady of Good Success novena – I think this is the one that is over 100 years old: https://www.ourladyofgoodsuccess.com/pages/9-day-novena-to-our-lady-of-good-success (the website says the novena ends on 2nd Feb but that is a mistake) Other prayers can be found here:- https://www.ourladyofgoodsuccess.com/collections/prayers

        January 16, 2019 at 3:37 pm
      • Catherine

        Thank you for the novena, I’m just in time for it starting on 24 January.

        January 17, 2019 at 11:59 am
      • Margaret USA

        It’s a quadruple whammy: It’s also 2 February is the Patronal Feast of my parish which is celebrating its Golden Anniversary this year: https://presentationukrainiancc.com

        January 17, 2019 at 1:25 pm
      • Catherine


        Thank you kindly for the book title and link. It’s much appreciated.

        January 17, 2019 at 11:34 am
      • Catherine

        Thank you, kindly. I plan to get this book. Thank you for the links. Looking forward to reading!

        January 17, 2019 at 11:38 am
    • John

      Hi Catherine

      There maybe a few articles and stories in the link that you may be interested in!


      January 16, 2019 at 7:48 pm
      • Fidelis


        There’s something about the Tradition in Action site that I find off-putting. I can’t say why. I went to their home page to see if I could find out more about them, but there’s no About Us page, so I am a bit wary.

        January 16, 2019 at 8:42 pm
      • RCAVictor


        I know Editor shares your wariness about TIA. Perhaps because of their founder’s former association with TFP? (He was booted out in the 1990’s because his 11-vol. series on Vatican II was too revealing). Or perhaps because the founder is a student of Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira (TFP’s founder)?

        I usually don’t consult their site anymore, but they do carry an excellent and seemingly interminable series by Dr. Carol Byrne on the 1955 liturgical “reforms.”

        January 16, 2019 at 11:29 pm
      • Catherine

        Thank you John. I’ll have a read!

        January 17, 2019 at 11:47 am
    • westminsterfly

      Just a slight caveat to Catherine – sometimes the Our Lady of Good Success apostolate newsletter goes a bit over the top and it also has links to Chiesa Viva (the late Fr Villa’s apostolate) and I wouldn’t go along with a lot of that stuff – but that said, the two books I recommended, and the DVD, and the magazine are fine.

      January 17, 2019 at 10:20 am
  • John

    It was a truly remarkable pilgrimage ,when I first entered the church the hairs on the back of my neck seemed to be sticking out! One had the feeling you were in the presence of holiness.
    We managed to see the incorrupt body of Mother Mariana lying on a bed only feet away and to think she died over 350 years.
    The first day was a tiring day after a long flight we had to be at the church for 5 am next morning video under is of the first morning. Not many people their on first morning,but there was over a thousand people on the final morning accompanied by theEcuadorian guard.


    January 16, 2019 at 9:46 am
    • editor

      Thank you John – bloggers may be interested to know that, if you would like to put a face to the name. John is In the video, at the front carrying the small cross.

      Lovely video and good to hear the voice of the narrator – John Vennari, RIP.

      January 16, 2019 at 10:20 am
      • Margaret USA

        Eternal memory!

        January 17, 2019 at 1:26 pm
  • Fidelis

    I always find the story of Mother Mariana at the Quito convent absolutely fascinating. The fact that what is going on in the world now was foretold 350 years ago is just mind blowing.
    It really does come to my mind when I hear various news reports and no, I definitely don’t think the weather in Rome was a result of a prolonged spell of hot weather, LOL! The attempted canonisation of Pope Paul VI is more likely what brought that extreme mix of weather on, and I say “attempted” because I refuse to believe that he (and the other modernist popes before him) are among the canonised saints in heaven. If they make it to heaven, it will surely be after a long purgation, IMHO

    January 16, 2019 at 3:11 pm
    • RCAVictor


      I don’t believe those canonizations either. The saddest thing is that if they made it to Purgatory, despite their betrayals of the Church, then Catholics aren’t praying for their souls since they think they’re already in Heaven.

      January 16, 2019 at 4:44 pm
      • Fidelis

        RCA Victor,

        that’s a great point, that they are being denied help to get out of Purgatory. I didn’t think of it that way.

        January 16, 2019 at 8:42 pm
  • RCAVictor

    These prophecies are one of the things to which modern Catholics can cling in these dark times. The apostasy and corruption in the Church, the political legalization and institutionalization of sin, were all foretold long ago. But more importantly, so was the victory over them that follows.

    (I have to say, I sorely miss John Vennari and Father Gruner, RIP. The organizations they founded don’t seem to have as clear and forceful a voice since their passing.)

    January 16, 2019 at 4:41 pm
    • Fidelis

      RCA Victor,

      I greatly miss John Vennari and Father Gruner, as well. I found their video conversations really helpful. May they rest in peace.

      January 16, 2019 at 8:43 pm
      • editor


        Yes, Father Gruner’s interviews – conducted by John Vennari – were very helpful indeed. They are both missed a great deal.

        January 16, 2019 at 11:11 pm
      • Petrus


        I agree, the interviews were excellent. Fr Albert OP now does videos for the Fatima Center. They aren’t the same cost as the interviews with Fr Gruner, but he is excellent with a very clear, Dominican mind!

        January 17, 2019 at 12:41 am
    • editor

      RCA Victor,

      I agree – the prophecies of Our Lady of Good Success give us hope that God really is in charge of it all. It is just astonishing that what we are living through was prophesied almost 400 years ago, and that in some detail. Astonishing.

      January 16, 2019 at 11:10 pm
    • Petrus

      RCA Victor,

      I certainly agree that the voice of the organisations aren’t as forceful.

      January 17, 2019 at 12:42 am
  • John

    Can I remind everyone who is interested in saying the nine days novena to Our Lady of Good Success starts today.
    I’m sure many graces may be obtained by honouring Our Lady through this devotion.

    January 24, 2019 at 10:49 am
    • Catherine


      Thank you very much for that reminder and link.

      January 24, 2019 at 12:23 pm

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