Latest Climate Change Madness – Scientists Working to Block out the Sun…

Latest Climate Change Madness – Scientists Working to Block out the Sun…


No, this is not just a daft cartoon story – allegedly serious scientists are working on it, funded by Bill Gates.  Click here for the details.  George Orwell, eat your heart out!  

But what about democracy?  Will any of us, the hoi polloi, have a say in the matter?  Do we get to voice an opinion on what life would be like with a “blocked out” sun?  And what if that doesn’t “work” – are we heading for no sun at all?  Don’t laugh. We are living in a world where so-called scientists are refusing to admit that men cannot become women and women cannot become men.   So, stick with the programme.  ARE we heading for a world of men who are really women, women who are really men, and no sun? 

And don’t sneeze at this opportunity to express your opinion because another wee item on this morning’s news was the proposal to criminalize climate change deniers.  That’s me.  Well, I believe the climate is certainly changing but it’s not my fault.  You’ll get my drift.   So, before you are prohibited from questioning the “science”, speak your mind now, immediately, if not sooner…

Comments (23)

  • RCAVictor

    The Church blocked out the Sun at Vatican II – the Sun of Righteousness, the Son of God – (or, as Abp. Lefebvre put it, “They have uncrowned Him”), so the world is following suit. This is the same “science” whose faith is evolution, so it is not science at all, just a politically motivated and well-funded fraud to enforce an agenda. An agenda which happens to be tyranny.

    I strongly recommend that any scientist who wants to block out the sun take his device close to the sun itself for a trial run…you know, like Icarus….

    August 14, 2019 at 2:26 pm
    • Josephine

      RCA Victor,

      How true about Vatican II.

      I do wonder, though, if this news about Harvard scientists and blocking out the sun is something to do with Haarp – they’re just being more open about it now, maybe?

      It’s interesting read that, that even the European Union went on record with concerns about Haarp.

      I just wish they would leave nature to run its course and stop interfering with it in the name of science.

      August 15, 2019 at 12:36 am
      • RCAVictor


        That looks like a very interesting website. I think weather control has been a done deal for a number of years now, but I don’t think it’s being done in the name of science. I think it is a population control weapon first, and I think it has been used twice against the USA this spring. In other words, other nations have the same capability (Russia and China come to mind).

        For example, early this spring there were ceaseless torrential rains over Nebraska, resulting in major flooding. Then, in May and June, the same thing occurred over the Ohio Valley, along with unusually cool temperatures. Nebraska and Ohio just happen to have something in common: they are both major crop-producing states, esp. corn. There was so much rain that farmers couldn’t plant.

        A TV meteorologist unintentionally gave away the Ohio phenomenon when he said something like this: “A front has stalled over the Ohio Valley, and every time there is a new impulse, it will produce heavy rain.” “Impulse?’ I thought. “You mean, as in HAARP?”

        I wonder if God has temporarily placed the world in the hands of madmen, as chastisement.

        August 15, 2019 at 1:14 am
      • editor

        RCA Victor and Josephine,

        I’ve never paid much attention to what I’ve always considered conspiracy theories about Haarp/weather control, but I’m now re-thinking that position. When I say that I don’t believe climate change is man-made, I mean that I do not believe a plate of beef stew or a few plastic bags are to blame. This manipulation by so-called scientists – as described in Josephine’s article – is another matter altogether.

        I’m currently experiencing computer problems, which is why I’ve not posted a thread to mark the Feast of Our Lady’s Assumption, but since this topic has turned out to be every bit as popular as Brexit with the Remainers-who-refuse-to-go-away-and-are-trying-everything-imaginable-to-stop-it (!) feel free to use this thread to honour Our Lady on this great Feast.

        Happy Feast of the Assumption everyone!

        August 15, 2019 at 11:34 am
      • Laura

        RCA Victor

        Is this what you are talking about?

        August 15, 2019 at 9:02 pm
      • RCAVictor


        No, not steam from power plants (btw, this looks like it happened in early December, so I’m missing what is so unusual about snow during winter….). I was talking about widespread flooding in Nebraska due to record rainfall early this year – maybe February and March, I forget exactly.

        August 15, 2019 at 10:04 pm
      • Margaret Mary


        That has really made me think – it would be unconscionable if governments were manipulating the weather deliberately and telling us to change our lifestyles to “save the planet”.

        August 15, 2019 at 8:54 pm
      • editor


        Governments, unconscionable? Noooooo!

        August 15, 2019 at 11:07 pm
    • editor

      RCA Victor,

      So you’re a student of Greek mythology… (or maybe an expert? I know lots of experts…) 😀

      August 15, 2019 at 11:13 pm
      • RCAVictor


        As Mark Twain once said, reports of my expertise are greatly exaggerated….

        August 16, 2019 at 2:41 am
      • editor

        RCA Victor,

        Clever twisting of Mark Twain – you are something else, our RCA Victor, Here’s another of my favourite Twain quotes… My all-time favourite, in fact…

        August 16, 2019 at 11:05 am
  • Margaret Mary

    Happy Feast everyone!

    Although I’ve never been to Walsingham, and I don’t live in England, I’ve heard a few friends recently mention the Walsingham pilgrimage so I thought I would post this hymn to Our Lady of Walsingham which I found on YouTube just now when I was looking for one of my own favourites, LOL!

    August 15, 2019 at 8:53 pm
  • Laura

    Wishing everyone a very happy Feast of the Assumption – a bit late in the day (sorry!)

    It’s a beautiful Feast – love the videos. Thanks!

    August 15, 2019 at 8:58 pm
    • editor


      I love the videos as well – didn’t know there was a “Walsingham” hymn. Will listen to it asap.

      August 15, 2019 at 11:08 pm
  • Patrick healy

    It is now next day! (Day after Lady Day as it was commonly known in my Irish childhood)
    Over at lifesitenews there is a great piece from an interview with our chief meteorologist Papa Francis himself.
    In it he points out that the upcoming Amazon (not the silicon valley one) synod has nothing to do with Catholicism or the ordination of weemon, no it is all to do with paganism, Mother Gaia, saving the planet and exterminating plant food and plastic straws.
    Can some kind soul on here advise me when it is safe to awake from this nightmare I am experiencing?

    August 16, 2019 at 9:57 am
    • editor


      Tighten your seatbelt (or snuggle under the duvet) because it’ll get worse before it gets better, if the reports I’m getting from clergy in Scotland are accurate. Keep the heid, but be prepared.

      August 16, 2019 at 11:03 am
  • Fidelis

    Here’s an interesting discussion about Greta the teen environmental activist

    August 16, 2019 at 11:23 am
    • RCAVictor


      I believe I read, or saw a headline the other day, that this 16-year old useful idiot is also a pro-abortion activist. I was so shocked I had to go lie down…..

      August 16, 2019 at 4:02 pm
      • Elizabeth

        I simply cannot understand why this child is getting so much publicity. She is not an academic or a scientist and is not old enough to have studied so called climate change in any real depth. Clearly some powerful people must be behind her meteoric rise to fame. How long before she is a Nobel prize winner do you think?

        August 16, 2019 at 6:09 pm
      • Fidelis


        I agree and watching the local news tonight I was appalled to see that the Edinburgh Council have tried to make a ruling that school children can only attend one climate change protest a year, because their attainment levels will suffer if they keep taking time off school, but the kids were out in force protesting that ruling outside the city hall, demanding that they are allowed to attend every rally or protest or whatever it’s called. The reporter said, in the end, if the parents give them permission, the schools won’t act. It’s absolutely ridiculous stuff. People were saying 30 years ago, all the same things they’re saying now about the planet and we’re still here! It’s complete madness.

        Another thing – these kids are obviously convinced that the world will come to an end through climate change. That’s what the boy who was leading the protest in Edinburgh actually said, he used the words “the world will come to an end”, so these idiots who are terrifying children with this silliness ought to take a step back and think of the damage they’re doing.

        August 16, 2019 at 7:35 pm
      • Fidelis

        RCA Victor,

        Well, that’s not surprising. The whole package is about reducing the population and “rights” especially “women’s rights”. This girl is so messed up already, at 16 years of age, so goodness knows what she will be like in later life.

        August 16, 2019 at 7:37 pm
  • RCAVictor


    That website issue I wrote you about persisted for 2 more days, but is now back to normal. It seems I’ve experienced a CT version of the “3 days of darkness.”

    Anyway, I vote for a thread on this extremely annoying (I’m exercising massive self-restraint) sycophant of Pope Francis:

    Editor: I will definitely post the requested thread – I’ve removed the link to prevent premature comments. Stand by!

    August 16, 2019 at 3:59 pm
  • wendywalker95

    September 7, 2019 at 11:26 am

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