Coronavirus & the Unfolding of the Fatima Prophesy About Chastisement
From the Fatima Center…
So, all the models about astronomical death tolls and the collapse of medical systems due to the Wuhan virus have proven wrong, as even Governor Cuomo of New York admitted on April 14:
“The president’s projection, Peter Navarro’s projection, CDC’s projection, White House Coronavirus task force projection, then the Gates model, Columbia model, Cornell model. They were all wrong, and it’s good news…”
The “president’s projection” and the “White House Coronavirus task force projection” are both the work of Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx. Both of these characters operate within the web of Bill Gates- and George Soros-funded organizations whose overall strategy is the creation of a globalist New World Order to which Donald J. Trump is the only remaining impediment, as Jeffrey Sachs complained at the Vatican as seen in this remarkable video.
People everywhere are beginning to realize they’ve been had by the “experts” and the state governors who continue to strangle social and economic life with preposterous lockdowns to which there are so many exceptions that no one can seriously think they have saved us from millions of deaths from a virus that, in the end, will be no more deadly than the bad flu seasons accepted as a fact of life.
Nowhere is the evil of this suddenly emergent tyrannical regime more apparent than in this interview of Dr. Fauci by one Peter Hamby which appeared in Vanity Fair. Hamby asked Fauci if people who wish to engage in illicit sexual encounters using “apps” such as Tinder may do so despite the lockdowns. Fauci’s answer is devastating to the whole rationale for the lockdowns:
“If you’re willing to take a risk — and you know, everybody has their own tolerance for risks — you could figure out if you want to meet somebody. And it depends on the level of the interaction that you want to have. If you’re looking for a friend, sit in a room and put a mask on, and you know, chat a bit. If you want to go a little bit more intimate, well, then that’s your choice regarding a risk.”
So, according to Fauci, one can assume the risk of contracting the virus by way of immoral sexual encounters, but no one may assume the “risk” of attending Mass or going to work in “non-essential” businesses! That is, the state will not permit the “risk” of doing what is right while turning a blind eye to immoral activity that really is risky, both physically and spiritually — including abortion.
It could not be clearer that the lockdown regime has nothing to do with “saving lives” and everything to do with social engineering for the “post-COVID world”. On the pretext of a virus, normal social and economic activities are forbidden while abominable sins are allowed to continue without restriction.
This monumental fraud is, quite simply, the devil’s work. And it is yet another sign of the diabolical disorientation of the Church that not only are the Church’s leaders willing to suppress Catholic worship at the command of Caesar, but are themselves exploiting the command of Caesar to participate in social engineering that involves, to quote Pope Saint Pius X in Notre Charge Apostsolique, “a tumultuous agitation, sterile for the end proposed, but which… brings Socialism in its train.” To quote the dreadful Easter Sunday letter from Francis to “the Popular Movements,” which says nothing about Christ: “I hope that this time of danger will free us from operating on automatic pilot, shake our sleepy consciences and allow a humanist and ecological conversion…. You are the indispensable builders of this change that can no longer be put off.”
That a mere virus would be the pretext to accelerate the end stage of civilizational apostasy is something perhaps no one saw coming — at least not this writer. But here it is. How much longer, one wonders, will Heaven defer the chastisement owing to a world in rebellion against Christ and to the defection of a Catholic hierarchy that has de facto abandoned His divine commission to make disciples of all nations? Source – Fatima Center (emphasis added)
It surprises me that Chris Ferrara does not seem to believe that this lockdown of the world is the beginning of the chastisement of which Our Lady warned at Fatima. It seems to me that the closure of churches, the disappearance of priests and bishops, including those traditional priests regarded by some of us as having been sent by God to see us through this diabolical disorientation, makes that conclusion undeniable. Share your opinion – maybe you consider that the chastisement will begin in some more ostentatiously dramatic fashion?
Cowardly clergy hiding away and denying the faithful the sacraments is pretty dramatic in my book, and I believe there is more to come, but that the Fatima prophecies are unfolding before our very eyes, seems undeniable to me.
Our Lady warned that Russia would spread her errors: Russia’s major error was Communism, which has spread far and wide, including to China which is now a key Communist threat to the world and is heavily involved, in most sinister fashion, in this Coronavirus “crisis”. Our Lady warned of a chastisement if the Pope failed to consecrate Russia as prescribed. Russia was the first nation on earth to publicly deny the very existence of God. That has to be corrected. Yet, successive popes have failed to obey God’s Fatima Message. I see the current lockdown state of the world – with the cowardly clergy centre-stage – as the beginning of the Fatima prophesied chastisement. What about you? What do you think?
Comments (171)
If the Fatima apparitions take the same trajectory as the Sacred Heart apparitions – i.e. the King of France declined to consecrate France to the Sacred Heart and 100 years to the day, his chastisement for ignoring Our Lord’s request started in earnest:-
The formal request to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary was made on June 13th 1929. We are now nine years away from the 100th anniversary of that event. As I said, if Fatima follows the same trajectory, and the apparition at Rianjo (see previous link) gives good reason to think that it might, then we may be in for a rough ride until 2029, when nations could be annihilated. But Our Lady has promised that the consecration will be done, although it will be late, and that Her Immaculate Heart will triumph. But even so, I don’t think we’re going to get away with it lightly before 2029 – and don’t deserve to either.
Apart from the primary scourge of no access to the Sacraments or the Real Presence, look at the many other scourges in the world today – to numerous to mention here. Maybe it’s just me but I don’t see people turning back to God because of this current crisis – although one can never gauge what is happening in people’s souls. It seems the majority just want to return to the ‘normality’ they had before. I think they can kiss that goodbye.
Westminster Fly,
People are not turning back to God because they don’t think this is part of the chastisement from God. They just think it’s a blip on their easy going lives and it will be only when they realise we are in the grip of a Communist system of government, by the extended erosion of our civil liberties (which will continue after lockdown – they will find small ways to do that, e.g. wearing face masks under certain conditions, that kind of thing) that eventually the penny will drop. I think though that that very blindness is part of the chastisement. Anyone really trying to live the message recognises which this is. That’s been my experience on the phone to friend and family. Only those who know about Fatima and believe in it, realise that this is no government concern for our health. They’re not that blind.
“recognises what this is”, also “friends and family” – sorry for typos.
I vaguely recall a story that Fr. Gruner, not long before his sudden death in 2015, met with Fr. Gabriel Amorth, the exorcist, who told him that the chastisement was about to begin in earnest. Do you recall any details about that?
I don’t recall hearing that, but even if he did say it, I don’t take every word uttered by Fr Amorth (may he rest in peace) as reliable. He believed in Medjugorje.
I’ve grown to think more and more that the 2029 scenario may well fit the bill.
I hope not, as the thought of living in this dysfunction ecclesiastical situation for almost another decade is painful. On the other hand, that is a very short time, really.
It will be fascinating to watch how things unfold in the months and years to come. At least, we have the comfort of Our Lady’s assurance that her Immaculate Heart will triumph in the end.
Can you explain the 2029 scenario? I’ve never heard of it.
Please read my first comment in this thread and especially the 2nd link about the Tuy apparition to Sr Lucia in 1929. That should explain it.
In actual fact, the King of France did indeed concentrate France to the sacred heart
Oddly, it was explicitly stated that it would never be too late, so it is very strange that France fell to the Jacobins, Freemasons and Revolutionaries despite the concentration being carried out. Also, odd that Monarch not a Bishop was asked to do this.
Like the various other concentrations of Russia to the Immaculate Heart, no doubt we will say that the King’s consecration of France to the Sacred Heart did not follow the exact formula or include all the elements or some such other technicality.
Editor: yes, you have to wonder, don’t you, why God bothers to give specific instructions (the Ten Commandments spring to mind) especially when He is requesting consecrations of nations – I mean, does it really matter? Why not just say “get someone to perform this or that consecration, just do whatever it takes” – wouldn’t that make much more sense? It would certainly save us getting bogged down in these “technicalities” as you say.
The King of France consecrated the country to the Sacred Heart when he was in prison awaiting death, a bit late to make his act public as requested by heaven.
Our Lady likewise called for a public an solemn consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart by the Pope and all the bishops in one timed act because heaven wanted the world to see that it was through Our Lady’s intercession that Russia was converted.
Now you may call failures to meet these specifics “technicalities”, but the rest of us see them as a wholesale refusal to obey God, with the spread of evil as a result.
Did you actually take the time to read Louis XVI’s vow? It is not a Consecration of anything, but a promise to perform it. among other things, should he recover his freedom (which, despite the claims of the website you cite, clearly indicates that he was already under arrest).
Here is the passage just before his five vows:
O adorable Heart, by the so pure hands of my powerful intercessors, receive with kindness the wishes that confidence inspires in me and that I offer to You like the humble expression of my feelings. If, by an effect of the infinite kindness of God, I recover my freedom, my crown and my royal power, I promise solemnly: [the five vows follow]
Also, where did you get the information that “it would never be too late”? That is nowhere to be found in the article you cite, nor in the Catholic Encyclopedia article on St. Margaret Mary Alacoque.
And just to call into further question your source, consider this statement:
The fact that the Vow was not discovered until the 1870’s demolishes the claim of some that it was merely a product of pious forgery during the 1814-1830 Restoration.
To the contrary, the fact that it was not discovered until the 1870s would tend to prove that it was a forgery. Forgery or not, what would prove its authenticity was if it had been discovered before 1814, not 45 years later!
All this said, there remains the original story, which was that Louis XVI did indeed perform a Consecration while under arrest – and, clearly, that was too late, since he ended up having no place to put his crown…
If anything this Coronavirus nonsense is related to Fatima only insofar as Communism is extending its grip on the world. Look at the stats and you’ll see that only the world’s leading economies are badly affected by this virus, and within these the financial capitals are worst hit, New York, London, Milan, Paris, etc., which is not how pandemics work.
I smell geopolitical orchestration with this virus, which, as I have said before, is hardly the plague upon us. There is no question in my mind that certain countries are capitalising on Covid-19 to bring about changes to our way of life that they could not otherwise have imposed. The death rate from infections is not sufficient to explain the drastic action of national lockdown. It just doesn’t add up!
That IS the point – that IS the connection to Fatima, not whether the Coronarvirus is worse than previous viruses. Our Lady didn’t come to earth to debate statistics. She came to warn us that Communism would extend and tighten i’s grip on the world, to use your description, and that it would take the Consecration of the first Communist State – that is, the first nation to publicly deny the very existence of God, to restore peace and good order in the world. She asked for it in a particular manner, apparently seeking a public demonstration of simple faith to repair the damage done to the Godhead by the Russian Communist denial. Too simple, however, for the “intellectuals” like Pope Benedict.
We are witnessing the intensifying of the Communist ambition to rule the world. We have permission to leave our homes only for necessary food and medicine. We are only permitted one walk per day blah blah. We are being brainwashed – “stay home, protect the NHS, save lives.”
How much clearer can it be? We are already under the thumb of China – to where Russia spread it’s primary error – Communism – and the grip is getting tighter by the day.
We are told in one news report today that the “curve” has “flattened” and in the next that we need a further extension of the lockdown. Signed, Confused, Glasgow.
What on EARTH will it take to waken up the people – including the Catholic people – to the fact that we have already kissed goodbye to our freedom, such as it was. And that Russia HAS spread her key error, big time.
This much is clear, as you have so eloquently pointed out in various posts: it’s got nothing whatsoever to do with viruses or plagues. We are being manipulated. What will it take for people to see that? At least as Catholics, we have the Fatima warnings to alert us – but when with the rest of the apparently brainless population, not to mention Pope Francis, come to their senses? When will they wake up and smell the dictatorship threatening us?
Dear Editor,
I agree with everything you say regarding Communism and the manipulation of the people. However, may I ask, what do you think “the people” should do about it? Our Lady asked us to pray the Rosary every day, fulfil our duty of State and make the five first Saturdays. What would you like people to do beyond that?
It seems to me that the lay faithful should concentrate on the above and leave the rest to God. Our Lady did not ask for us to point out errors, protest, write newsletters etc.
Presbyter Catholica
With respect, I think you’re wrong about what the Catholic laity should be doing, or rather the limits they should observe in what they do.
We all have a Confirmation duty to oppose error, especially in the public domain, hence websites like this one. If the hierarchy and priests in the Church more or less go along with the trends of the world, some even preaching heterdoxy or outright heresy with impunity, then it falls to the laity to challenge their errors even in public. St. Robert Bellarmine made this duty clear when he said that it is incumbent upon subordinates in the Church to challenge the errors of superiors, though without bitter judgment.
Obviously our first duty is to pray and offer sacrifices, as Our Lady of Fatima said, but duty of state is not just doing our daily jobs, etc., it includes our Catholic duty when the state turns apostate, if you know what I mean.
To simply pray that all turns out well in the end while keeping our heads below the parapet is a bit of a let off for the indifferent and/or the cowardly, I think. No, we have to defend the truth in public no matter what, after we’ve said our prayers of course.
Dear Athanasius
Thank you for that beautiful post. I think there are plenty of opportunities in the day to day life of a lay Catholic to work for the Kingship of Christ.
Presbyter Catholica
You’re absolutely right about that, but none more testing of our fidelity than front line work, suitably prepared for by prayer and carried out in accordance with Catholic social teaching.
Think of it as two soldiers in a trench during warfare, both pray the rosary together following which one gets up to face the enemy while the other says “you go ahead, I’ll just stay put and offer more rosaries for an end to this”. Which of the two would be doing his proper duty before God?
There are limits to what lay Catholics can do practically at this time, but they shouldn’t be set so fine as just praying. Remember the maxim: “Wickedness abounds because good men do nothing”.
It’s a sad fact that for most of us some form of interaction with social media is part of daily life. I personally detest modern technology, even though I make my living from it (IT), but it’s there and it needs balance from Catholics doing precisely what you advocate for the Kingship of Christ, within reason of course.
Presbyter Catholica,
What I think we should all do about this scandal, this lockdown, is resist. Right now, we’re all complying. We’ve moved on from washing our hands and singing Happy Birthday to living in splendid isolation, avoiding all human contact, as instructed, and obeying the State by only purchasing food and medicines. I mean, puleeese! We don’t need Sherlock on the case to see that there is something suspicious going on here – do we?.
Would it be a mortal, one wonders, (or even a venial) sin to break any of these new “temporary” (yeah right) rules? Pay a visit to a friend or relative? Buy a new (red) dress or (pale blue) top? A new (purple with green dots) coat even? Shock horror! We’re talking non-essential items, here! What kind of penance would I get, thinkest thou? We’re surely not talking three Hail Marys.
As for praying and leaving the rest to God. Betcha Our Lord wished He’d thought of that. Living in the Trinity, one might say, IS prayer. Yet, Our Lord chose to come among us and… well… the rest is (literally) history.
We are baptised and confirmed Soldiers of Christ and what soldiers do – by definition – is fight.
I’m in… are you?
agree with you about not complying with regulations. I hope that pretty soon people will get fed up of being imprisoned in their own homes, and defy the order to remain put. Or maybe not……….. I have encountered quite a number of spiritually blind people who seem to be enjoying the chaos that exist at the moment and do not particularly wish the lockdowns to end. I even said to one lady “can’t you see that you are being CONTROLLED” to which she returned me the polite smile and the “you poor worked-up individual,,,,, take a chill pill” look….
The difficulty, and I think Hitchins touched on this, is that most people have bought into this lockdown by government on the grounds that it’s fort heir own good. I think it was something like 94% of people are in favour of the government lockdown. Hence, even if we break the rules and go out more often, there’s nowhere to go! All shops, businesses and chapels are closed, as are many parks. They have us right where they want us, under house arrest whether we like it or not, and unless greater numbers of people start to raise their voices against this imposition by government then I suspect it’s only going to get worse. That old chestnut comes to mind here: “Evil abounds because good men do nothing” The people, largely atheistic now, can’t see what’s happening.
I don’t think there’s anything in your comment that I disagree with. Maybe I just didn’t make my earlier comments clear enough.
There is absolutely no doubt whatsoever that this worldwide lockdown, with priests and bishops showing their true apostate colours, is part of the Fatima foretold chastisement. I don’t think it’s the beginning, I think it began a long time ago, but it is now accelerating. Anybody who is waiting for something more dramatic needs to read what Christ said about reading the signs of the times.
I think Chris Ferrara, most surprisingly, is one of those who is waiting for the sky to fall in but that’s not how God works. He sent Our Lady to Fatima to warn us of the way Communism would conquer the world unless Russia gets consecrated, and the way the faith would be destroyed in millions of souls if the church hierarchy went down the Vatican II road. To me, it’s obvious, just reading the signs of the times.
You have more or less just confirmed what I have always thought and said, which is that the chastisement is principally spiritual in nature, the loss of faith on a grand scale, to such an extent that bishops are quite content to lock the churches down without a whimper. Whatever may happen materially in this world, nothing will ever come close to this tragedy, the loss of millions of souls for all eternity.
By the very fact of Communism tightening its grip on the world, we see the Fatima prophesies coming true. Communism is an atheistic system, so whatever the economics of it all, it is the determination to persecute believers that is at the heart of Communism. It is definitely being manifested in this Coronavirus nonsense (as you correctly describe it!)
IMHO, this is definitely the beginning and it’s going to get worse. If the cowardly behaviour of the clergy is anything to go by, we are in it on our own. No wonder Our Lady stressed the Rosary. Masses are going to be in short supply at times of crisis.
Also, doesn’t the SSPX discourage people from watching TV or even having one in their homes? Also the internet? LOL! Now they’re encouraging us to watch live-streamed Masses from our machines. It’s really something else.
Margaret Mary
I think the SSPX rightly sees the danger in TV so generally discourages the watching of it, indiscriminate watching anyway. Using it for good in this particular time of trial is fine, though I think many people livestream the Masses on their computers rather than on TV.
As regards Fatima and this Coronavirus, God is certainly permitting this present catastrophe to unfold, whatever evil lies behind it. We live in a world now that wants only pleasure, doesn’t want God and His laws, typical atheistic materialism, or Communism, so there will be many evils unfolding one after the other, which is what happens in a world turned against its Creator.
We’ve had Islamic terrorism, wars all over the place, deadly viruses of this kind and that kind, now we have Coronavirus. There’s always something to keep the people terrified and axcuse further intrusion of the police state into our lives. The Communist net has almost closed on all our once-Christian cultures and this so-called pandemic may just prove to be the padlock that seals the gate shut on our civil liberties. But no matter how much suffering these things bring to us on earth, none of it compares with the supernatural chastisement going on right now as millions, possibly billions, of people turn from God and consign themselves to an eternity of Hell. When Socialism gets into a country, and it’s in most countries now, it robs them of God, morals and money, the unholy trinity of Communism.
I think the SSPX also frowns on use of the internet, but be that as it may, the indiscriminate use of anything, whether reading material, TV or the internet, is not a good thing. I think that most people realise that, but I have a memory from years ago (so maybe it no longer applies) that parents could not get their children into the SSPX school in England unless they signed to say the family had no TV and the mother didn’t wear trousers. No comment!
About the Fatima connection to what is going on – it’s as clear as daylight. Communism would have been stopped in its tracks if the Popes – at least one of them – had consecrated Russia in the manner asked for by Our Lady. We are suffering the consequences now, of them failing to do that.
You list all the different things we’ve had to suffer, Islamic terrorism etc. But that is precisely because of the failure to consecrate Russia which has led to the growth of Communism. Until Russia is consecrated, things will go from bad to worse. I can’t see how anyone can fail to see that – I think you do see it, by the way, I’m just ranting, LOL!
The Pope definitely doesn’t see it, though – that’s the worry.
That the Pope must consecrate Russia is a given if all these various troubles are to end. I didn’t mention it specifically because it has been said so many times and is clearly obvious.
Sadly, under Pope Francis there seems to be absolutely no possibility that the consecration will be done. In fact this Pope is so left leaning that I half expect him to consecrate the world to Beijing’s “Great Leader”! Let us not forget that for the past 18 months, since the Vatican signed a secret deal with China, the underground Catholic Church has almost been wiped out. Cardinal Zen lamented the betrayal only recently.
As for the episode you refer to re children at St. Michael’s school, I remember it well. That was a particular District Superior with an extremely UnCatholic spirit who has since left the SSPX to join with other very unhappy extremists. Poor soul!
Unfortunately, the message about the Consecration isn’t getting through to the majority, so – much as it irritates us – we need to keep pushing it.
I did laugh at your remark about this Pope being more likely to consecrate the world to “Beijing’s ‘Great Leader’! Priceless. Sad, true, but priceless just the same 😀
There’s is no set SSPX policy on this. Some priests have a stronger view than others.
Presbyter Catholica
With respect, I beg to differ. Archbishop Lefebvre together with the four bishops he consecrated made a solemn consecration of Russia to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart in lieu of the full official papal/episcopal event when it finally happens. The SSPX has always been clear about the link between the crisis in the Church and the Consecration of Russia, even if some of its priests sadly fail to impress the fact upon the faithful.
Dear Athanasius,
With respect, you haven’t followed the line of conversation. The policy to which I referred to was a policy on television.
Presbyter Catholica,
With respect to YOU, you have not been clear – the conversation had moved on from TV to the Consecration of Russia.
So, in Athanasius Vs Presbyter Catholica, Athanasius wins 😀
Presbyter Catholica
In other words, I lost the plot? Wouldn’t be the first time. To be fair, though, the conversation had moved on to the Consecration of Russia which is why I mistook your comment as relative to it.
Just to be clear – I forgot to say in my previous reply to you, that there is no contradiction between the Fatima warnings about Communism and the chastisement regarding the loss of souls.
A Communist government means precisely that – the persecution of and martyrdom of countless Catholics. It’s been happening in China for years.
That is why we must see God’s hand at work in this shocking lockdown. It definitely IS the further unfolding of the Fatima warnings – because Communism means the denial of the very existence of God. This is a grave situation – and not because the Government misread the statistics. But because the Government, knowingly or not, is being used by Satan to push the achievement of the Communist agenda – worldwide dominion.
Trust me on this. Don’t trust me with a box of chocolates, but trust me on this 😀
I agree with Josephine, in that I think this chastisement (which it clearly is – sorry, Chris Ferrara, have you forgotten that God uses wicked human agents to chastise us?) began quite a while ago. Specifically, at Vatican II, two years after the Pope refused to release the Third Secret, and when the Conciliar Popes – not to mention Pius XII – failed to perform the Consecration of Russia as requested. Not to mention the failure of Vatican II to condemn Communism, i.e. the chosen instrument of our chastisement.
(What a paradox: the nation that embodied the ideology being used to chastise us – Communism – will also be the nation that, once consecrated, precipitates the destruction of that ideology.)
Considering where (in my opinion) it began, I also agree that the chastisement is initially spiritual, though it has material consequences, such as mysterious illnesses and economic crashes. When God sends a plague, He doesn’t have to specify that it will originate in a Communist bio-warfare lab in Wuhan. Likewise, when the eldest daughter of the Church was destroyed during the French Revolution, as a result of Louis XIV’s failure to perform another Consecration, God didn’t have to specify that Freemasons would be the agents of His wrath.
(As a sidebar regarding Pius XII’s failure to perform the Consecration, I recently read Fr. Stehlin’s new (?) book about Fatima, called “The Great Secret of Fatima.” He posits therein that Pius XII’s orientation towards Fatima went from being very favorable to acting as though it didn’t exist. This change, he notes, occurred around 1952, not long after (1949) Cardinal Bea (one of the “progressives” and a Jesuit) became his confessor, and also because of the subversive writings of Fr. Dhanis, another Jesuit.)
RCA Victor,
What a brilliant comment – I learned more in that comment than almost anything else I’ve read on the subject.
I totally agree about the significance of repressing the Third Secret – I think if that was released in total, the whole Catholic world would cry out for the consecration of Russia, and maybe the rest of the world as well!
Your last para is very worrying. It would link in with something else I’ve read that I’ve never understood – which I won’t go into at present for various reasons. I certainly know that the modernist Fr Dhanis helped to destroy Fatima – or at least turn it into a pious irrelevance, but I didn’t know that Pius XII may have been ‘worked on’ with regard to Fatima. Is there any way it can be verified that Cdl Bea did actually become his confessor in 1949 and that Pius XII’s ardour towards Fatima cooled after that?
I don’t know what Fr. Stehlin’s sources were, but just to throw some conflicting information into the mix, the Wikipedia article says that Cdl. Bea became Pius XII’s Confessor in 1945, not 1949. Apparently, he was also not a Cardinal until elevated by John XXIII in 1959.
The 1945 date is confirmed by this website:
Here is another article about Bea, on Catholic Family News: a 2019 interview with Abp. Vigano, who has this to say about Bea:
“Since 1946 [yet another different date!], Pope Pius XII had fallen under the influence of his chosen confessor and spiritual director, Augustine Cardinal Bea, S.J., who, after the death of Pius XII, took as his personal secretary the young Irish priest Father Malachi Martin, S.J. Prior to Bea, the confessor of Pope Pius XII had been the stalwart Thomist theologian Michel-Louis Guérard des Lauriers, O.P., who had helped write the 1950 dogmatic decree on the bodily Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. For some reason, Pius XII removed his trusted Guérard des Lauriers and began confessing to and receiving spiritual direction from the Jesuit Cardinal Bea.
Cardinal Bea would reveal himself as a Modernist. He openly fought against the imposition of the anti-Modernist oath on clergy at Vatican II. He loved the new ‘ecumenism’ and worked with unbridled determination to appease Jewish rabbis and intellectuals and to remove anything they deemed anti-Semitic from Catholic teaching and liturgy (he would later draft for the Second Vatican Council Nostra aetate – the controversial document on the new ecumenism).”
There is a footnote to this excerpt referencing Taylor Marshall’s new book, Infiltration, which I have not read, but which was referred to by someone on this blog not long ago, I think.
Sorry, one more thing, from Fr. Stehlin’s book (I received a PDF link to his book from a fellow blogger – whom I think you know, he is the SSPX Militia Immaculatae Coordinator for the UK – but I promised him I would not share the link, since Father is trying to sell his book).
Here is an excerpt from Chapter II, “Fatima Despised”:
“In 1952, Pope Pius XII entrusted Fr. J. Schweigl with the charge of interviewing Sr. Lucia, especially on the subject of the Third Secret. Fr. Schweigl delivered his report of Sr. Lucia’s responses to his questions to the Holy Office, but that report was never made public. At around the same time Pius XII began to change his position towards Fatima and he practically never spoke of Fatima again. We do not know the exact reason for such a radical change, but we can however advance some important hints: in 1949 a very progressivist hierarch, Cardinal Bea, became the confessor of Pius XII. At around the same time a change of attitude of Pius XII is to be noticed concerning the doctrine about Our Lady and her role in the work of salvation.
Yet in his encyclical Mystici Corporis in 1943 he presents Our Lady as
Co-redemptrix, as the New Eve and Mediatrix of all graces. Since 1950
he avoids these terms and insists more on her power of intercession.
Cardinal Bea had already a very ecumenical attitude towards the
Protestants, and certainly wanted to please them. Maybe his influence
on the Pope could have provoked this change of attitude.”
(In Part I of this chapter he deals with Fr. Dhanis.)
I’m actually puzzled about Chris Ferrara because I’m almost sure he’s said in a separate article that he sees this Coronavirus business as being part of the chastisement.
Anyway, I have been browsing the website and copied this from their section on non-fulfilment of the Fatima consecration of Russia:
“History has demonstrated the results of the Pope and bishops’ failure to consecrate Russia. We have seen countless wars and conflicts: World War II; the Korean and Vietnam Wars; countless bloody revolutions in Africa, Latin America and Southeast Asia; the recent Iraqi war, etc. Also, we have the war against the unborn being fought, even on our own soil, in which 50 million babies are killed every year worldwide.
All around us we have evidence that we are not living in the period of peace promised by Our Lady of Fatima. Yet all of these horrible punishments could have been avoided, and future problems can still be avoided, through the Consecration of Russia. It is the Pope and bishops’ delay in fulfilling the command of God to perform a collegial Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary that has allowed the terrible devastations of the past century – after 1929, when the formal command for the Consecration was given – to occur. The destruction will only continue to escalate if the conversion of Russia is not obtained; we will see the predicted enslavement of the whole world, and the actual annihilation of various nations.
Thus the consequences of neglecting to perform this simple act of consecration are immeasurable. We must pray that it be done soon, and that we be spared from enslavement and annihilation. Just as the first Pope, St. Peter, was freed from prison by the early Christians’ prayers, our current Pope can be similarly aided by our prayers, so that he will finally obey Heaven’s requests and consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.”
It’s as plain on the noses of all our faces that this is God’s way of reminding us that we will be overtaken by brutal Communism if the Fatima Message is not fulfilled.
Our Lady of Fatima is there for us, but we need to do all we can to bring about that fulfilment. We can do what we can, but only the Pope can do the consecration of Russia. What is wrong with the man!
Another thing we should note is that “Communism,” as a label, has now disguised itself in the West under a variety of names, such as globalism, multilateralism and environmentalism, and its ideology under such schemes as universal vaccination, climate change, open borders, abortion and homosexual “rights,” euthanasia, political correctness, etc.
I hope that public awareness has risen to a level well beyond where people still think that “Communism is dead,” when in fact it has just changed its spots and is more dangerous than ever.
RCA Victor,
That is one hugely important point you make about the term “Communism”. Absolutely it goes under the various names you list. If only people would think. Think, think, think. And when they’ve done that – think again!
Speaking of wicked men being the agents of God’s wrath, that obviously includes wolves-in-sheep’s-clothing clergy:
RCA Victor,
Dreadful. Thank you for that link – shocking but not surprising, as ever.
By the way, the daily briefing from Downing Street today, led by the man, Health Secretary of State, Matt Hancock, whom I consider to be a tailor-made dictator, brought news that they are going to begin trials on a vaccine on humans this week – Thursday, to be precise. Can anyone (in their right mind) believe this? These trials usually take years. How do I know that? Because Dictator Hancock said so, in the same breath that he announced the trials beginning on Thursday.
I would love to meet the humans who are participating in the trials.
And I presume Matt Hancock and the PM will be the first to be vaccinated after the trial is (as it is sure to be) declared a success? Live? On TV?
Yeah right.
Perhaps the UK hierarchy would volunteer for the initial trials…the rest I leave unsaid….
I can’t wait for the day when I am called in for my vaccine. Until I get an assurance that the vaccine contains nothing from a foetus, I will, using the strongest language possible in the realm of godliness, politely refuse.
The Bitter Pill, aka The Tablet, has this story about the main SSPX chapel in Paris being fined for holding the Easter Vigil Mass during the “lockdown.”
Aside from the typical leftist smear characterizing the SSPX as “ultratraditionalist,” (whatever that means), here’s a choice paragraph:
“The YouTube broadcast of the vigil showed a large group of traditionally vested priests and altar servers there, none wearing masks or keeping social distance from each other. According to news reports, more than 20 people attended.”
Can you imagine a Mass with masked clergy and servers, and trying to maintain “social distancing” while celebrating Mass? I can’t either, but just wait: some Communist martinet will decree that before too long.
Here’s a story of a heroic SSPX priest offering Mass in a locked-down Muslim country. Sounds almost like conditions during the English Deformation….er, “Reformation.”
I think this is terrible – police trying to force a priest out during in Italy Mass (I think this is novus ordo but the priest has guts.)
There is a video on YouTube (I just wish I could speak Italian!)
Covid-19 the beginning of the chastisement promised at Fatima? Er, what about the 9-11 million soldiers estimated to have died in World War 1, to say nothing of the 8 million civilians estimated to have died in the same conflict, including the victims of war-related famine and disease? What about the horrors of the World War 2 –essentially a Russo-German conflict notwithstanding what we British, still in my day, were brought up to think (on this point Peter Hitchens is excellent and worth looking for on YouTube) – with its estimated 75 million deaths, including Hiroshima and Nagasaki which took man’s inhumanity to man to a whole new level? What about the horrors perpetrated by Stalin and Mao? What about the genocides in Cambodia, Bosnia, and Rwanda? What about 9/11? What about the opioid crisis in the United States which I believe killed more Americans in 2018 than died in the entire course of the Vietnam War. What about the estimated over 61 million abortions to have taken place in the United States alone since Roe v. Wade? What about the virtual collapse in the West of Christianity of all denominations? Covid-19 the beginning of the chastisement? As our esteemed Editor is wont to say on occasion, ‘Come on, gerra grip!’
That said, what what Covid-19 has confirmed, in my view, is that mankind, notwithstanding the horrors of the bloody century it has left behind, has lost none of its appetite for attempting to create heaven on earth (Marxism is, let us not forget, a Christian heresy), even when the risk is a pandemic capable of bringing death and misery to millions in almost every country in the world. It would be very strange if such an emergency were not to be hijacked by ideological forces, especially on the Left, who see this as an opportunity to further their political agenda. In this Ferrara, not a writer I am particularly drawn to, is right.
Leaving aside doctrinal questions such as the relationship between public and private Revelation which have been rehearsed here ad nauseam and over which tempers seem to flare very easily, I believe increasingly in the relevance of Fatima which warns us of the consequences of creating a world without God. God will not be mocked, not even by indifference, and seems ready to consent to mankind suffering the most appalling consequences for its hubristic folly which, it must be said, will be as nothing compared to pains of Hell. As far as Christians are concerned, I do think that the Covid-19 emergency is revealing a new level of secular intolerance for religion in general and the God of Jesus Christ in particular. If I am right, we really do have to sit up and take notice because a persecution could be just around the corner. However, the answer is not to retreat. It is to stand our ground and announce the love of God revealed in Jesus Christ more forthrightly and credibly than ever.
Concerning the specific question of the consecration of Russia, here too I am not going to go over the old ground of whether it has been done and whether Sister Lucy said and/or thought that it had been done. What I will say is that even if one were to accept that the consecration of Russia would bring about a season of peace for the world, in the grand scheme of things it could only be a parenthesis, however long. The Book of Revelation leaves us in no doubt that the world will descend into chaos and misery before the return of the Saviour. Such, unfortunately, is our fallen human nature.
With all due respect, it is clear that you are not a believer in the Fatima apparitions. As a friend of mine said several days ago, anyone who queries whether what is going on right now is part of the foretold chastisement, has not read the Fatima literature or, at least, not read it thoroughly enough for it to register. To which I would add, is unable to get past the political implications – Our Lady warned about Communism, not because she prefers Capitalism but because Communism is totally atheistic, brutal and will destroy the world. The restrictions under which we are living now, are classic Communist techniques. We are virtually under house arrest and subject to brainwashing.
On public and private revelation. Fatima is the first ever apparition to promise a public miracle, giving the precise location, date and time, and which was thus lampooned in the secular (Communist) press, with armed guards sent to prevent crowds gathering. 70,000 people gathered nonetheless as did journalists, who, on witnessing the miracle of the sun, were converted on the spot. The reporting next day in the press was very different indeed to what had been hitherto planned. If you want to categorise that as a private revelation, you do that. I’ve always understood a private revelation to be … well… private – between the visionary and an individual. 70,000 people is, kinda, not so private.
World War II was foretold at Fatima. Indeed, the unknown light which would be seen prior to the outbreak of war, was itself foretold. The New York Times devoted an entire page to that light and it was reported in every major newspaper at the time. I’m going over that again in the May newsletter, which reminds, me, I’m working hammer and tongs to finish that today, so I will be keeping a low profile. If you come back at me on this, I may not get to reply to it until much later today.
Our Lady spoke of “wars and persecutions” in the Fatima apparitions, and she described, precisely, how the Consecration of Russia was to be carried out. Nobody, not even those who claim that it has been done, pretend that it was done as she prescribed. It has not. Manifestly. Unless you think (a) that she got it wrong by promising a period of world peace following that Consecration or (b) that we are, indeed, enjoying that period of world peace. Rather, it seems to me, that, frankly, you are in the Pope Benedict camp on this one – that something so simple, as a consecration of Russia, could bring about world peace. He, you see, being so much more intellectual, so much cleverer than Our Lady. Me, I’m a simple gal – I tend to the naïve view that God would not send His mother to earth to ask for something that The Pope Who Ran For Fear of the Wolves thinks cannot achieve His stated end.
Tempers flaring? No, just a sense of frustration that, as Our Lady said so sadly, even the “good” are not bothering about her Message. It is all very clear – unless you make the monumental mistake of reading the false friends of Fatima type websites. Those who claim they believe then set about dismantling the apparitions and message, such as those who lie about Sister Lucy’s statements. The only wholly trustworthy source of information about Fatima is
I will simply point out that if Our Lady at Fatima spoke of wars and persecutions, including the conflicts you specify, and I have never argued to the contrary, then COVID-19 can hardly, logically speaking, be the beginning of the chastisement. You seem now to be saying that COVID-19 is not the beginning, but rather a kind of upping of the tempo, so to speak, but that is not quite the same thing.
Concerning the expression ‘Public Revelation’, I am using in the specifically Catholic theological sense. Catholic theology has traditionally made a very strong distinction between Public (sometimes called in English ‘universal’) Revelation which is commonly held to have concluded with the death of the last Apostle, and Private Revelation. If you think that Fatima was somehow re-opening up of the Public Revelation by God almost two thousand years after the death of the last apostle, then that, I have to tell you, is, in my humble opinion, heresy, pure and simple.
You seem to be unaware that one of the sixty-five propositions condemned by the Decree Lamentabili sane exitu (the forerunner to Pope St. Pius X’s Encyclical Pascendi Dominici gregis) of the Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office ( 3 July 1907) (we are, let it not be forgotten, in the midst of the Modernist crisis), is the following: ‘That the Revelation, which constitutes the object of Catholic faith, did not conclude with the Apostles’ (Proposition 21). Already the First Vatican Ecumenical Council had taught, in the Fourth Chapter of its Dogmatic Constitution on the Catholic Faith Pastor Aeternus, devoted to nothing less than the Infallible Teaching Authority of the Roman Pontiff, that ‘the holy Spirit was promised to the successors of Peter not so that they might, by his revelation, make known some new doctrine, but that, by his assistance, they might religiously guard and faithfully expound the revelation or deposit of faith transmitted by the apostles’ (18 July 1870).
This is just basic, bread-and-butter Catholic doctrine usually imparted in the first semester of any Catholic theology degree worthy of the name. But I stress that it is the concept of the ‘deposit of faith’, specifically Catholic, which is the key to this whole thing. As the Bavarian theologian Dr. Ludwig Ott (1906-1985), usually much quoted by traditionalists, said in his Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma (1955), page 7:
With Christ and the Apostles General Revelation Concluded. Pope Pius X rejected the liberal Protestant and Modernistic doctrine of the evolution of religion through “New Revelations.” Thus he condemned the proposition that: “The Revelation, which is the object of Catholic Faith, was not terminated with the Apostles” (D 2021).
The clear teaching of Holy Writ and Tradition is that after Christ, and the Apostles who proclaimed the message of Christ, no further revelation will be made. Christ was the fulfillment of the Law of the Old Testament (Mt. 5, 17; 2, 21 et seq.) and the absolute teacher of humanity (Mt. 23, 10: “One is your master, Christ”; cf. Mt. 28, 20). The Apostles saw in Christ: “the coming of the fullness of time” (Gal. 4,4) and regarded as their task, the preservation, integral and unfalsified, of the heritage of Faith entrusted to them by Christ (1 Tim. 6, 16; 6, 20; 2 Tim 1, 14; 2, 2; 3, 14). The Fathers indignantly repudiated the claim of the heretics to possess secret doctrines or new Revelations of the Holy Ghost. St. Irenaeus (Adv. Haer III 1; IV 35, 8), and Tertullian (De praesc. 21) stress, against the Gnostics, that the full truth of revelation is contained in the doctrine of the Apostles which is preserved unfalsified through the uninterrupted succession of the bishops.
No, Editor, contrary to what you, if you do not mind my saying so, so summarily affirm, I do indeed believe in the authenticity of the appearances at Fatima of the Blessed Virgin. But, as a Catholic, I consider them to be firmly in the realm of Private Revelation. (Incidentally, Catholic doctrine and theology know no tertia via between Public and Private Revelation. To posit such a third way would inevitably be to wade recklessly into the mire of ongoing Revelation beloved by Quakers and Jehovah’s Witnessed precisely because they have no concept of depositum fidei.) And concerning Private Revelation, we would all do well to recall and reflect on what Pope Benedict XIV (1675-1758) taught (I think in his De Servorum Dei Beatificatione et de Beatorum Canonizatione, but I cannot locate my copy at the present time and have only to hand a note I made many years ago) concerning Private Revelation: ‘Even though many of these revelations have been approved, we cannot and we ought not to give them the assent of divine faith, but only that of human faith, according to the dictates of prudence whenever these dictates enable us to decide that they are worth of pious credence.’
I think that here there has to be a complete re-think of how Fatima is presented on this Blog in the light of the fundamentals of the Catholic doctrine of the Revelation, because sometimes, frankly speaking, one has the impression that it is seen here almost a thirteenth article of faith which, if we accept the teaching of Benedict XIV and the whole of Tradition, it emphatically is not. The ‘full truth ‘of revelation is, as Dr. Ott states, contained in the doctrine of the Apostles, from which it follows that nothing contained in Private Revelation is necessary for salvation. The future of the Church and humanity is dependent not so much on their direct adherence to Fatima, which, let us not forget Catholics cannot be obliged to believe just as they cannot be obliged to believe any revelation, but on their adherence to Christ of which Fatima is, at the very most, a prophetic recall.
Might I suggest that before we continue this debate that we all read the following article (published in the venerable Catholic Encyclopedia, 1907-1914) which, in my humble opinion, is a fair summary of the Catholic position from a theological and doctrinal point of view:
I agree with some of what you say, but all. You are correct to point out that Covid-19 can hardly be said to represent the beginning of the chastisement, given the many greater sufferings humanity has had to endure since the Fatima apparitions of 1917. It is, however, a contiuation of the spread of the errors of Russia, bearing in mind that Russia is the source of China’s brutal Communism and remains to this day China’s closest ally. So Covid-19 represents a new and dangerous phase in the unfolding of the tragedy Our Lady predicted insofar as it presents, as we see, the opportunity for our own culturally Marxist leaders to introduce totalitarianism under the guise of saving lives.
Looking at the present situation with this virus it becomes clearer and clearer that it is not behaving like a normal pandemic, which is to say only the world’s leading economies are badly affected by it. The question therefore arises: Is this a genuine killer virus or is it an orchestration by left wing governments and media to remove civil liberties, bring about geopolitical changes, most especially ridding the world of Donald Trump, the pro-life, anti-globalist leader of the free world who stands in their way, and ushering in a new era of strict state policing of the peoples of nations. If you look at how the various Socialist countries are behaving right now, the lockdowns, talk of mandatory vaccinations and the possible permanent wearing of face masks, eradication of handshaking, etc., these are all measures already in place in Beijing. At the same time, the WHO is covering for Beijing’s crime while the UN has just appointed China to its “Human Rights” Council at a time when it has not only holds the smoking gun for this deadly virus, if it exists at all, but is also currently brutalising the underground Catholic Church in China.
In other words, apart from Donald Trump, the man they love to hate, every nation, including the UK, is at best silent on China or, at worst, supportive of China. The Chinese infiltration of our own sensitive national security networks, 5G and nuclear, tells its own story, as does the 2005 red carpet treatment when President Xi made his State visit here, including the honour of addressing parliament, an honour denied President Trump who met with hostility.
Yes, I suspect there is a lot more going on than we reealise and it has to do with a shared international ideological leaning, namely Marxism.
On that note, I have to take issue with your calling Marxism “a Christian heresy”, it is nothing of the sort. While it is true that the theoreticians, architects and peddlers of Marxism have enjoyed some success in adopting and perverting Catholic Social Justice principles, the people behind the evil are well known to be non-Christian. Besides that, hatred for God is well beyond mere doctrinal deviance being openly Luciferian in its words and deeds.
As regards Fatima, the time of world peace promised by Our Lady will infallibly arrive at the end of the time of chastisement, when the Pope and bishops of the world are finally obliged to open their eyes and obey heaven.
No one knows how long that time of peace and glorious restoration of all things in Christ will last, though it is thought that it would have to last some considerable time if its end is the appearance of Anti-Christ followed by the Last Judgment. In this regard, I will merely remind you that St. Peter said (can’t remember the exact Scriptural passage) “For God a day is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as a day”. I find that quite comforting, not to mention predictive of a period of peace in the world that will be quite lengthy prior to the final end. It will include involve the conversion of the Jews who will become the most ardent apostles of Our Lord.
A Christian heresy in the sense that it is, in essence, a perversion of the Gospel in an attempt to create heaven on earth.
Given this sentence in your post, I’m not so sure you are a Fatima skeptic:
I believe increasingly in the relevance of Fatima which warns us of the consequences of creating a world without God.
As for your description of Marxism as a Christian heresy, please elaborate on this puzzling statement. I checked Belloc’s The Great Heresies to see if I’d missed something, particularly in the last chapter, “The Modern Phase,” but there is no mention of the modern phase as a heresy. Rather, he characterizes materialistic atheism (i.e. Marxism) as a facet of an all-out, comprehensive attack against the Church, whose aim is her destruction and the destruction of the civilization she built.
N O T I C E . . .
I’ve just signed this petition to have Bill Gates investigated for crimes against humanity, and exhort everyone here to sign it as well.
Thank you for that link, I’ve signed. And I didn’t know that a “Military World Games” was conducted in Wuhan on the same day as “Event 201.” The plot thickens, into an increasingly sinister soup.
I’ve signed as well, there’s something very sinister going on with this Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation that needs urgent investigation. By the way, do you know that Melinda Gates is yet another apostate Catholic, all in favour of a woman’s right to choose (abortion). As RCA Victor says, the plot thickens!
From Liam Jenkinson,
Please see the following :
More Catholicism from a Protestant then we currently get from the majority of Catholics from the Pope down!
Love and Prayers
Liam Jenkinson
On the subject of the errors of Russia, and Communism changing its spots, today happens to be the 50th “Earth Day,” which brings the Communists and their useful idiots out in force. For example, look on Breitbart for an article about Greta Thunberg’s latest pronouncement, that the Corona virus “crisis” and the “climate crisis” should be tackled together.
But just for a little comic relief, here is a partial list of gloom-and-doom predictions that were published on the original “Earth Day” in 1970:
“Civilization will end within 15 or 30 years (1985-2000) unless immediate action is taken against problems facing mankind.” — Harvard biologist George Wald
“Man must stop pollution and conserve his resources, not merely to enhance existence but to save the race from intolerable deterioration and possible extinction.” — New York Times editorial
“Population will inevitably and completely outstrip whatever small increases in food supplies we make. The death rate will increase until at least 100-200 million people per year will be starving to death during the next ten years.” — Stanford University biologist Paul Ehrlich
“Most of the people who are going to die in the greatest cataclysm in the history of man have already been born… [By 1975] some experts feel that food shortages will have escalated the present level of world hunger and starvation into famines of unbelievable proportions. Other experts, more optimistic, think the ultimate food-population collision will not occur until the decade of the 1980s.” — Paul Ehrlich
“Demographers agree almost unanimously on the following grim timetable: by 1975 widespread famines will begin in India; these will spread by 1990 to include all of India, Pakistan, China and the Near East, Africa. By the year 2000, or conceivably sooner, South and Central America will exist under famine conditions…. By the year 2000, thirty years from now, the entire world, with the exception of Western Europe, North America, and Australia, will be in famine.” — North Texas State University professor Peter Gunter
“In a decade (by 1980), urban dwellers will have to wear gas masks to survive air pollution… by 1985 air pollution will have reduced the amount of sunlight reaching earth by one half.” — Life magazine
“By the year 2000, if present trends continue, we will be using up crude oil at such a rate… that there won’t be any more crude oil. You’ll drive up to the pump and say, ‘Fill ‘er up, buddy,’ and he’ll say, ‘I am very sorry, there isn’t any.’” — Ecologist Kenneth Watt
“The world has been chilling sharply for about twenty years. If present trends continue, the world will be about four degrees colder for the global mean temperature in 1990, but eleven degrees colder in the year 2000. This is about twice what it would take to put us into an ice age.” — Kenneth Watt
A new interview with Abp. Vigano on the present crisis, though with one odd statement:
…I am pleased to give this interview for the faithful of Portugal, which the Blessed Virgin has promised to preserve in the Faith even in these times of great trial.
I don’t think His Excellency is one of those who has read the Third Secret, but Our Lady promised no such thing to Portugal, since we don’t know how this sentence ends:
“In Portugal, the dogma of the faith will always be preserved, etc.”
Nevertheless, a powerful interview:
I contacted a local priest recently to arrange a confession, and he said it wasn’t possible due to the lockdown. My confession, like everyone else’s, needs to be heard in case of a sudden and unprovided for death. We needn’t come into close contact, due to us being in the box and separated by the grille. This is nothing more than Satan and his stooges on earth wandering around for the ruin of souls. I wouldn’t want to stand in the hierarchy’s shoes on the day of judgement.
He told me just to make an act of contrition and come to confession as soon as the lockdown is lifted.
That is a disgrace. Any priest who refused to hear my confession, would never hear the sound of my voice again, inside or outside the confessional.
I suggest you not worry, and try to make a perfect act of contrition – which just means getting yourself in the frame of mind to express sorrow for your sins because you love God and know that they offend Him, and not just because you’re afraid of Hell.
Do a little spiritual reading about Our Lord’s Passion and Death – all to give us the possibility of Heaven – and/or listen to one of the touching hymns to the Sacred Heart or Lent hymn, such as Lord of Mercy and Compassion, and then make your perfect act of contribution, where you express your sorrow for sins because you love God and are deeply sorry for offending Him.
As you say, who would want to stand in the shoes of these priests and bishops at their judgment. Nobody can hide behind obedience on this – nobody is obliged to obey a bishop who commands priests to refuse the Sacraments. What a scandal that so many are ready to do so.
That’s all I can do. I have written myself a spiritual timetable to structure my day, and I will make an act of Contrition after confessing my sins directly to God. One thing is a fact, I won’t be darkening my parish church again. I will attend the SSPX in Manchester, even if I have to go without food. It is a 40 minute train ride away, and I don’t know everything about the modernist crisis, Archbishop Lefebvre or the SSPX, but I know enough.
I read a report about an SSPX priest in Asia who lived in one country but had to fly into the country in question to celebrate Sunday Mass, usually returning to the neighbouring country on the Sunday evening or Monday. However, he had just returned home and as soon as he heard the country he had returned from was going into lockdown, he went back on the next flight. He says Mass, and even has a small number who attend the chapel. They even sleep there. An elderly lady died, and the family asked priest after priest to say a requiem Mass, but were refused using the lockdown to justify their refusal. They are refusing to say private masses. Anyway, as a ‘last resort’, they asked the SSPX priest, who obliged. The Novus Ordo hierarchy is a disgrace.
I posted that article higher up in this thread, but here it is again:
Read this booklet on Perfect Contrition – especially helpful in these times of no confession:-
Apologies if this has been posted before:-
If anyone tells you the Secret has been released, quote this passage:- “Our Lady asked [the secret] to be revealed in 1960, but John XXIII published, on February 8 of that year, a statement in which he stated that […] ‘he does not want to assume the responsibility of guaranteeing the truth of the words that the three little shepherds say that the Virgin Mary addressed to them.’” Note that – WORDS – not a ‘vision’. Although I believe the vision released in 2000 to be genuine, there are WORDS explaining the vision that still need to come out.
Westminster Fly,
That’s a very important link, so thank you for it. It says in a few words from a main player – Pope John XXIII – that the Vatican has definitely not released the full text of the Third Secret.
That’s really important. I will use that next time I’m told that the Vatican released the Third Secret in 2000. They didn’t, only part of it and the text explaining it is crucial.
Thanks again.
That is just shocking. Surely it would not be beyond the wit of your priest to arrange confession with adequate social distancing. Presbytery garden? Back of the church? Quiet area of a local park? It will be hard to hold priests who refuse the sacraments in any esteem henceforth. Where is their faith? As editor said, you will be fine but I fear for the soul of the priest. Sad sad times.
Unbelievably, the BBC is reporting that the social restrictions are to remain in place for the rest of the year!
They mean, obviously, for everyone else. I’m exempt. In other words, do they think we’re all stupid?
And do they think we’ll all pay a fine for doing what any person living in a free society has always done – er… visit a friend, a relative, go out when they choose?
At the risk of some busy-body reporting me to the “authorities” allow me to say quite clearly that absolutely not all of us will comply… Definitely not.
Added in a little time later…
We are giving serous thought as to how to protest this, if it comes to pass. Writing to MPs and MSPs is a waste of good paper and time. But protest we must – as well as pray very hard.
I hope I’m not adding to confusion with my ignorance, but I need some clarification with regard to the renewed debate among Prognosticum, Editor and Athanasius regarding the nature of Fatima as to “revelation.”
In labeling Fatima as a “public revelation,” it seems to me that there is a lack of precision in the use of the term revelation. My understanding is that some traditionalists refer to Fatima as a public revelation because of the Miracle of the Sun, witnessed in a very public way by 70,000 people. However, there was no revelation – i.e. no “direct speech of God to man” (as the Encyclopedia puts it) during said Miracle. There was just the Miracle, no?
If that is correct, and since the rest of the Fatima apparitions were private, wouldn’t it be more accurate to refer to Fatima not as a public revelation, but as a series of private revelations with a miraculous public confirmation?
RCA Victor,
The expression which Father Gruner RIP used and explained very clearly, was “public prophetic revelation” – and the term applied to the Fatima miracle I take to mean that the miracle was confirmatory in nature; there can be no new revelation, as we know, but miracles do happen which confirm revelation (e.g. Eucharistic miracles are not teaching anything new, but confirming what we already know to be true about the Real Presence.)
In the case of Fatima, the children said that the people were asking for a miracle to prove the truth of what they (the seers) were telling them, and so Our Lady granted that request. Father Gruner would quote St Paul’s exhortation not to neglect the prophets – and he meant the contemporary (for want of a better word) prophets. God continues to speak to us through His messengers, and the Fatima seers fall into that category, no doubt about it.
Thus, by (for the first time ever in the history of the world) announcing a precise date, time and location for a public miracle, Our Lady confirmed that the children were telling the truth and that the message from God, revealed to them about future events, should be believed.
That’s what I’ve always understood by the term. For me, the fact that even the Communist press and mayor are quoted as witnesses in newspaper reports at the time, is sufficient to convince me that the miracle took place. It certainly can’t be a private revelation if 70,000 were “in the know” in such a spectacular fashion. And, of course, the message is not a typical private revelation of a particular devotion or whatever – this was a message for the entire world. Nothing private about it, and, as I say, the description given by Fr Gruner seems perfect to my way of thinking – public, prophetic revelation (publicly revealing the truth of the Fatima Message, which was – as we are finding out to our grave concern – about as prophetic as it gets.)
Hope this helps, RCA Victor. If not, be aware of my personal motto which is… if at first you don’t succeed… forget it ! 😀
Thank you for that explanation, and I hope you have a coat of arms to go with your personal motto…
RCA Victor,
That’s not saying much – “thank you for that explanation”… Did it help? Did it make sense? Tread carefully…
I was still thinking…and I must be getting dense in my old age (though our bones are supposed to get lighter with age), but I think the use of the word “revelation” to describe a public event that was not itself a revelation, but a confirmation of a private one, is misleading.
But what do I know? I’m no Father Gruner (RIP), nor do I play one on TV. Honestly, I don’t think it’s worth the loss of mass quantities of zeroes on my paycheck…
RCA Victor,
If you agree that Fatima cannot be classed as a “private” revelation, then it really doesn’t matter how you label it.
I thought the “Eucharistic miracle” analogy was a stroke of genius, but, then, I would 😀
I thought that because, although I fully believe the dogmatic teaching of the Church on the Eucharist/Real Presence, on hearing about specific Eucharistic miracles, my own reaction is always astonishment, amazement etc. – the teaching is, so to speak, revealed to me, anew.
I don’t think that the word “revelation” can only be used to describe NEW teachings. I mean, don’t you think my every comment on this blog is a revelation?
Do I look stupid enough to expect an answer to that rhetorical question? 😀
I feel that Catholic Truth Scotland will find this YOUTUBE clip very interesting and why the editors suggestion to protest is a must. The hidden powers pushing an agenda at this time do not like ‘a people’s revolt,’ they expect us to act like sheep!
I watched that film and it is very interesting. The young man doing the presentation made it rather difficult to concentrate, though – his exuberance and breaking off from the text he was reading to us in order to “explain” it to us, was rather distracting. The material is so utterly clear and so obviously evil, that it really didn’t need much interpretation. He was anxious, however, that we all got the message, God love him. Anyway, it’s sobering, though because, filmed in 2014, it could have been filmed yesterday – what he reveals as having been planned back then, is exactly what is happening right now.
The one thing that I don’t think he got right – and this may be a difference of national characteristics (we have seen protests already in the USA) is that, in my experience, there IS no appetite to protest here. The people in the UK – certainly in Scotland are like putty in the hands of the politicians and “experts”. I went into a local shop this afternoon and I saw more people there wearing face masks that you’d see in any surgical theatre in any hospital in the land. I never know whether to laugh or scream at this. So, I keep a straight face – it’s not the loveliest face in the world but I want to keep it intact for a bit longer 😀
Someone put one of these “do you need help from our Coronavirus support group” leaflets though my door today, so I rang the number with the intention of asking for their help, not for food boxes or whatever else they were offering, but help in finding the number of the nearest protest group. Nobody answered the phone, so there’s one very clued-in Guardian Angel at work for that particular volunteer 😀
Knowing how compliant everyone is being, how ridiculously trusting of the “experts”, it’s difficult to see how we could protest in any meaningful way.
I won’t be complying with any of the “new normal” requirements, though, and I won’t be paying any fines, so I may end up in prison which won’t be too bad because all the thieves and murderers have been sent home for the duration.
Make it up, you could not!
Judging from your Brexit votes, I’d guess that the only way the British are comfortable with protests (American-style) is through the ballot box. You know, stiff upper lip and all that.
BTW, if all British citizens must now wear face masks, their upper lips will be concealed, so they can drop their dignified apathy and try something different.
That video certainly reveals the true intent of our ruling elites. I wonder if Donald Trump really knew what he was getting into when he pledged to “drain the swamp.” The swamp, Mr. President, contains a lot more than corrupt politicians and bureaucrats. It is a quicksand pit of pedophiles and Satanists.
RCA Victor,
I saw a clip of Trump with his female doctor person, Deborah something – she works for the WHO, I believe. Anyway, she posted a graph showing long lines representing the virus in various countries with China almost a dot at the foot of the graph. President Trump said “Do you believe those figures?” And he said it more than once.
She did her best to race on, but I would say he’s well and truly on to them. I just wish he would sack her (And Fauci, whom he has also challenged openly at the briefings – e.g. when Fauci said, what they are saying here, that things would never be the same/would not return to normal blah blah – Trump jumped in and assured everyone that things WOULD improve, that the country would be “open” again asap).
I think he’s the only world leader with anything more than a piece of cloth between his ears. That’s why they hate him so much.
Deborah Birx and Dr. Fauci-Stein are both members of the Bill Gates/NWO circle of “universal vaccination” and “population control” cabal. I agree that they need to be shown the door…or better yet:
I’d rethink that last sentence given his comments today about disinfectant. The dangerous thing is, whilst he is right about many things, people will listen to him on this. I can well imagine the news reports: ‘dozens of Americans in hospital after drinking harpic’.
I didn’t hear Trump saying that live, about disinfectant, although that is being reported all over the news. I only heard something about “light and heat”. I believe there was a clip played but I am so used to hearing Trump being taken out of context that I’m waiting to hear his live briefing later tonight (our time) before I will fully believe it.
However, whatever, Donald Trump has admitted that he sometimes gets things wrong, says the wrong thing. This, of course – if absolutely accurate – is a tremendously BIG thing to get wrong and he needs to admit that without delay.
He is less than perfect, no question about it. But he knows that and is still, without question, the best world leader around at the moment. He needs to stop “thinking out loud” which is what I think he tends to do. He knows he is among enemies at those press briefings but because he appears not to be vindictive, not someone who holds grudges and watches his back around enemies all the time, it seems to me that he lets his guard down too often, and says things which – if he took time to think about the matter and/or checked with the medics – he wouldn’t say. Especially around the shameless press hacks and mocking media.
Speaking of mocking media… I listened to the Radio Scotland news at lunchtime, in my car, and I have to say that, for all his faults, and despite the stupidity of saying something so ridiculous, I had a strong feeling that Trump is a great deal closer to the mind of God – a great deal more of a human being – than the arrogant, superior-sounding reporters or whatever their daft job description/titles are, who were openly mocking him. Nasty people. Unthinking people, because, speaking about stupidity…
I couldn’t help wondering why they didn’t turn their attention to our First Minister who stood in front of the new (temporary) hospital in Glasgow – fully equipped – with 1,000 beds, telling the TV camera that she “hopes we won’t need to use them.” Er? I was expecting to see a line of ambulances outside, waiting to deliver their patients. What a piece of nonsense.
Next day my nephew’s “urgent” (months ago, according to the Consultant) back operation was cancelled, having already been postponed.
And people are having their cancer treatment cancelled – the hospitals have all but closed to everything except this virus, so why not put all these Coronavirus patients together in the “new” temporary hospital and leave the rest of the hospitals to work as usual?
Why? Because it doesn’t play into the blether that the world must, literally, come to a standstill because of this “new” virus.
Hence, it’s easier just to bring the NHS to a standstill, blaming this pandemic for cancelling operations, including an urgent operation for a teenager who may just end up being severely disabled as a result. Take note though, that the same operation could be carried out in two or three weeks time – potentially by an NHS Consultant – at a Glasgow private hospital if the parents could just find upward of £18,000. They’re still checking under the bed, because they’ve been told that they cannot be given a timescale for re-arranging the operation as planned in the NHS hospital. Disgraceful.
If Donald Trump has his faults, even serious faults, such as making a dangerous suggestion (quickly corrected by the experts) then where does that leave our politicians here, and their “expert” advisers?
Do I look stupid enough to want an answer to that rhetorical question?
Editor and CC1,
That “stiff upper lip” the British were renowned for is now a trembling lip. Our country has been super soft for a long time. The only aggressive demonstrators these days are the left wing liberals.
Hopefully if people are pushed hard enough they will wake up. And…do more penance. I also have to wonder whether England has balanced the Divine Ledger for slaughtering Catholics during the so-called reformation.
A very interesting video indeed. This could have been made yesterday, it is do remarkably similar to what’s happening now. Thanks for posting.
Thanks Athanasius, this video explains things in greater detail.
Yes, that video is definitely more telling, presented in a calm and irrefutable manner. Extremely worrying stuff!
Here’s a video from a respiratory therapist, somewhere in Georgia, USA, I think:
Straight from the horses mouth, so to speak. This is happening in every country, the same orchestration, the same false statistical method of counting. What troubles me most is that President Trump appears to be going along with it, for whatever reason, as does the profoundly Catholic leader of Soth Korea, the one who consecrated his Presidential office facilities to the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady. The mind boggles!
Here’s an interesting site I came across yesterday:
I notice Dr Taylor Marshall has retweeted information about Covid19 from a QAnon account which has previously been discussed here. QAnon also seem to think this is a hoax.
On the other hand, Lifesite news have published this story about Coronavirus being a chastisement from God because of the Novus Ordo scandal of Communion in the hand
I think we can concluded that the hoax virus chastisement might have nothing to do with Fatima or the consecration of Russia? Rather, we are receiving this chastisement (in the form of a hoax virus) because Communion on the hand.
Nobody here would argue that Communion in the hand is a monumental scandal and surely angers God, as do the many other scandals sadly abounding within the Church today, perpetrated by churchmen and compliant, ignorant laity.
However, there can be no doubt that we are witnessing the unfolding of that part of the Fatima message which warns of Communism spreading – and it doesn’t spread to the benefit of either ordinary human life or religion. Quite the contrary.
So, with all due respect, I think we certainly CAN conclude that this virus and the lockdowns have everything to do with Fatima and, in particular, with the urgent need to consecrate Russia, as directed from Heaven, through Our Lady.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
But Editor, how can you possibly know with such certainty that the hoax virus chastisement is because of the failure to consecrate Russia rather than communion in the hand?
As the original article from the Fatima Centre and Q-Anon states – this virus is no worse than a bad year of seasonal flu.
Similarly, all the other videos posted here also confirm that the virus is a hoax and that all our Governments, media outlets and Doctors are all clearly lying to us when they say thousands more have died than normal, and hundreds more people than usual continue to die from Covid19 every single day.
Therefore, Our Lord must be allowing this lie to spread around the world as part of a chastisement for Communion in the hand not because of Russia.
The only way it could be related directly to the spread of the errors of Communism and Fatima is if the virus was deliberately created in a lab and then spread by the Communists on purpose.
If the virus is from the Chinese Communists then it would NOT be a hoax created by western our Media, Freemasonary in the deep state and Bill Gates NWO
It would mean that thousands really are dying of Covid19 all across the world everyday but we’ve already established that it’s not true
It would also mean that all those made up stories about the virus virtually wiping out care homes are true, not mainstream media lies.
Editor: with respect, your thinking appears to be confused because you are not – apparently – understanding the nature of the Fatima warnings; Our Lady warned that Communism would spread (unless Russia be consecrated). She didn’t say how (as far as we know – unless that is part of the withheld Third Secret) so my answer to all the speculation, such as you have set out in your comments, is to stick to what we know – not what we (or others) may think. We know that Our Lady warned of the spread of Communism; we know the Communist method of suppression, subversion, brutal totalitarian government etc; we see that happening across the world. That’s what we know. What’s the point of speculating – is Our Lady’s warning not sufficient? It comes, remember, from God. That doesn’t mean we can’t all remember to make reparation for the sacrilege of Communion in the hand which, along with all the other liturgical abuses – the new Mass itself – has undoubtedly offended God. If you read up on Vatican II, and note the Metz Agreement, a pact made not condemn Communism at the Council then, perhaps, you will begin to see that it all ties up with Fatima. In summary, you’re not wrong but you’re not entirely right, either 😀
Let’s keep it simple: I propose to you that Communion in the hand is in fact one of the “errors of Russia.” Why? Because it is a profanation of the Eucharist, and the profanation of the Eucharist reveals a profound hostility toward God.
What are the errors of Russia? Communism, aka atheistic materialism, aka the denial of God and the supernatural, aka a profound hostility toward God.
In other words, the mentality/ideology/rebellion that produced Communion in the hand, foreseeing its deadly effects, also produced Communism, foreseeing its deadly effects.
If that doesn’t convince you, then I’ll add that since, according to Bella Dodd, the Church was infiltrated on a large scale by Communists starting in the 1930s, then it’s a pretty safe bet that Communion in the hand was the idea of some of those embedded Communists.
One source: Lucifer. Different manifestations. One chastisement.
Today, I was amazed to learn that a friend of mine, not seen him for a long time now, has a very indulgent attitude towards China. Sees no harm in allowing the Chinese Government to overcome the USA economically, etc. As long as the people are working hard, they deserve to do well, blah blah. I was astonished. And then I stumbled across this video of Tucker Carlson interviewing a man who has the very same attitude, more or less. It really makes me wonder just how many people are totally unaware of the true nature of Communism – I thought everyone knew that the aim of the Communist ruling elite is world domination – they could have written the old song “If I ruled the world” – or changed the title to “WHEN I rule the world” !
There was an article about this interview on today’s American Thinker site (you probably saw it, since you get their emails). But ask your naive friend this: who exactly are the people who are “doing well” in Red China?
Answer: the members of the Communist Party. Everyone else? Well, welcome to the People’s Paradise:
RCA Victor,
Unfortunately, this is someone who drinks in the mainstream media reports as we read the Doctors of the Church. You couldn’t make it up.
However, when you think of the benign way in which the BBC reported on surveillance in China a few weeks ago, you can see why uninformed people remain.. well… uninformed. All they need to do here in order to get total unquestioning obedience to the State is, do away with the internet. I’m just amazed that we were ever allowed access to it in the first place. Here’s that BBC report again, posted here for ease of reference …
I have been following this wonderful learned discussion on here for a couple of days.
If I may, consider the following.
There is no doubt that atheistic communism, from Russia (via Karl Marx in London BTW,) is what our Blessed Lady was referring to at Fatima.
Just consider the number of overt Marxists who are in position of power in the world today.
In no particular order : Pope Francis, his assistant Card Sordono (who is on record as saying Communist China is the world’s best example of a “just and democratic society or something),
Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Mrs Bill Gates, Gov Cuomo, Mayor DeBlasio, Gov Murphy.
I pause there for all them are pretend Catholics.
Then we have the head of the Chinese WHO an Ethopian called Tedros, the head of the UN Portuguese Guterres. I am not too sure about Soros who is only lacking a forked tail.
They are just the tip of a very large iceberg of Satanists in power.
Am I allowed one big complaint?
Throughout this discussion every one has referred to this Chinese Communist flu as “Covid19”
Every media outlet gave it the title of Chinese Corona virus, until President Trump used that name.
The Chinese objected whereupon ALL the media castigated the President and started calling it Corona Virus or Coved 19.
I call it Wuhan Flu.
Great discussions
I’ve never called it Covid 19 – just don’t think of it that way because it was a name that came late on the scene, as you indicate. I just call it the Coronavirus since that’s how it was introduced to us.
One “complaint” I’d like to make is that I know from our site stats that we get visitors to this blog from China. The site stats simply list the countries with their national flags, not locations within that country, nor any data about individuals visiting (more’s the pity 😀 )
China has long been on that list. Yet, as far as I know, nobody from China has signed up to comment. This is an invitation for anyone from China to do that – we’d sure love to hear from a first-hand witness, what life is like over there, and we’d especially like to know your thoughts on the Fatima prophecies.
That doesn’t take away from the fact that you are ALWAYS welcome here, and very much so, Patrick 😀
If some Chinese person is brave (or foolish!) enough to come on here and identify his nationality, he too will disappear!
The Flu
To stop the spread of Wuhan Flu
We are told to keep our distance,
“I cannot stand too close to you
It will compromise resistance”;
We have a virus every year
Which eliminates the old and weak,
It is benign or quite severe
Depending on your own physique.
Big Brothers dreams have all come true
He has herded all the sheeple,
Into the fold of Flu Manchu
Where he can control the people;
Can anyone believe the science
Computer modeller playing games,
Which have never show compliance
With the doom their games proclaims.
They told us that global warming
Would by now have wiped us out,
Look up Soviet Conconforming
Who could predict both floods and drought;
What ever politicians need
Keeping peasants in reliance,
The pigs trough always full of food
All our leaders in reliance.
Apologies if this old wrinklie has posted this before, but it is for RCA Victor who I know likes a bit of Spokeshave or is it Shakespeare?
In the interest of ridiculing the Satanist power cabal, I prefer to call it the “Kung Flu,” or “Flu Manchu.”
I thank you most gracious one!
I may have put a bit of my doggedly on this venerable site where I copyrighted the Dr Flu Mancu virus.
So, one is “most gracious” now? That makes a change from the titles usually accorded me (not by your good self but by my many enemies) yes, sadly, “gracious” hasn’t been among them, so far…
Whilst we are in Teacher mode (or is mood?) a few little teacher jokes.
She thought to combine art with religious instruction.
She told them the account of the flight into Egypt of the holy family.
Then asked them to draw their interpretations.
Little Annie was busy drawing an elaborate large picture of a fearsome looking man
When asked what it was she said this is God the father.
The teacher gently pointed out that no one really knew what He looked like.
Little Annie said “Well they will when I finish this”
Mary did a most elaborate drawing of the holy family and a donkey.
The teacher said “Very good Mary, but why have you put pieces of Toblerone all over it and what is that horrible black thing”
Mary said “They are the pyramids and that is a flea – you told us that they should flee into Egypt”
She finally came to Jonny.
He had drawn an air plane (or aeroplane)
In the back could be seen a man and a Lady holding a baby.
Up front was dark figure wearing a pair of boxing gloves.
When asked he explained “This is the flight to Egypt and that is Punchous the Pilot of course”
Plagiarized from the late great Brendan Grace.
Ok – where ma hat an coat
Great jokes – and we do need some light relief at this time, so no need to grab your hat and coat 😀
Very good, brought a smile.
I had a feeling I had picked up “Flu Manchu” from this blog, but I couldn’t remember where, so thank you for the ammunition!
Graciously Yours,
I think there have been many material and spiritual chastisements during the past century. I recall Taylor Marshall explaining how when the European colonial empires fell, the outgoing administrations established democratic constitutional polities and market economies entrusted to a indigenous middle class. But it was the Soviet Union in the 1960s and later who armed African nationalist insurrectionists, many of whom were Marxist, such as Mugabe. Consequently, Africa became the basket case it now is, and has suffered famines, wars, genocides, and revolutions.
I started to laugh at this report of a Lutheran pastor in North Carolina who was reported to the police for conducting church services that met state standards, and with the prior approval of the police, no less. Said the pastor:
“It’s great that dog grooming, gin, guns, and garden supplies are essential,” he said, chuckling at the irony, “but the body and blood of Christ are not.”
My first thought was “Was that a slip of the tongue?” But then I realized I don’t know anything about the Lutheran “religion.”
I’m very confused, lots of people here seem to think Russia remains a Communist country today? To be clear, Modern Russia is an ultra free market with hundreds of billionaire oligarchs, extreme wealth and extreme poverty alongside each other, with no real welfare state or healthcare system to speak of. Hardly, Communism.
More so, the country is insular, with zero interest in a one world Government or the new world order.
Since the fall of the USSR, Russia has embraced greed, materialism, prostitution, pornography, tv, junk food and all the other hallmarks of liberal American capitalism.
More so, in Putin, Russia possesses the most Christian leader of any country in the world. Unlike the US or UK, in Russia the Church play a significant role and homosexuality is more or less de-facto outlawed.
Russia certainly is spreading errors but perhaps not her or errors or Communism, more America’s liberal errors. Regardless, all of this third secret and consecration of Russia speculation is always so overly-complicated, vague and unclear.
I mean if the consecration happened today would Russia suddenly be converted to the Catholic Faith? Nobody thinks that, which means we are to accepted Russia as an Orthodox country…which already is?
Oleg Salenko
You have to understand the true nature of Communism if you are to recognise its “errors”, the very word used by Our Lady at Fatima to describe what would spread throghout the world from Russia. Remember, this was just prior to the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution.
Communism exists primarilly to eradicate God and religion from the face of the earth. Whatever else it may claim to be, this is always the first principle and the first action in whichever country Communism takes root.
Furthermore, Communism wears many masks. It can wear the brutal repressive mask of North Korea, the same one it wore for so many decades in the old USSR, or it can switch to something more Capitalist but equally repressive, such as we see in China. In South America and Western countries it has presented itself in different forms of Socialism which operate under the one umbrella of Cultural Marxism, by which I mean that religion is gradually marginalised in society while atheistic materialism is eveywhere promoted.
What results after a few decades of this is that all Western Chirsitan culture is eradicated, people become addicted to the materialism on offer and push God aside. The government, for its part, introduces all manner of evil legislation against the Commandments of God, sex of all and any kind gets glorified, even in schools, the media mocks religion at every opportunity, etc., etc., until you end up in a completely athestic, anti-God country.
Hence, it doesn’t matter which political party people vote for in their country, be it Conservative, Liberal, Labour, or whatever, they all share the same first principle of Cultural Marxism, which is promote immorality and suppress Christianity. Their social policies may vary, but all are utterly committed to establishing a Godless society which largely mocks and suppresses the Christian family and way of life. It’s the roaring bear turned smiling assassin, if you like. Very clever!
Cultural Marxism is the primary error in all nations today, even in Russia. Just because Putin goes to a church every now and then and outlaws homosexuality doesn’t mean he is not a Cultural Maxist, he is! Do you know, for example, that 98% of the Internet Domains in the world hosting child pornography are registered in Russia? And as we know, there is no real homosexual repression in Russia, it’s allowed provided it doesn’t take to the streets in demonstrations or congregate outside of schools handing out literature.
Russia is anything but a Christian country today. There are many, many good Christian people there but the State is not Catholic, hence it is lost. That’s what Our Lady of Fatima warned us about. Almost every nation in the world now is atheistic and hostile to Christ’s true Church, the Catholic Church, and it all originated from Russia. Indeed it’s even in the Church, religious ecumenism being a long-standing tool of Communism before Vatican II.
The KGB was clever enough to know that if you can get a doctrine out there that says all religions are equal and worthy of respect, the outcome is weakened faith leading to apostasy and humanism. And so it has proved since Vatican II all over the world. Ecumenism is a Communist doctrine!
And why do you think Donald Trump is so detested in America by the Democrats and other Socialist politicians? It’s because he shows signs of respecting God and the Christian family, he stands against abortion. They don’t want that, they want complete State atheism and he’s interfering in the plan. That’s why Donald Trump is despised and why almost every national media outlet spews hatred about him. America fell to Cultural Marxism a long time ago.
Anyway, take a look at all the nations of the West, including America, and you will see that they are just like Russia, China and North Korea, i.e., atheistic and materialistic. In other words, Communist by any other name. Our Lady knew exactly what she was talking about when she spoke of Russia’s errors, it’s been a work in process since 1917.
Plenty of Traditional Catholics devoted to Fatima do believe that one day Russia will convert to the Catholic Faith. I heard Father Gruner explain this in a video for the Fatima Centre. He explained that the Russians will become one of the Eastern Catholic Churches.
I don’t for one minute believe that Russia is a Christian country. It’s a secular country founded on Enlightenment (i.e. Freemasonic) values. Putin uses Eastern Orthodoxy for political and propagandistic purposes, because he is a nationalist and a populist. Hitler and Mussolini appealed to Christianity in much the same way when it suited their political goals.
I also believe that Russia has the highest abortion rates in Europe. The map I link below, if accurate, is very interesting. Look at Russia. Look at Portugal.
Staff slam empty London Nightingale hospital as a ‘complete waste of money’ as patients drop to a ‘ludicrously low’ 26
A source at the 3,600-bed flagship facility told The Mail on Sunday the ‘ludicrously low’ number of Covid19 victims had shattered morale
It has been claimed the Nightingale hospital was ‘a complete waste of money and resources’ with staff reluctant to work there
More than 50 patients are believed to have been turned away since the hospital opened two weeks ago – 30 of them due to a lack of staff
The number of patients being treated at the NHS’s new showcase Nightingale Hospital fell to just 26 last week after managers failed to tackle a chronic nursing shortage.
A source at the 3,600-bed flagship facility told The Mail on Sunday the ‘ludicrously low’ number of Covid19 victims had shattered morale among medical staff and claimed the Nightingale was ‘a complete waste of money and resources’.
The 26 patients are being looked after on a single ward by up to 180 medical practitioners and welfare staff, many of whom are being accommodated at hotels near the hospital in London’s Docklands.
Some clinical care nurses failed to turn up for their shifts last week, meaning that additional critically ill patients could not transfer there from other London hospitals.
More than 50 patients are believed to have been turned away since the hospital opened two weeks ago – 30 of them due to a lack of staff.
The number of patients under the care of Nightingale staff peaked at just 41 around ten days ago. That figure had fallen to 26 by Friday, according to a well-placed source.
All were being cared for on the only ward in use at the hospital, called Bedford B. Medical staff have also fallen out with managers over the discharge of the Nightingale’s first patient.
Carers were told to line the road outside the Excel Centre and clap as an ambulance carrying the patient drove away.
Footage of the departure was circulated as an NHS success story. But a source claimed the event was a PR exercise. ‘The patient was still very ill and he wasn’t going home, the source said.
‘He was simply being transferred to another hospital for treatment. The managers wanted a PR hit so we went outside and clapped to order. A lot of us felt bad about it.’
The insider, who spent several days working at the Nightingale last week, added: ‘It is a very expensive business, with all the staff being encouraged to stay in hotels near the hospital.
While there is a shortage of clinical care nurses, which means those on shift work extremely hard, all other categories of staff are idle most of the time.’
Last night, an NHS Nightingale spokesman said: ‘The whole point of the London Nightingale has been to build extra capacity to help local hospitals ensure all those who need care can get it.
‘It will be a mark of success if it continues not to operate at full capacity.’
This story just convinces me more that what we’re witnessing with all these national lockdowns is a globally orchestrated experiment in social engineering. There is a virus, it is present in hotspots, the financial capitals of the major economies, oddly enough, and it is deadly to people with underlying health conditions, but it’s no threat to the general public. It’s being used to impose a new form of totalitarian government that can take away civil liberties whenever it chooses under the pretext of “saving lives”. The most ludicrous thing about it is that so many people have bought into the narrative, terrified they’re going to catch a deadly killer virus and die. For most this is simply not true, as the statistics and emerging scientific evidence amply demonstrate.
Thank you for posting that report. I tend to agree with Athanasius – there is definitely something far wrong with this lockdown. “Sinister” is the word that springs to mind.
Having spent goodness knows how long in queues today, I found myself repeating my latest personal opinion about all the calls for “more testing”. The only testing I want to see now, I announced to all and sundry, who didn’t seem interested in the least, is a mass IQ testing of the entire population of the UK.
All day, I only encountered one sceptic in one queue, although the bank employee acting as gatekeeper in another queue seemed sympathetic to my cynicism. Neither of my new comrades disagreed with my considered opinion – shared with the above mentioned all and sundry – that this was not about social distancing at all but about social control, social engineering. Two nodding heads in one day.
It’s called progress, folks… 😀
If you’d like to post the Rockefeller Foundation 2010 report that was cited in two videos posted here, let me know and I’ll send it to you. Unless, of course, you already have it, in which case I’ll go back to quietly aging in place and contemplating my navel…
RCA Victor,
No need to seek permission – you can always post such videos here; I trust your judgment. I mean, I heard you got full marks on your driving test…eventually…
That will be Boris Johnson leaving Downing Street when the people realise, too late, that they’ve been had!
It’s not a video, it’s a PDF.
I see – well, my time for reading is very limited, RCA Victor, and it would have to wait until I’ve caught up with everything else, by which time you could probably have produced a video… 😀
By all means, though, feel free to either post it here (not sure that is possible, unless it’s an online link) OR email it to me and moi. We’ll both read it eventually 😀
My own little story from today is from my visit to B&Q in Edinburgh where I thought I might be able to get my annual plant demands fulfilled.
Got there and saw a queue a mile long with an employee directing newcomers towards some distant dots who were obviously the people at the end of it, saying “You’ll wait a about an hour to get in”.
Well, that set me right off and I started ranting about the insanity this country has descended into. I’m sure as I walked back towards the car park I heard one 6 stone rake mumble something about having weighed 20st when he left the house this morning.
Anyway, I continued to express my utter exasperation with this lockdown when an elderly Edinburgh ponce interrupted to tell me in rolling marbles voice how his daughter was a doctor putting her life at risk on the frontline(?), to which I responded “First off, she gets paid very well for what she does. And secondly, if she didn’t want to be on the frontline with disease then she clearly shouldn’t have become a doctor”. At that he tried to slip quietly into his car as though being poured into the seat while I shouted, in typical Rab C Nesbitt fashion, “It’s the killer pandemic that never was, a load of old “sh**e”. I felt the colourful metaphor was well justified in the circumstances. A classic lesson that wisdom doesn’t always advance with age, though short-tempered cynicism apparently does!
So that was my day, how was yours?
Way to go! I think the insanity of people meekly obeying this lockdown is even more frustrating than the lockdown itself. I find my self thinking unkind thoughts every time I go shopping and encounter people wearing masks. Thankfully, there are not too many of them, but I can just picture Phase Two, when failure to wear a mask in public results in abuse being poured on one’s head, fines and imprisonment.
There are even people wearing masks while driving!
I was thinking of having some masks made that say “STAY SANE! IGNORE THE MEDIA!” or replace “media” with “government.”
RCA Victor,
Your reference to “insanity” reminds me of a report I read yesterday or the day before, about Jeremy Corbyn’s elderly brother who staged a protest somewhere in England, demanding his freedoms back. If I’d been anywhere near, I’ve have joined him.
Anyway, the comments underneath were typically programmed. There were not all that many but most, if not all, said he was “insane.”
I asked if any of them had read Brave New World – never mind a history book about the methodology of totalitarian governments, who routinely send people to be “re-educated” when they question government propaganda, and ultimately lock them up as “insane” when the re-education doesn’t work. When I returned to see if anyone had responded, I couldn’t find the (insert adjective) report.
It used to puzzle me when I saw the apparently happy populations of China and North Korea on TV news bulletins. I wondered if it were all show, out of fear. Not of that opinion any more. The peoples in these Communist countries were conditioned into thinking that their lifestyle is normal and so are we, likewise, being conditioned into thinking that their lifestyle is normal.
The face masks just drive me crackers. If they make them compulsory in shops, as is being suggested, then I’ll pull a scarf over my mouth at the entrance to the shop and pointedly pull it away again at the door when leaving. One thing I will definitely NOT do is pay for a face mask. If the scarf won’t do, and they won’t give me a mask free of charge, I’ll take the handcuffs instead.
The latest nonsense is only second hand but I wouldn’t be surprised if true. I hear, not through the grapevine but from among the heather, that Nicola Sturgeon is thinking of allowing us to make up a “set of x number of friends” whom we can have in our homes or socialise with under the social distancing guidelines. Nobody knew what we would have to do with our lists – hand them into the local police station? What if we had a falling out with someone on the list, could he/she be replaced? If so, would it have to be someone of same gender, similar age, hair colouring etc? Why not just leave us alone to get on with our lives as we used to do. Me, I’ve not even had a cold for years now, never mind a flu. My GP will confirm that – see my previous comment in response to Athanasius and the NHS… 😀
When this episode of totalitarian government in the UK comes to be written up, the historians will throw up; their hands in disbelief and say… the people actually handed over their freedom, thinking it would only be temporary? Had nobody read a history book?
The day I obey Nicola Sturgeon’s orders is the day you can genuinely say I’ve gone insane. I mean, imagine her telling people how many friends they can have at a social gathering? To use the old Scottish response – Aye, right hen!
And what if someone on your virus-cleansed list decides to identify as a different gender? Will you have to make a new, gender-balanced list? In fact, what if the virus decides to identify as a different virus? Will the old virus feel discriminated against and file a lawsuit over its loss of civil rights?
I think your Fish-in-Chief might have been listening to Gilbert and Sullivan too much:
Yes, or:
That did make me laugh, I’m ashamed to say 😀 I must be honest and say that when I am asked in shops if I want to donate to the NHS (which is the question routinely asked at certain check-outs these days), I have said exactly that; I admire the NHS etc but if they’re not being paid to deal with this virus, then they need to get on to their professional body and arrange a strike. Charity donations – sorry, nope. I’ve been paying into the NHS all my life and I could count on my one hand the number of times (broadly speaking) that I’ve had to use it. In almost every case, my GP has told me there’s nothing wrong with me. What kind of service is that?
Anyway, I have a feeling you’re going to need this letter when Christmas rolls around……..jpg
That’s the story of my life right there in that little banner, except under the circumstances it should read “Dear Sanity Clause”. Reminds me of the joke about the dyslexic devil worshipper who sold his soul to Santa!
That strikes me as truly odd that you are asked to contribute to a government agency – as if it was a charity! But I suppose that’s what happens when people habitually drive on the wrong side of the road….
Haha, that’s very funny!
Darn, my reply to Athanasius posted a link instead of the image. Try #2:
Fear not, I saw the image. Could he be one of the “Gates of Hell” that will fail to prevail? Just asking!
Thanks for the video link, brilliantly put by Michael Matt. People really have to open their eyes to what’s going on right now, the window of opportunity to stop them is rapidly closing on us.
Thank you for that Remnant video. Excellent.
“Medical dictatorship” – exactly right. And now that these medics are in such a position of power, it’s difficult to see them giving it up. When the Government ministers repeat, day after day, that they are guided by “the science”, it’s unlikely that the scientists are going to say, all clear, so let’s get back to normal now. When is it likely to be “all clear”? Actually watching the stats displayed this evening at the daily update, with the experts explaining them, it struck me that it was almost like nobody ever dies in the UK – of anything! The whole thing is crazy, as Michael Matt points out so eloquently.
And his comments on “everybody else” – those with other illnesses and their medics – are also spot on. I know of two people (one friend, one close relative) whose treatment/surgery has been postponed due to this virus.
Hearing a doctor saying “this is not about science…and it’s not about Covid… it’s about controlling you” confirms my own feeling about this lockdown from the get-go. It’s not about social distancing but about social control.
A government spokesman (forget which, probably the Health Minister, Hancock) acknowledged that people might question how, having introduced the lockdown with immediate effect, we have to gradually ease it… (then the usual waffle about guarding against that – secretly longed for – second wave) … yes, we do wonder (those few of us who don’t think the Government/medics/scientists are infallible).
So, well, said Michael – and thank you for including the clip of that very brave priest. A glimmer of light and hope at this time.
I agree that social distancing is all about social control.
Attached below is a video of a Dr Buttar who presents an argument on how this Coronavirus agenda is being implemented.
Please see the following, sent from my son Gerard
Love and Prayers
God bless these people, we need to see this happen everywhere. Thanks for posting.
It is leading us to the great warning of Garabandal – the corona virus, in the year 2021 it be all clear. warning & out for April 2021.
Editor: I’m afraid we don’t promote any unapproved apparitions here. The only apparition which is absolutely key to contemporary world history is Fatima, with the warnings of a diabolical disorientation to come in the world and the Church, and the spread of Communism until Russia has been consecrated to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart. That’s the only apparition of Our Lady which is relevant to us in these times.
I agree. I have always had trouble with the Garabandel thing. Frankly, I don’t believe in it.
If it is the beginning of the chastisement, it hasn’t gotten very bad yet. We’re still able to publicly proclaim the Faith. Russia is supposed to “spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church.” I don’t quite see how the coronavirus is an error of Russia, although perhaps this will lead to the spread of communism. Our Lady said that we would have only the rosary and the sign of her Son, and we still have more than that. I have heard the estimate that the chastisement will come in 2029, giving us nine years.
Of course, all suffering could be called a chastisement, that is, temporal punishment. The only reason the coronavirus exists is because sin entered the world by Adam and Eve. Whether the coronavirus and its consequences exist as part of the Secret of Fátima or not, it is still a reminder to repent.
The Catholic of Honour
I think you’re viewing this virus in the wrong way in terms of the supernatural. It is not the contention of anyone here that Covid-19 is itself a punishment, given that it’s just a flu being used for evil ends. The real chastisement has been happening in the Church since Vatican II. It’s the great apostasy from the faith from the top down. Hence, it’s not the virus but the response of the Church’s hierarchy to the virus that reminds us that we’re living through the Fatima Third Secret.
Incidentally, Russia spread Communism to China and now China owns the world, apart from the U.S. under Trump, which is why internal enemies in America are doing all possible to stop his re-election. Besides that, abortion, contraception feminism, homosexual normalisation, etc., in fine, all that attacks the Christian family, emanated from the former Soviet Union, wherein they were rife long before the West adopted them. Hence the reason why I regularly speak of cultural Marxism having taken control not only of the former Christian countries of Europe and the U.S., but also of the Church’s hierarchy.
The Fatima chastisement is supernatural not material, although material sufferings are inevitable. It relates principally to the loss of divine faith in the hierarchy filtering down through the ranks of the Church, hence the capitulation of the bishops to governments in the matter of lockdown and sanitising rules.
Sorry – your post was (inexplicably) in the moderation box, and I didn’t see it until after I’d written my response to The Catholic of Honor below. I only hope we don’t contradict each other because I hate it when you’re wrong… 😀
Fear not, for I am never wrong!!
Wasn’t it your good self who thought the answer to the question “what’s wrong with this picture” answered: should be the Scottish flag? 😀×700.jpg
Fair enough. The bishops certainly do not have the best reaction to this. Actually, some have had absolutely terrible reactions to it. All I’m saying is that if it is the beginning of the Third Secret, we haven’t gotten into the worst part yet. Of course, it must be remembered that we don’t technically know what’s in the Third Secret. Still, I think it’s likely that what we are seeing in the reaction to the virus is at least a warning of what we will see when the Third Secret occurs or perhaps it is part of it. It doesn’t really matter in the end, I think, since we’re called to follow God whether we’re in a Chastisement or no. Some saints have been asked what they would do if they were to find out that Christ was coming that day and they said in reply that they would keep on doing what they were doing.
The Catholic of Honor
I maybe didn’t make clear the Fatima chastisement in my previous comment, so here goes for the second attempt.
The chastisement of the Third Secret began back in 1962 and has been escalating since. The evidence suggests that it is essentially a supernatural chastisement, an apostasy within the Church from the top down. We have all witnessed this since the Council and the reaction of the hierarchy, including the Pope himself, to the virus demonstrates that divine faith is either completely lost in these men or very weak.
Material punishments are a side show in comparison!
Yes, Athanasius, I agree with you. I’m not sure if the coronavirus is part of the chastisement, but it’s a reminder that it’s here in the apostasy.
The Catholic of Honor,
Just a couple of points where there seems to be a little confusion (perhaps on my part!)
Firstly, the Coronavirus is not “an error of Russia”. No element of the chastisement will be “an error of Russia”.
The chief error which has spread from Russia is Communism. And it spread, not least, to China, so much so that we now call that land Communist China.
Russia was the first nation on earth to publicly disown the very existence of God in its system of governance. That is why Our Lady has asked for Russia to be consecrated to her Immaculate Heart, in conformity to God’s will – then Russia will be converted to the Catholic religion and there will be a period of peace in the world.
The prophecies of Fatima have been unfolding for a long time now, but are currently accelerating. The spread of Communist tactics – essentially increasing control of the world’s populations – is one clear sign of this.
You say that we are now still publicly able to proclaim our Faith – where do YOU live? We have had our churches closed for the past four months, and that courtesy of the bishops and priests – even those ordained to work in traditional societies. All are in full co-cooperation with the governments across the UK. Our Lady warned of a diabolical disorientation to come, and that is one major example of it.
Yes, Our Lady has asked for the daily rosary and the consecration of Russia but I think you must be confusing Fatima with some other (private and unapproved) revelation when you speak of the “sign of her Son” – that’s not from Fatima. For the record, we do not discuss or promote any unapproved apparitions or even doubtful alleged apparitions.
And yes, we can agree that the virus is certainly a reminder to repent. Big time!
Right. Sorry, my mistake. That is not from Fatima. It’s from Akita, and yes that is approved in 1984. I have heard it said that it is basically the same message of Fatima and our Lady gave the same Fatima prayer again a second time then before it was ever translated into Japanese. I agree that the Gospel is being suppressed to some degree, but compared to other times, it’s not that bad. For instance, you can still have this blog, a thing not true in Communist Russia or China. It is true that there is a persecution to some degree as chastity, for instance, is mocked, but all things considered, as of yet, we have much to be grateful for, in comparison to, say, how Christians had to live under Communism. That said, if we do not repent, worse chastisements will probably come.
The Catholic of Honor,
While we did, at one time promote Akita, believing it to have been approved, we no longer do so. There are a number of questions about Akita, not least the likelihood of Our Lady appearing to a Religious Sister in a modern Order, post-Vatican II and making no mention of the liturgical mayhem in which the good Sister would have been participating. Add to that the fact that Our Lady normally appears to children, not adults, and it becomes increasingly questionable that she would appear to a modern Religious.
All of that aside, however, it is a fact that the limited approval which had been accorded by the local Bishop no longer stands. Thus, we stick with the indisputable Fatima prophecies, not least because they are coming true before our very eyes. It puzzles me to death why anyone would want to focus on anything more than Fatima, easily the most important event in the Church and the world in the 20th century.
If you think there’s no significant religious persecution going on, that’s interesting. There really is, but as Athanasius points out, it’s essentially coming from the Catholic clergy keen to cooperate with the (effectively Marxist) Governments of the UK. Once we are well and truly under control, and seen to be humbly obedient to Government diktats , the screws will tighten and we’ll find ourselves treated in the same way as the people under Communism in other parts of the world.
Firstly, that depends on what you mean by “persecution”. There is certainly significant persecution in some parts of the world, only not much where I live. I certainly imagine it will get worse. So, are you saying that you only allow for some approved prophecies or that Akita was later condemned? Our Lady usually appears to children, but that is not a universal rule (such as in Our Lady of Guadalupe or Our Lady of the Rosary). Are you saying also that since it happened after Vatican II, it necessarily has to call for a return to the Latin Mass? It does mention the Devil infiltrating the Church, specifically speaking of bishops opposing bishops, a thing true today. You say a good nun would not have been participating in liturgical mayhem. Were there un-canonical nuances at the time in that part of the world? If you mean the Novus Ordo mass, that was not even allowed again until Benedict XVI. Medjugorje was condemned because it contained things such as heresy and blasphemy. At any rate, unless Akita was repudiated by one of the bishops’ successors or condemned by a higher authority, ecclesiastical approval still stands. We are not required to believe in any personal revelation, approved or not. Again, since we do not know the Third Secret, it might be reasonable to examine other Marian apparitions which seem to have similar messages. Another apparition which might be good to heed is La Salette. Fatima was probably the most important (due to the miracle of the Sun), but that does not necessarily mean we should not listen to other approved apparitions and at least take them into consideration.
TCOH, (hope you don’t mind – I quite often shorten the lengthier usernames),
Firstly, it’s not that Akita was “condemned” but I once published a report, which I’ve tried and failed to find now, in which a priest showed that Akita had not actually been properly approved at all. I am unable to recall exactly how he arrived at that conclusion, but I’m sure you would agree that even one sniff of false teaching would be (always is) sufficient to cause the Church to dismiss any alleged apparition.
Well, I posted a thread on Akita back in 2016, using a video which was removed from YouTube during our discussion but not before Athanasius had watched it. I will append the link below, and as you will see, I had accepted Akita so uncritically that I hadn’t even watched the video myself before posting. Here’s Athanasius’ comment:
“I watched the introductory video for this thread and I have to say that a few things left me a little concerned about Akita.
The first of these was Sister Agnes’ twin reference to an accompanying angel in prayer as “she”. I have never heard of an angel being refered to as “she”. The other thing that struck me was how modernist the chapel and nuns look, and how unbecoming the image of Our Lady is. There was no hint of a restoration of Tradition there, as I would have expected given the warnings of Our Lady about the apostasy taking place in the Church. It’s almost as if the post-conciliar reform is not seen as the principle cause of this apostasy.
Fatima indicates the truth of things in the opening line of the text of the Third Secret: “In Portugal the dogmas of the Faith will be preserved…etc.”, indicating that the chastisement is primarily spiritual in nature. Akita mentions apostasy but seems to focus more on a terrible material chastisement of the world by God, to the extent that few will be left and the living will envy the dead. This seems at odds with Our Lady’s Fatima promise that in the end her Immaculate Heart will triumph and a time of peace will be granted to the world. I’m not saying that a Third World War will not happen when there is every liklihood at this time that such a catastrophe may well happen soon. But even if that comes about, the punishment of wars and other natural disasters belongs properly to the Second part of the Fatima Secret, not the Third part. The Third Secret of Fatima is exclusively a supernatural chastisement afflicting the Church and the world, there is no WWIII in there.
The fall of many consecrated Catholic souls and billions of other souls worldwide, the result of the present universal apostasy from God, is by far a greater chastisement than any mere material annihilation. So why is emphasis placed more on material rather than spiritual loss at Akita? I was also a bit concerned by the claim that if the sins of men continue there will be no more forgiveness. But isn’t God infinitely merciful, always desiring to forgive?
Other things that made me a little uncomfortable were 1. The local Ordinary’s apparent believe in the apparitions before his investigation even began. Bishops normally start out with the opposite view. 2. The three different blood groups identified by scientists from three separate examinations of the tears. 3. The mark of the Cross appearing on only one hand of Sister Agnes, the left hand. This is not the usual manifestation of the stigmata. 4. Sister Agnes siad at one point that people should pay less attention to the “form” of prayers and concentrate more on content. Content is of course very important, but the form of our Catholic prayers is also essential. We all see the bitter fruits of changes to the form of the sacred liturgy, the Church’s highest and most perfect prayer, the Sacrifice of Our Lord. There were one or two other anomolies that I’ll pass on right now.
Suffice it to say I have been left very uncertain about Akita. The people interviewed, including Sister Agnes, seemed sincere enough, and nothing was said that was obviously contradictory of Catholic doctrine, yet I have problems believing it. I have no such problems with Fatima and Quito, but Akita troubles me. I think the Vatican should investigate Akita and give a definitive decision on it.
I should admit, however, that Sr Lucia of Fatima would have been attending the novus ordo in her Carmelite convent, so that, by itself, would not be sufficient to refuse belief in the Akita claims. Just as the Third Secret more likely than not contains a warning against the innovations of Vatican II, especially, a new Mass, so Akita may, as well, for all I would know. However, Sr Agnes’s use of “she”, when speaking of an angel does, in my opinion, warrant dismissal of her claims.
I do not agree, however, about the need to study similar alleged apparitions. Fatima is all anyone should need, lest we fall into the error warned of by St Paul, of seeking signs and wonders. If we are trying to live the Fatima message, then we won’t have either the time nor the need to go looking for other apparitions. It smacks of superstition, frankly. No need. The only exception to that would be Quito, precisely because it dates from centuries ago, and prophesies that dire state of the Church in our times.
I never said we should look into all alleged Marian apparitions. I only really care about approved ones. If there is an unapproved, I probably wouldn’t even bother reading it. I should probably look into that. I don’t really have time to see the authenticity of every approved Marian apparition.
I never said Akita had the exact same message as Fatima, only that I’ve heard that a lot of it was similar. If Sr. Agnes used “she” for an angel, that certainly is curious and suspicious. I might look into that.
The first point, that the local bishops originally seemed to believe it is unusual, but I wouldn’t say it’s necessarily false on that account. If I find the time, I’ll look into the bit about the scientists doing investigations. Certainly the third point is strange. The bit about form and content could mean a number of things, but I think, although form is important, content is more so. Nothing struck me as unbecoming about the statue of our Lady. Even if it isn’t the best depiction, I wouldn’t be surprised if she would use it to stress her sorrow, since the statue would be evidence of it. Certainly nothing looked insulting about it. I mean, God certainly does chastise us in material ways as well (such as the Flood). If there will be no forgiveness, I could easily suppose that means there will be no contrition. It certainly warns of an apostasy.
I do disagree, in a sense, that Fatima is “all anyone should need”, although we definitely shouldn’t trust apparitions without first making sure they are actually of heavenly origin and Fatima is probably the most important recent apparition from our Lady. If our Lady actually did give other recent messages which might pertain to the apostasy, I think we ought to pay attention to it.
I looked into Akita a long time ago and it was decidedly questionable. The fact that it has the approval of the Novus Ordo hierarchy makes it even more suspicious, not less so. Also there are question marks over La Salette and Garabandal. Medjugorje, as you correctly point out, is absolutely false.
If you would associate any Marian apparition with Fatima then there’s only one that fits the bill – Quito. What was predicted by Our Lady at Quito 400+ years ago for our time is precisely what we are witnessing in the Communist/Masonic destruction of the Christian family and ruination of the young.
As for Communist persecution, it is very real for all of us in the West today. The threat of imprisonment is ever present for all who assert Christian teaching in opposition to “the culture of death”, as John Paul II called it, and that’s not to mention being silenced by every media outlet. Oh yes, the persecution is very real and set to get worse.
Indeed. There is a persecution of a sort. My only point was that we should still be grateful that what we are witnessing (at least right now) is nothing compared to the Roman persecution. I haven’t heard of Garabandal. Again, we are not required to believe everything that’s approved nor disbelieve everything that isn’t approved. However, I’m doubtful that anything which the Vatican has kept secret all these years (such as Maxim’s half of the La Salette secret). What I generally raise an eyebrow at is anything that says everything will be fine. I never said any of these things is necessarily true, but if they are approved, we ought to at least pay attention to them.
In some places, I am sure that people who assert Christian teaching are in danger of imprisonment—just not where I live, I guess.
You say that the approval of the Novus Ordo hierarchy makes something suspicious. So, do you distrust anything that was approved after 1969?
Yes, I distrust everything that was approved after 1969 unless it was approved following the same methods of investigation the Church used prior to the Council. I don’t necessarily disbelieve what is approved, I’m simply cautious and check the facts with a fine toothcomb. Frankly, if the hierarchy today told me it was raining outside I would go to the window and check!
As regards the persecution of Christians, there are two methods: One is the relatively painful but quick death suffered by the martyrs, the other is the long drawn out spiritual, not to mention mental and emotional, torture of living in a post-Christian culture turned Marxist.
True. Still, as of yet, communism has not, as of yet, fully conquered the world (although it probably will, considering the Fatima message—although some people have a different interpretation of “errors of Russia”). If you do distrust everything post-Vatican 2, wouldn’t it also follow that you think ecclesiastical approval is irrelevant? In that case, it do you consider ecclesiastical approval irrelevant?
I think Athanasius has answered your question already – as long as the processes from before Vatican II are followed for the examination and approval of private revelations, then that should be fine. It is the introduction of “the new” everything that is a massive cause for concern. Pope Pius X said “Far, far from our priests be the love of novelty.”
I’m not sure what you mean by “Communism has not as yet fully conquered the world”… If you’re waiting for tanks and soldiers to appear, that’s not how it works. A government politician who says “we’ve decided to ban people from entering each other’s homes…”
Now, THAT’S how it works…
Communism involves banning people from owning private property. I suppose totalitarianism could be said to have conquered the world. In some places in the western world, governments are trying to keep people from speaking out concerning parts of Christian morality which are not particularly…liked nowadays. We are in serious trouble. However, I was still able to post this for instance, at least for now. I’m not saying it isn’t bad, but it could be worse. That might be a bit of an optimistic way of looking at it, “it could always be worse”.
So, you said someone claimed Akita wasn’t technically given approval. Is there anywhere you know that I might find the details? There was a pope who saw a vision of what he initially thought was our Blessed Mother. He then looked down, saw that her feet were not visible, and immediately saw it as a deception from the Devil. I should check the description to see if her feet were visible according to the nun’s description.
I think your understanding of Communism is fundamentally flawed. What you describe is the Communist model of the former USSR and of present day North Korea, but Communism is enormously adaptable and consequently manifests in different forms, such as the cultural Marxism that has conquered almost the entire former Christian West in our time, including America, which is why Trump is so despised by the deep State.
You should bear in mind that the financiers of Communism were/are the international banks, and some of the most treacherous agents of Communism within countries are the wealthy who have been privately educated and raised with the silver spoon. You don’t think that a bit odd for an ideology that says people shouldn’t own property?
The way to identify Communism in any of its forms is by the stench of aggressive government atheism and immorality that emanate from it. Whatever political form it may take, it cannot disguise that stench of Hell it brings in its train. Every country that adopts Communism, Marxist, Socialism, Liberalism or any other associated “ism” of this multi-facetted evil, will inevitably end in spiritual, moral and financial bankruptcy. That’s why we know today that Communism is the superior force in every land, we see it by its fruit.
The smiling assassin is more deadly than the aggressive bear!
I think that’s totalitarianism in general, which, granted could be the error of Russia our Lady was talking about. Communism usually includes no one being able to own private property, making the government the only people who are really rich. It’s not so much the ideology that no one should own private property in practise as the ideology as the ideology of selfishness. The government people want all the money for themselves so that they take everything from everyone else in the name of helping people. There is definitely an evil ideology conquering the West.
I think there’s too much attention placed on the material manifestations of Communism when the real identifier is aggressive atheism. We see that all over the world today, evidence that Communism has spread everywhere in its basic primary tenet, the eradication of Christian culture. Same agenda as Masonry because both have the same architects and emanate from the same source. You should read the pre-Vatican II papal encyclicals on Communism, they reveal all.
Gorbachev’s “Glasnost” & “Perestroika” of the late 1980s did not mean opening up Communist Russia to Christian principles, it meant opening up the world to Communist principles “the errors of Russia”, and they spread like wildfire.
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