Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary…

Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary…


As more lockdowns are being imposed in England today, with the World Health Organisation warning of another two years of this virus “crisis” (the WHO says it may be over in less than two years, which leaves open the possibility of an even longer period) we need to redouble our prayers to Our Lady, and today’s Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary is a perfect opportunity. 

As with all our Feast days threads, bloggers are  invited to offer their concerns about relevant issues (in this case, patently obvious issues and concerns) as well as favourite prayers and hymns to pay tribute to Our Lady.  I’m sure we will all pray especially today, for the Consecration of Russia to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart, as requested by Our Lady at Fatima. 

A very happy Feast day to one and all, secure in the knowledge of Our Lady’s promise, when she prophesied these times:  “In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph”.  Deo gratias! 

Comments (29)

  • Catherine

    Happy Feast day to all. Today is a good day to consecrate or re-consecrate yourself and your family to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

    August 22, 2020 at 11:40 am
    • Josephine

      I agree – if you want to consecrate yourself to the IHOM, this is a good link – you can dispense with the 33 days of preparation, as that’s not essential.

      Happy Feast everyone!

      August 22, 2020 at 5:51 pm
      • Nicky


        Thank you for that link and information.

        A happy Feast to all CT bloggers.

        August 22, 2020 at 9:28 pm
  • crofterlady

    happy Feast Day to all bloggers and lurkers! A lovely feast indeed and and yes, we need to re-double our prayers for the consecration of Russia.

    August 22, 2020 at 12:41 pm
    • Laura


      I wholeheartedly agree. Until Russia is consecrated, we’re not going to get out of the mess the demons are getting us into, using the willing politicians.

      I wonder if Pope Francis has read the Third Secret? It seems impossible that he’s read it, knows about the Consecration and is blithely throwing in his lot with the Communists.

      August 22, 2020 at 7:10 pm
  • Athanasius

    A great Feast indeed, instituted by Pope Pius XII in 1944 to be celebrated on the octave day of the Feast of the Assumption to emphasise to the Church the will of God concerning the love and devotion due to this most loving and protective of mothers, our heavenly Queen.

    We must redouble our prayers and sacrifices to make up in some small part for the insults offered her today by those who should love her more, the Pope and Bishops of the Church, but who continue to ignore her Fatima message and request in favour of friendship with a world that hates her Divine Son.

    I am reminded again today of their treachery by news that Pope Francis is backing global vaccination against Covid-19 to the great delight of the Communist/Masonic World Health Organisation. The scandal of this Pope is so great now it is scarcely believable, as is the political convenience of a careerist hierarchy seemingly lost to holy zeal for their Master’s Kingdom, effeminate men who pay lip service to Christ Our Lord while aiding the imposition of Lucifer’s reign on earth by their silence on societal evils and their ready compliance with the wickedness of godless government legislation. “Woe to ye hypocrites” has never been more appropriate a condemnation of a superficial hierarchy since Our Saviour Himself directed it at the treacherous Scribes and Pharisees of His time.

    August 22, 2020 at 1:50 pm
    • Josephine


      That’s interesting that it was Pius XII who added this Feast – I wonder if that’s because he knew the seriousness of the Fatima prophecies? I think I’m right in saying he was the one pope who did try to consecrate Russia by name, but hadn’t realised he was supposed to include all the bishops?

      August 22, 2020 at 6:10 pm
      • Laura


        He is also the pope who had a vision of the sun identical to the October 1917 miracle of the sun.

        August 22, 2020 at 7:11 pm
      • Athanasius


        Yes, Pius XII understood well the importance of Fatima and the consecration of Russia. Sadly though, he did not order the bishops of the world to join with him in a public and solemn act. Instead, he made his own personal consecration of Russia, naming the country in question. It’s said that this act, which was either in 1942 or 43, turned the tide of WWII and put the Axis forces on the back foot for the first time since the war started. It was just after this consecration that Hitler changed his plans for an invasion of Britain, concentrating his efforts instead on the Eastern Front where, as we know, the nazi forces perished during the Russian winter.

        Fatima historians believe this turn of the war was a reward of sorts for Pius XII’s consecration, though short lived given the Cold War that was to follow and the cultural Marxist subjugation of today’s Western nations.

        My understanding is that from around 1952 Pius XII mentioned Fatima less and less in his public addresses, thanks primarily, it’s said, to the influence of the anti-Fatima priest Fr. Edouard Dhanis S.J. Concurrent with this lessening of public promotion of Our Lady’s Message and Secret, Pius XII’s health began to deteriorate quite seriously until his death in 1958.

        Laura is right to state that Pius XII experienced the vision of the Miracle of the sun during his daily walk in the Vatican gardens. If I recall correctly it occurred shortly after the dogma of Our Lady’s Assumption into heaven was formally and infallibly proclaimed in 1950.

        There’s a huge marble plaque on the entrance to St. Peter’s Basilica naming all the Church Fathers who signed their names to this infallible declaration, amongst them the name of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre who Pius XII declared was “the best of my Apostolic Delegates”.

        No one really knows exactly how Pius XII came to be so damagingly influenced by Dhanis, or how much the Pope understood what Our Lady required for an acceptable consecration act. We do know that he did not read the Third Secret as this was found sealed in an envelope in his papal apartments after his death. Some speculate that Pius believed that he was to wait until 1960 before revealing the content, which is unfortunate since he died in 1958.

        We can see how the devil was at work in the Vatican even during the reign of this great Marian Pope, working through his ambassadors in clerical garb to silence Fatima. The same happened with John Paul II. Tragic for the Church!

        August 22, 2020 at 8:15 pm
      • editor


        I could be wrong (again!) but I thought it was Pope John Paul II who made that remark about Archbishop Lefebvre, although I heard it as “the best of my Generals”…

        Just sayin’ 😀

        August 22, 2020 at 9:42 pm
      • Athanasius


        No, it was definitely Pius XII and definitely “the best of my Apostolic Delgates”. John Paul II was the one who falsely excommunicated the Archbishop. What are you like?

        August 22, 2020 at 10:16 pm
      • editor


        I knew that JP II was the pope who excommunicated him but I’m afraid I’ve used that “generals, best of” comment to show a complete turnaround in his attitude.

        Yes, you’re right – what AM I like? 😀


        August 22, 2020 at 10:36 pm
      • RCAVictor


        I read somewhere (naturally, the “where” part escapes me at the moment) that Pius XII was also swayed towards indifference toward Fatima by Cardinal Bea, SJ, who became his Confessor during the early 50s.

        So that would make TWO Jesuits directly responsible for the Pope’s change of attitude. What a surprise….

        August 23, 2020 at 12:28 am
      • Athanasius


        That would not surprise me in the least given that Cardinal Augustine Bea became notorious for his Modernism after the death of Pope Pacelli. He was the head of the Jesuits when Fr. Malachi Martin decided it was time to run for the hills (or New York in his case).

        August 23, 2020 at 1:26 am
  • editor

    The words of the introit at Mass today, struck me as particularly apt at this time: “Let us come with confidence to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and may find grace in seasonable aid…”

    It also struck me, again as particularly apt, that on this Feast, the following question has been raised – a question put to me many times in the past, especially the recent past.

    I’m often asked if I know of any priest, especially in the archdiocese of Glasgow, who would be willing to follow the example of some of the American priests who switched to offering the Traditional Latin Mass exclusively, and eventually acted as independent priests, outwith the jurisdiction of their Bishop, due to effectively being persecuted for their return to Catholic Tradition.

    Answer: well, I’m hearing on all sides that there is an increasing number of priests in the archdiocese who are offering the TLM, although no exclusively (yet!) so who knows how their thinking is developing or may develop, as a result of the faithless response of the Bishops to “the” virus.

    My own thoughts on the matter, for what they are worth, are as follows:

    (i) It would be a tall order to expect any priest, no matter how committed, how appalled at what is going on in the parishes, how compromised he may feel in his conscience… it would be a tall order to expect him to go “rogue” (so to speak) without being able to assure him that he would have a church in which to offer Mass and the rest of the Sacraments.

    (ii) It would surely make it easier for a priest to take individual action, were he assured of a church somewhere accessible, in order to make himself available to the maximum number of people – so, a church near to motorway junction(s) would be an incentive, if not essential, in my opinion

    (iii) the above would require financing so the question to those making the request is, frankly, are you ready to put your money where you mouth is? Me? I’m broke!

    Anyone who IS interested in funding such a project, speak now (or email me at [email protected]) and if there is serious support we can investigate which, if any of the several priests of Summorum Pontificum fame would be willing to offer only the TLM and willing, too, to suffer the inevitable name-calling and false accusations of “schismatic” (and that’s just for starters) which would be sure to follow any decision to operate outwith the diocesan structures.

    Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us!

    August 22, 2020 at 4:25 pm
  • Josephine

    This is the hymn “Immaculate Mary” (also the Lourdes hymn) which I think is appropriate today


    August 22, 2020 at 6:05 pm
  • Theresa Rose

    Wishing everyone a Happy and Holy Feast Day. To storm Heaven with our prayers for the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary is an absolute necessity.

    Another hymn appropriate for today is the Salve Regina.

    August 22, 2020 at 6:30 pm
    • Laura


      That chanting is very beautiful. I’ve enjoyed all the hymns on this thread, as I always do enjoy the hymns posted on this blog.

      A very happy Feast everyone.

      August 22, 2020 at 7:07 pm
    • editor

      Theresa Rose and Josephine,

      Thank you both for posting those beautiful videos…

      I thought I would post something on prayer – something to mark the Feast AND, hopefully, make us all smile…


      August 22, 2020 at 10:41 pm
  • RCAVictor

    Happy Feast Day to one and all. I see today in the Novus Ordo world is called the “Queenship of Mary.” Anyone know what the rationale for this was? (Besides the real goal, that is, to downplay the importance of Our Lady in the Church.)

    August 22, 2020 at 7:56 pm
    • Athanasius


      My suspicion is that it was to suppress the Fatima Message and devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which the Protestants and other schismatics could never accept if ecumenism was to be kept on track.

      August 22, 2020 at 8:18 pm
    • editor

      RCA Victor,

      In the traditional calendar, the Queenship falls on 31 May, which this year was Pentecost Sunday, so perhaps this is a one-off? Probably not but I’ve got to LOOK like I’m being charitable once in a while 😀

      August 22, 2020 at 9:45 pm
  • Constantine

    Fr Martin Despard has apparently been dismissed from the clerical state for canonical offences

    August 22, 2020 at 8:31 pm
    • editor


      I take it that you refer to Father Matthew (not Martin) Despard?

      Would you back up this claim with some evidence please?

      It would be very odd, indeed, if a priest who sought to expose the extent of the homosexual infiltration into the priesthood were dismissed from the clerical state, while the many homosexual clergy installed in various parishes and diocesan posts, remain in place.

      So, please provide some evidence for your statement. Thank you.

      August 22, 2020 at 9:37 pm
      • Constantine

        It features in the comments of Bishop Pat Buckley’s latest blog. You are also mentioned.

        August 22, 2020 at 9:46 pm
      • editor

        Goodness, Constantine, you really are a tease. Can’t you send the link – that is one very busy blog…

        Some time later…

        I found it – hadn’t realised on quick skim that you had identified “latest blog”, and I’ve asked for the news-giver there to provide some evidence, not just gossip. My comments always go into moderation so I’m not sure if that’s because I’m me, or if it happens to everybody but I doubt it – that would be a full time job, moderating all those comments.

        August 22, 2020 at 10:11 pm
      • editor


        I have just received the following reply to my email sent to the Chancellor of the Diocese of Motherwell, earlier this afternoon, asking if it is true that Fr Despard has been dismissed from the clerical state:

        Hi Patricia,
        Another hoax or rumour, whatever you want to call it. There is no truth in it.
        Best wishes.
        Deacon Jim

        August 23, 2020 at 4:12 pm
      • Constantine

        As you are one of Fr Despard’s devotee, I felt it was necessary to inform you immediately of what I had read on Bishop Buckley’s blog site (albeit in the comments section).

        August 23, 2020 at 9:26 pm
      • editor

        “Fr Despard devotee”? Me? I’ve never met Fr Despard.

        I am interested in the situation, of course, where a bunch of actively homosexual priests are permitted to remain in post in parishes while a priest who sought to expose such infidelity is suspended. “Diabolical disorientation” springs to mind.

        Anyway, thank you for what I assume was a well-meaning contribution here.

        And, er… why do I get the feeling that you’re a regular contributor over on the Bishop Buckley blog? Rhetorical question… 😀

        August 23, 2020 at 11:43 pm

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