Authoritarian UK Governments Are Recruiting Child-Spies: Criminal Surely?
I mean, just how much further down the road to outright tyranny must we go before the majority of people inside and outside Parliament waken up to the truth about “the virus”? Maybe if someone leaves a trail of beans from Westminster (and the other centres of Government in Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast) all the way to China, then the penny will drop.
There’s just no explaining the blindness around us – except in supernatural terms. We are living through the prophesied – at Fatima – diabolical disorientation, when everything in the world and the Church is upside down; the old order is being crushed and a “new normal” established, where our freedoms have been permanently removed.
God will intervene in due course – once we have been sufficiently chastened and turned back to Him. In the meantime, we need to pray, to live the Fatima Message as it applies to us, and keep watch, so that we are alert to the reality of the evil engulfing us. Let’s also do our best to alert others to what amounts to criminal behaviour by the UK Governments.
If you disagree that the recruitment of children to spy on their parents is criminal, tell us so and explain… how would you describe it? How can it be justified?
Comments (29)
This is the normal behaviour of Marxist governments, they create a network of civilian spies, including children, to report everything back to them. It’s actually the same as under the Nazis as well, another Communist organisation. They had German children reporting their parents for sheltering Jews.
It is exactly as Our Lady of Fatima predicted for our time, the entire world under Communist totalitarian and godless government. The people think they have it made throwing off God for Socialism now they will pay the price of their folly. By the time this COVID-19 lie is fully exposed the country will be bankrupt.
On that note, I was told the other day that a person had sent a Freedom of Information request to Tayside NHS asking for the number of those who ACTUALLY died directly from this virus between February and November 2020. The number was 5 dead!
5 dead between February and November 2020 in Tayside – WOW! I would love to see the figures from across Scotland, broken down into local areas like that. I wonder why it takes a Freedom of Information Act request to find out? Rhetorical question…
Forget about the government. The Church in the UK most be the second worst in Europe. Its face is Nichols in Westminster, succesor of the satanic St. Gallen thugs Murphy O Connor and Hume. They published the “vocations” statistics a month ago. 27 new seminarians for all of England and Wales, the median age is…40 years old. The diocese of Liverpool got 0 new seminarians. The same for Cardiff, Clifton, Hallam. Catholicism in the UK Is dead, and as a human institution is a force for evil. I say is the second worst in Europe because I know Ireland is much worse. I dont want to think how is the situation in Scotland.
Suffice it to say all 5 seminaries have been closed down in Scotland over the past few decades, and now I hear that Scots College in Rome is being closed down. Yes, they’re a fine hierarchy of the Church, no doubt about it! These must be those wonderful fruits of Vatican II, the “New Pentecost” they promised as an alternative to a papal/episcopal consecration of Russia to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart, as she requested.
In addition to Athanasius’ observations, the clue to the situation in Scotland may lie in the answer to a question from an American blogger, Mike, recently; the answer to his question is that we have one “traditional leaning” bishop (out of eight) and he has that reputation, not because he is shouting “Back to Basics” from the rooftops but because he has offered the traditional Mass and does not hamper the implementation of Summorum Pontificum.
In response to the closure of churches, the general attitude of the clergy seems to be that this is not a bad thing, with one priest publicly opining (in the dissident rag, The Tablet) that the lockdown is showing us a new road forward… In short, the situation in Scotland is even more dire than it was in 1999 when we launched our newsletter. Here’s the Parish Priest of (ironically) St Athanasius’ parish in Carluke proving the point…
In Carluke the FSSPX has a chapel right? Btw, I’m not American. Living in Argentina, son of an Irish father.
Yes, the SSPX has a chapel in Carluke. However, given its location, it may as well be in Argentina, for all the use it is to the faithful. The SSPX chapel in Glasgow should be where it’s all happening but is sadly not happening, at least not for the greater majority. I think it’s called clerical indifference!
The FSSPX and other TLM groups have LOTS of issues. Despite being probably the only oportunity for people miles around to attend TLM, sometimes they are less willing to get involve with the faithful instead simply believing that while they keep saying Mass everything is OK, whether 100 people attend or just 10. My honeymoon with Traditional orders ended long time ago. Traditional Catholicism, that is, Catholicism is the solution to our disgrace but sadly the clergy in charge of being vehicle of the spread of the faith dissapoint you over and over. I believe is now up to the faithful, to fired up many of these lazy priest and try to get more people involved into the faith. Less reverence towards the man in the cassock and more demands, you are here to save souls, and whatever you do that makes that work more difficult must be call out. To have that attitude from Modernist priest is one thing, to have it from these fellows, who are a small fraction of priest, it’s deeply disturbing. I know a couple of NO priests far more engaged in what they do than many FSSPX priests, and here in Argentina is where we have more FSSPX priests, about 30 of them.
Can’t argue with any of that, you’re absolutely spot on with those observations. Too many Traditional priests have grown cold in zeal the more comfortable their lives have become. Add to that a good number being put into positions of authority they should never have been placed in and it’s little wonder self-serving takes over from serving God and souls. It’s a sad development but, like you, I’ve noticed it getting worse in recent years.
I think part of the SSPX problem is this common attitude of their clergy toward the avalanche of crises that are upon us:
“Don’t pay too much attention to politics. In the end, God wins.”
Gee thanks, Father, just wake me up when it’s all over….
Sorry about that – my memory (probably flawed) is of you asking what our bishops are like by comparison with the American bishops, so I did what I’m inclined to do all the time, put two and two together and come up with 250 😀
As “son of an Irish father” albeit living in Argentina, you will probably find the next blog topic of interest – I’ll be posting that one very soon; it features an Irish SSPX priest! Talk about killing two birds with one stone! Hopefully, you will agree that it would be wrong to write off the SSPX clergy – or, really, any clergy because while there’s life there’s hope, as the old saying goes…
No, worry not… I’m not going to assume that you are Irish… I’ll wait to be telt, as we say here in not-so-sunny Scotland 😀
No, born and raised in Tigre, Argentina. My dad is Irish but came here with his fathers when he was a few months old. You will noticed that my English isn’t perfect. But as someone of Irish origin, well, yeah, it’s pretty heartbreaking to see the Republic going from the most Catholic country in the world to what is today. But we all know who Is to blame, and it’s not the left, the globalists, the gay lobby. The rot in the Church in Ireland, as elsewhere, comes from within. I hope the FSSPX could invest more in that country, and whoever celebrates the Mass and has a sense of good will, like the Scottish bishop you talked about. That country is needed more than any other.
ED this of course ties in with the Fuhrer and Its works and you know of course I don’t mean Hitler .But as for the Catholic Faith no matter how much they Prosecute or Persecute us we know they can never kill us off .Some of the greatest Books av ever read were of The Guy Falks time .Of course we who still know our Faith know that time was nothing to do with Fireworks .I know you have probably read them but the Priests who said Mass in secret in those times practically lived in Coffins built into Houses throughout England and Wales many of the Priests were bent and Hunched Back by existing in such conditions .Of course spies are nothing new especially in selling off our Faith ,the Irish unfortunately were some of the worst .Of course we know that if a Child wishes to be of the other Gender then the Fuhrer can move in and remove said Child if The Parents don’t go with Her Abomination wishes so the rules for Spying on parents were set out long ago .The last time I ever read anything from that useless Tablet was of a Woman who became a Man so as to be an Anglican Priest . You probably read the same garbage .I sent the writer of the article an Email . Needless to say I never received a reply . On a really great positive note I received word back yesterday of my Scan the good news is everything is all clear . Thank you all for your prayers .On a negative note they accidentally Scanned my Head and said that they found nothing their Either . I don’t know if I should get a 2nd Opinion what do you think .
I’m delighted that you have been pronounced in good health. You ask for my opinion about the brain scan… well, this might help….
That’s a cracker and the first time I have seen it . Of course you should know me by now and after The Google Opinion I actually went on to Bing which is much more Sophisticated. They said that there was nothing that a Head Transplant couldn’t Fix . In fact they sent me an Email straight from Joe Biden himself offering me a Cabinet Post . They also gave me a hint of the Test to Pass for The Job . ” He’ll ask you to say the Apostles Creed and if you say to him ” Joe the only Apostle Creed I know of was the one in the Rocky Movies ,then the Job is yours . 🐒
I’ve posted the following comment on the vaccines thread but since this thread refers to the increasing authoritarianism in the UK Governments, I think it would be of interest to post here, as well… In any case, I’m keen to spread some good news for a change…
Well, this morning I received my letter from NHS Scotland giving me an appointment to receive the vaccine. My appointment has been scheduled for 11 February, Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, can you believe!
Hence, with confidence I rang the number on the letter and selected “re-schedule” the appointment from the options, since, strangely, there was no option to cancel. 😀
I was greeted by a very friendly female voice, asking for my preferred appointment date to re-schedule. When I said that I didn’t want to re-schedule but to cancel because I do not want to take the vaccine, she accepted that without any hesitation or attempt to persuade me to change my mind.
So, my prepared firm albeit polite short and sweet speech was not necessary, after all. Deo gratias!
I feel very relieved – contrary to popular opinion, I do not relish battles. I just hope and pray that I’m not put on a “banned” list, prohibited from conducting necessary business because I don’t have a “health passport”.
I’m entrusting that to Our Lady of Lourdes…
If I got an unsolicited letter like that, I wouldn’t bother to ring and cancel. I simply would bin it and not turn up. Waste their time. All subsequent letters ditto.
If I did that, I wouldn’t have anything to write on the blog.
Gimme a break!
What a coincidence ED I received my Bill Gates Vaccine letter today also .I haven’t actually read it yet I just opened the envelope .Am much more charitable than you as I heard that Billy Gates is going to wait His Turn for the Vaccine well am offering him mine .
Children being taught to snitch on parents is an abomination, as is the vile indoctrination and genderbendering “education”that is inflicted on them . Truly satanic and demonic. . Demons degrade, demoralise, deceive and torment their victims.
I’ve made a number of of enemies trying to speak out about all this as people just wont have it that there is more going on here than a virus. Their blindness seems unassailable. Whats the matter with people?
You are not alone – it’s so difficult to convince people that the virus is just a way of getting control of the population, using the fear of death. The majority just do not want to know.
The latest abominattion is they are using Salisbury Cathedral as a vaccination centre. And the organ is being played while gullible guinea pigs are being jabbed .
On a more personal note to my Friend and Brother RCA Victor I especially thank you for your Prayers .You were certainly correct about Gods Plumber .
Here’s a quote from “The Red Decade,” by Eugene Lyons, written in 1941 (about Communist infiltration of America):
“The glorification of Youth is a modern development . It puts a premium on lack of experience, mental fuzziness and intuition as against intelligence and maturity . I watched both Italian Fascism and German Nazism at close range in their formative stages . It is not generally appreciated to what a large extent they were both Youth movements . Demagogues who knew what they wanted used the energies and emotional drives of young people who had not the remotest notion what they really wanted . In both those countries, Youth was deliberately mobilized to beat civilization into a pulp.”
The glorification of youth is an important part of the Communist snitch-on-your-parents strategy. Children are made to feel quite important by committing what is described to them as an act of loyalty to the grand design, the great utopia. Of course, well we might ask how loyalty to a mirage supersedes loyalty to one’s parents, but in this age of child care due to the absence of two working parents, that’s not hard to imagine.
RCA Victor,
It’s chilling to think that Boris Johnson actually approved this decision to employ children to spy on their families. Beggars belief.
You are right, of course, that Communists and Fascists share that same strategy – the use of youth-spies to destroy families. It’s unthinkable. I wonder who thought of it…
Editor & RCAVictor
It doesn’t surprise me in the least that Boris Johnson chose this method of manipulating incautious youth, given what we know about Communist tactics, re-inforced by that quote from Eugene Lyons. Boris Johnson is a cultural Marxist, as are most of the Tories, the entire Labour Party, the Lib Dems, Greens, SNP and all the rest. They work for higher, hidden authorities pushing global Communism. Hence the multi-party COVID-19 scam agreement.
I just searched to see who first thought of using children to spy on their parents. A lot of George Orwell hits came up, but also this from the Gospel of Matthew 10:21:
“The brother also shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the son: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and shall put them to death.“
RCA Victor,
Just to clarify, lest there be any confusion in the minds of readers who may not be acquainted with the Gospels, the verse from Matthew’s Gospel which you quote is not an exhortation from Christ: HE is not telling His followers to betray their parents.
On the contrary, Our Lord is warning that, such will be the hatred, the war against God in the world, that even our families may turn against us for following Christ and will, if they deem it necessary, betray us to secular authorities, even if it means death.
There is much more about the persecution of Christians in that same chapter. Indeed, prior to the warning about betrayal by families, Christ tells his listeners that “You shall be brought before governors and before kings for My sake…” (Matthew 10:18).
We’re just about there now, folks.
I am truly stunned that Boris Johnson would approve the use of young people to spy on their own families and communities.
I hope he gets his marching orders in all the Labour controlled areas that he won at the last election. He knows they were on loan, and if the Tories didn’t stick to their word to help those communities, they’d get a bloody nose at the next General Election. Now we know that they are using Marxist techniques to keep us under control, even making us afraid of our own children spying on us, they’ve no chance of holding on to those seats.
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