Archbishop Viganò: Dedicate Assumption Vigil to Prayer & Fasting to Defeat New World Order
14 August: Vigil of the Feast of Our Lady’s Assumption into Heaven…
“In this moment of very serious spiritual and material crisis, in which the public Authorities support the plans of the New World Order and the Shepherds are silent accomplices in the face of the destruction of society and of the Church of Christ herself, it is our sacred duty to unite ourselves to the spiritual battle, aligning ourselves without hesitation under the banners of Christ our King and Mary our Queen.
The Lord has given to Bishops and Priests the power to cast out demons in His Name. Already on Holy Saturday of 2020 many of them welcomed my appeal with generosity and a supernatural spirit. Today I intend to renew this appeal. I ask, therefore, my venerable brothers in the Episcopate and Priesthood to dedicate the Vigil of the Assumption of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary to prayer and fasting, and to reciting the Exorcismus in Satanam et angelos apostaticos of Leo XIII (Rituale Romanum, Tit. XII, Caput III), at the hour of 12 noon in Rome. This sacramental will be placed under the mantle of the most fearful adversary of the infernal powers, so that the choral prayer of the ministers of God will remove from the Church and the world the snares of the enemy of mankind which today threaten society, families, individuals, and in a particular way the faithful of Christ… In the silence and fasting which prepares us for the Feast of the Assumption of the Queen of Heaven, let us invoke the Most Holy Virgin, terrible as an army set in battle array, and Saint Michael the Archangel, the Patron of the Holy Church and Prince of the Heavenly Hosts.” Read more here
Holy Michael, Archangel, defend us in the day of battle,
Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the Devil;
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host,
By the power of God,
Cast down into Hell, Satan and all wicked spirits
Who wander through the world, for the ruin of souls.
Comments (18)
This is a wonderful invitation from Archbishop Vigano to the bishops and priests of the Church and we can only hope that it meets with a generous response on their part. The laity can also play their part by imploring Our Lady’s assistance, as well as that of St. Michael and St. Joseph. If the response is good, the fruits will be immediately discernable.
I thought Archbishop Vigano was calling us all, laity included, to pray and fast today. On the traditional calendar, today is marked as a day of fast and abstinence anyway.
No, Archbishop Vigano makes it perfectly clear in the letter (above) that it is prelates and priests he’s appealing to because of their power from Our Lord to cast out devils. However, that does not mean the prayers and fastings of the laity in union with faithful bishops and priests is not of great value.
Since most of us won’t have a traditional calendar, how would anyone know this is a day of fast and abstinence? I’ve never known that. I am wondering if the “traditional” crowd are bringing in their own new ideas?
I’m the same – never heard of the vigil of the Assumption being a day of fast and abstinence for the faithful. I wonder if that is something that the religious orders did? Also, if you don’t have a traditional calendar (where would you get one?!?) how would you know?
As Athanasius says, it can only be a good thing if we do pray and fast as well, if we possibly can do.
Josephine & Michaela,
The Vigil of the Assumption fast/abstinence is most certainly not an innovation, or exclusive to religious orders. If you order a 2021 calendar from The Fatima Center, you will see that the Vigil contains a black fish symbol, i.e. a day of fast and abstinence.
Special Thanks To Archbishop Vigano! Dearest Jesus, Mary and Joseph, please awaken and hold the priests of this marvelous Church close to you. Protect The United States of America Republic, the citizens of the United States, and all the servents of our Church! Help with understanding and grant them Grace during these trying times that are about to occur. May we all serve You, our Lord and Savior and follow your directions. Awaken, enlighten and Bless these citizens, and while we are at this, Protect, and Bless our global Citizens and Give them Peace along with us. Jesus, Mary and Joseph as we celebrate your Family Reunion, Bless those of us who are named for you. Proudly may I represent You!
Mary Jo Beniger,
I agree with you – I think we are very blessed to have Archbishop Vigano speaking out at this terrible time in the Church, and leading by example to pray and fast.
Archbishop Vigano is marvellous. I think it’s great that he is doing this. It obviously can only be a good thing. It would have been nice of the Scottish Bishops had thought of it – LOL!
Once again, Archbishop Vigano comes into his own. If ever there was a churchman steering a lifeboat for us these days, it’s him. Thank God for him.
I agree. Archbishop Vigano is that voice speaking in the wilderness at this time of confusion and chaos in the Church and the world. Others have – to follow your analogy – sadly missed the boat!
ED isn’t it Funny and not in a Ha Ha Way that this Awful Man in Rome who Acts as Pope makes Heretical Announcements on or around Feast Days of Our Blessed Lady. I would like to know other Readers Views on this . If you cast your Mind back to the Feast Day of The Annunciation He made the Statement about us more or less Holding Our Blessed Mother in the same Vein as Almighty God when we Pray the Hail Mary . The Heretic more or less said that the words –Holy Mary Mother of God — were a bit strong. I know of course Bergoglio used his double talk trying to leave Himself open to criticism. Then when He’s Criticised He goes in the Huff.
As for Archbishop Vigano asking us to Pray especially for Demons to be thrown from Our One Holy and Apostolic Church that is some Job even for Michael The Archangel. One thing we most certainly know is that Our Lord Jesus Christ will not see His Mother Mocked for much longer.
Maybe if Bergoglio started to put the Horse Before the Cart their wouldn’t be so Many Disasters in our World. Holy Mother of God Pray For Us .
At the risk of incurring your wrath, I am reminded that, when you previously commented that Francis issues his shocking attacks on the Faith on Feasts of Our Lady, I decided to check. I found that Amoris Laetitia was published on the Feast of St Joseph, 19 March 2016 and I can’t recall the others which I checked. I do remember, however, thinking to myself, how on earth do I break this news to FOOF?
I await your correction of my correction – just keep the heid… 😀
It doesn’t really matter, we can all agree that he releases these shocks on the Church on major Feasts.
Your comment at11.55pm begs the philosophical question, does anything really matter? I mean, I’ve just written that, but does it matter? It’s in the past now, so why am I mentioning it? Is it not because it maybe does matter, after all? Time will tell. Or maybe not. Maybe only in eternity will we know if anything really matters. What do you think? Or, again, reflecting on life in general, do you think? Does anyone really think?
Seriously, I take your point. I just like to torment FOOF as often as possible, that’s all. A gal has to have a bit of fun sometimes 😀
I don’t know what to think about your thoughts, I’ll need to think about it and get back to you in about 10 years, I think. Mind you, 10 years is a long time to sit with elbow on knee and chin on fist pondering the philosophical truths of life!
I knew you were having FOOF on but I thought I would just throw in that little clanger.
As we are approaching the midnight hour, I thought I would wish everyone a very happy Feast of the Assumption
15 August, 2021 – to mark the Feast, I thought I would post the old favourite, Hail Queen of Heaven…
Although here in the UK it is about 3.20 in the afternoon, I would like to wish everyone a happy Feast of the Assumption.
I would like to post a favourite to Our Lady – O Sanctissima.
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