Feast of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal – Please Pray For A Very Special Intention: A Real Miracle !
Editor writes…
I am asking Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal for a very special miracle for a very good friend of mine who has just been diagnosed with cancer. He is awaiting details of his treatment, and when I asked him if it would be OK to seek the prayers of bloggers, he was immediately appreciative. He reads this blog regularly and expressed gratitude for our prayers, so please pray for him that he maintains his impressive faith and resignation to God’s holy will, at this rather worrying time. He prefers that I don’t publish his name, so, since some bloggers like to have a name to use in prayer, I suggest that we call him Joseph, because, well, it’s one of my all-time favourite names and since St Joseph is a very powerful saint, we might ask for his intercession as well as that of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal.
Thank you all in advance for your promises of prayers – and a very Happy Feast Day to one and all!
Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, please obtain a miracle for “Joseph”!
Comments (13)
Joseph will be in my prayers every day
Mary Anne,
Thank you … and sorry you were not named on our Thanksgiving thread yesterday; you need to pop in more often to get on that select list next year 😀
I will keep Joseph in my prayers every day and hope to hear good news about a cure, very soon.
The story of Claude Newman in the video is inspiring and gives us great hope for Joseph.
Happy Feast everyone.
Will certainly pray for ‘Joseph’. This is a good novena prayer for the Miraculous Medal:
‘O Immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ and our Mother, penetrated with the most lively confidence in Thy all powerful and never failing intercession, manifested so often through the Miraculous Medal, we Thy loving and trustful children implore Thee to obtain for us the graces and favours we ask during this novena, if they be beneficial for our immortal souls and the souls for whom we pray (mention any intentions here). Obtain for us Mary, a deep hatred of sin and that purity of heart which will attach us to God alone so that our every thought, word and deed may tend to His greater glory. Obtain for us also a spirit of prayer and self-denial so that we may recover by penance what we has lost by sin, and at length attain to that blessed abode where Thou art the Queen of Angels and of men. Amen.
O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee (3 times)’
Thank you for that novena prayer which has prompted me to begin the Miraculous Medal novena for ‘Joseph’ today. It will end on 5th December, second Sunday in Advent.
Joseph will be in my prayers, until I hear, please God, good news about his health.
“St. Peregrine is honored as the saint who watches over cancer patients. When St. Peregrine himself was afflicted with cancer of the foot and amputation had been decided upon, he spent the night in prayer. The next morning he found that he had been completely cured of his cancer. St. Peregrine spent his youth actively rebelling against the Church. Once granted the grace of conversion, St. Peregrine grew to be a very holy and revered priest and confessor.”
I will pray for Joseph’s miracle – with Our Lady, St Joseph and St Peregrine interceding for him, he stands a great chance of getting one!
Thank you for that reminder of the patron saint of cancer sufferers, St Peregrine. I didn’t know much about him before reading that link.
Happy Feast everyone.
Don’t be misled by Joseph’s strong faith and resignation to God’s holy will – he is bound to be fearful, humanly speaking, about his cancer and treatment. That’s perfectly normal and human.
I will keep him in my prayers – it’s a big thing to happen to anyone. I offer my sympathy and prayers. The wonderful story of Claude Newman gives us all hope – the Miraculous Medal is called that for a reason!
Well said. We must not forget that ‘Joseph’ is bound to be feeling apprehensive about what lies ahead, so our prayer will include, implicitly always, the grace for acceptance of whatever lies ahead. Someday, if we are blessed with time for preparation, we will all need such grace.
For now, I thought I’d post one of my favourite versions of the Ave Maria, available on YouTube… In honour of Our Lady, of course, and as a prayer of intercession for ‘Joseph’ on this beautiful Feast.
A very happy Feast day to all. May our Lady of the Miraculous Medal shower graces upon all of us and our loved ones.
I will likewise be praying hard to St. Joseph for Joseph, and also for his family at this time. I have a very great trust in this wonderful saint, though I cannot ignore some of the other fantastic reccomendations made on this thread as well. So, it’s St. Joseph, St. Peregrine and that lovely prayer to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal posted by Westminsterfly.
Are we not so lucky to have the great gift of our holy religion from God, especially in times of illness when the communion of saints becomes a powerful reality to us by the combined prayers of the faithful making petition to God through Our Lady, St. Joseph, St. Peregrine and countless other blessed souls in charity? These prayers NEVER go unanswered.
My prayers are joined to the others here, for Joseph’s health miracle.
Happy Feast day to everyone at CT.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to this conversation today, with much gratitude for the promises of prayers for ‘Joseph’ who is delighted to have your spiritual support. Hopefully, in due course, I’ll be able to post the good news of that requested miracle.
In the meantime, renewed gratitude to one and all – this thread is now closed to comments.
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