Happy Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe!
From the YouTube Platform:
The image of Our Lady of Guadalupe is very familiar to North American Catholics, but what’s the story behind it? This short video will take you back to 1531 Mexico to find out all about the miraculous image and the gifts of grace [Our Lady] brought!
Editor writes…
One of the titles of Our Lady of Guadalupe is patroness of the unborn child. We might pray especially for her intercession on this day, as the unthinkable evil of legalised abortion continues to challenge the very idea that Scotland – or any other part of the UK – is a civilised nation. Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us.
Comments (10)
That’s a beautiful story, a marvellous miracle.
Happy Feast everyone.
It is a marvellous miracle but this article is very good in warning about the danger of exaggerating the miracle
It’s very important to stick with the facts – the video doesn’t give false information, but I just think it’s important to be aware of that danger. It always does more harm than good.
Happy Feast day to all at Catholic Truth.
Praying for all pro-lifers today.
That video tells the story in the most concise way I’ve ever heard. It’s excellent.
I wish everyone on this blog a very blessed Feast today, the third Sunday in Advent. I agree that we should pray for pro-lifers today, they are modern-day voices crying in the wilderness.
I agree, it’s a very beautiful video, story told so concisely.
Happy Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, one and all!
A very happy Feast to all at CTS.
Wishing everyone on the blog, a very happy and blessed Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. It’s one of the most astounding stories in the Church’s calendar.
A very happy Feast day to everyone.
Remember all ,that this was in the 16th Century and since then as we know the Tilma Image has been Burned. Blew up by Explosives Etc Etc yet the Demonic has never been able to Destroy it.
One of the most amazing things about this is that now that Science has been able to look into the Eye of the Image on the Tilma is Juan Diego Kneeling before Our Blessed Lady.
Their also is a Sorrowful Mystery of The Rosary to Our Lady of Guadalupe,and the Music played during it is aligned to the Stars on the Tilma.
A truly beautiful gift to us all . Happy Feast Day.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Pray For Us .
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