Why Does The Case Of Novak Djokovic Matter?

Why Does The Case Of Novak Djokovic Matter?

From the YouTube Platform…

  1. Thank you Nigel for speaking to Novak’s family and getting accurate details of what’s happened. Truly shocking! Worse than I thought.
  2. “If they can treat the world’s number 1 tennis player like this imagine what they might do to you” and that there, is exactly the type of fear they want to instil in us.

Editor writes…

I’m not interested in sport – ever since I lost the egg & spoon race at school, I couldn’t care less.  However, I do care about freedom, personal liberty etc. and, as Nigel Farage says above, if they can treat the world’s number 1 tennis player like this, just imagine what they might do to the rest of us…

The Australian hierarchy, like the rest of the world’s Catholic hierarchy, is remaining silent through all that is happening in the name of Covid-19 and its variants.

Why?  After all, if they can treat the world’s number 1 tennis player like this, imagine what they will do, in due course, to Catholic clergy and religious.

Comments (12)

  • Lily

    I think the case of this tennis player matters because it confirms that Australia is an out and out totalitarian state. It really is. I am appalled at the way they are treating Novak Djokovic, as it’s just more evidence of the lunatic approach to this non-deadly virus.

    I was delighted to see this doctor telling Sajid Javid that he’s not taking the vaccine. The hospital posted a cowardly note at the end, of course.

    January 8, 2022 at 8:56 pm
    • editor


      It’s disgraceful to see the way Sajid Javid dismisses this doctor’s comments about the vaccine, underlining the fact that only the chosen few “experts” (who are no such thing) are allowed to have their “science” taken seriously.

      January 8, 2022 at 10:44 pm
      • Faith of Our Fathers

        Spot on ED Gates. Fauci. Boris and Nippy are experts in Nothing. I met an old Friend today haven’t spoken to Him for about 6 Months. First words out of His mouth after Hello were ” Have You Had The Vaccine ”
        I proceeded to say ” No I haven’t had the Injections and they are not Vaccines ” of course he disagreed and thats fair enough as long as He doesn’t wish to put them into my Body. Then a Woman comes walking by with a Welders Mask on. Well actually it was one of those Face Guards whatever their supposed to do .
        Now I Know for a Fact the Woman is Fully Injected and Boostered. So the Question is do these Injections work or don’t they . If they don’t why is Nippy and Boris promoting them at every chance. One would think that Gates or Big Pharma had Bribed them . Surely Not.🐂 Their full of this Beasts Poo.
        I also watched Bishop Schneider yesterday on The Remnant. He is correct about Cannibalism.

        January 9, 2022 at 3:39 pm
  • Josephine

    Australian is a totally tyrannical country now, and the people don’t seem to have any problem with it! It’s just amazing.

    I’m not sure the tennis player is telling the full truth though – there seems to be another side to the story, although I have no trust in the BBC. They have a different take on what has happened to Djokovic.

    January 8, 2022 at 10:54 pm
    • Faith of Our Fathers

      Josephine just a little bit of info on the Rotten to The Core BBC. Bill Gates gave them Many £Millions last year am actually sure it was £375Million give or take a Pound or Two .
      Now Gates has made at least $50Billion off these Chinese Fabricated Disease Injections alone.
      I wouldn’t believe the BBC if they said this was Sunday. Of course I don’t watch it so am just going from past experiences. Like prepped Audiences on Question Time.

      January 9, 2022 at 3:50 pm
      • editor


        Today’s Sunday? You sure? All day?

        January 9, 2022 at 7:56 pm
  • Theresa Rose

    In this interview Bishop Athanasius Schneider presents the Catholic view of this vaccine.


    I would agree with Lily that Australia is an out and out totalitarian country. How many other countries are also following down the road of totalitarianism?

    January 9, 2022 at 1:32 am
    • westminsterfly

      Theresa Rose
      Thanks very much for uploading that Bishop Schneider interview. Everyone should take 15 minutes out to watch that. I think when enough countries have tipped over into totalitarianism, it will make it easier for the world communist powers (particularly Russia) to pick these countries off, without even having to even go to war with them, and so we will get a one-world government. Bp Schneider said in that interview that we are witnessing a neo-communism.

      January 9, 2022 at 10:29 am
      • Theresa Rose


        If I had not been so restless last night I doubt that I would have come across Michael Matt interviewing Bishop Schneider. I agree with you, and it is worrying if enough countries have tipped over into totalitarianism, the communist powers will pick off countries without going to war with them.

        If ever we needed the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, it is now! To think Our Lady appeared to Sister Lucia in 1929, telling her that NOW was the time for that Consecration to happen. Yet, Popes and Bishops have failed to carry out her wishes and instruction. Our only way is to storm Heaven by our prayers and our penances so that Her wish will come to happen.

        January 9, 2022 at 2:40 pm
    • Faith of Our Fathers

      I have been as most on here have been thinking for myself I also love Mens Tennis. When the Communists in Australia said that Novak could come and play I was a Tad Suspicious that they would make an Example of Him not having the Mengele Injections to the Whole World. In other words it was to big an opportunity for A Communist Country ( which Australia now certainly is to Miss ) . One of my Favorite Tennis Players was Nadal but not anymore. When asked about Novak Nadal said ” We all Have to get Vaccinated it’s the only way to stop this Disease ” . Nadal if by a Million to One Chance you read this ad like to know. Who Paid You to say That and How much were You Paid.
      You are now officially a Snake. For if Any Men Tennis Players take part in this Tournament it is now certainly tainted. Be a Man Nadal and withdraw from it . I certainly Would.
      God Watch Over and Take Care of You Martin. Prayers from. J.D.

      January 9, 2022 at 3:24 pm
  • Theresa Rose

    It has been reported on GB News this morning that Novac Djokovic has won his case in court and was released from detention. But the Federal Government is not going to let matters rest there, and the possibility of them over turning the Court’s decision which means what? Deportation for Djokovic!

    January 10, 2022 at 9:27 am
    • Laura

      I think the latest news is that he is being allowed to stay in Australia, although why anyone would want to stay in that dictatorship is beyond me. I have no desire to ever set foot in the place, now.

      January 10, 2022 at 7:48 pm

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