11 February: Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes

11 February: Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes

From the website of the Franciscan Media

On December 8, 1854, Pope Pius IX proclaimed the dogma of the Immaculate Conception in the apostolic constitution Ineffabilis Deus. A little more than three years later, on February 11, 1858, a young lady appeared to Bernadette Soubirous. This began a series of visions. During the apparition on March 25, the lady identified herself with the words: “I am the Immaculate Conception.”

Bernadette was a sickly child of poor parents. Their practice of the Catholic faith was scarcely more than lukewarm. Bernadette could pray the Our Father, the Hail Mary and the Creed. She also knew the prayer of the Miraculous Medal: “O Mary conceived without sin.”

During interrogations Bernadette gave an account of what she saw. It was “something white in the shape of a girl.” She used the word aquero, a dialect term meaning “this thing.” It was “a pretty young girl with a rosary over her arm.” Her white robe was encircled by a blue girdle. She wore a white veil. There was a yellow rose on each foot. A rosary was in her hand. Bernadette was also impressed by the fact that the lady did not use the informal form of address (tu), but the polite form (vous). The humble virgin appeared to a humble girl and treated her with dignity.

Through that humble girl, Mary revitalized and continues to revitalize the faith of millions of people. People began to flock to Lourdes from other parts of France and from all over the world. In 1862 Church authorities confirmed the authenticity of the apparitions and authorized the cult of Our Lady of Lourdes for the diocese. The Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes became worldwide in 1907.

Editor writes…

We might reflect today on the importance of praying for the sick; I’m thinking especially of our bloggers, Athanasius and RCA Victor, who have been very ill recently.  Hopefully, they will be back in harness soon.  Feel free, too, to ask for prayers for your own family, friends, neighbours and acquaintances. Our Lady of Lourdes, Health of the Sick, pray for them. 

It is also appropriate, surely, to seek special help today for the Church, not least here in Scotland where it is all but extinct.  Let’s pray for those priests who are doing their best to live faithful Catholic lives, albeit thoroughly dispirited, as many of them are bound to be, by the bad press caused by the faithlessness of other clergy who bring the Church of Christ into disrepute.

Prayer to Our Lady of the Priesthood

Virgin Mary, Mother of Christ the High Priest, Mother of All Priests, you have a particular love
for all priests
because they are the living images of your only Son.

You assisted the Lord Jesus throughout His earthly life and continue to assist Him now in Heaven.
Please,  pray for priests!

Pray that we might always have priests to give us the sacraments, to preach the Gospel,
and to teach us how to become true children of God.

Blessed Virgin Mary, pray to the Father for all priests in all their many needs,
and because your intercession is so powerful before Him, obtain for us, O Mary, priests who will be holy.

Finally, as always with Feast Day threads, post your own favourite prayers and hymns, and any edifying stories/account of miracles in your own life. Enjoy the day – Happy Feast!

Comments (15)

  • Fidelis

    I love this Feast, have been to Lourdes x 2 times and St Bernadette is a truly wonderful, humble saint.

    Happy Feast to everyone at CTS!

    February 11, 2022 at 8:27 am
    • Bernie


      I’ve been to Lourdes as well – what a wonderful experience.

      I agree about St Bernadette being such humble saint. I’m proud to have her as my name-saint.

      Happy Feast!

      February 11, 2022 at 3:24 pm
  • Josephine

    Happy Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes to one and all!

    February 11, 2022 at 8:46 am
  • Margaret Mary

    Happy Feast day – I found this short explanation of Lourdes and a prayer which I’m offering for the intentions mentioned in the introduction; Athanasius, RCA Victor and the Church and priests in Scotland.

    February 11, 2022 at 9:53 am
  • Lily

    I think this article about Lourdes miracles will help a lot of people because it also considers the question of why not everyone is cured. I once went to Lourdes with a friend who had suffered a stroke and wasn’t cured, to our disappointment, so this is a useful article, IMHO. We understood that she may not be cured, probably even wouldn’t be cured, but being human we had the highest hopes.

    I wish everyone on this blog a very happy Feast today.

    February 11, 2022 at 10:41 am
  • Nicky

    Happy Feast CTS bloggers. I am remembering Athanasius and RCA Victor today.

    I also take the point about the sick Scottish Church – praying for our priests as well.

    February 11, 2022 at 10:46 am
  • Catherine

    Happy Feast Day to everyone. This is one of my favourite Feast Days. I believe, today 46 years ago Our Lady of Lourdes interceded to save my life. Enjoy this wonderful Feast Day; it’s a nice bright day, despite the cold temperature here in Scotland, Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us!

    February 11, 2022 at 12:49 pm
  • Catherine

    Happy Feast day to all!

    I believe Our Lady of Lourdes interceded 46 years years ago today as I had heart surgery this very day 46 years ago after being given 48 hours to live.

    Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us.

    February 11, 2022 at 12:52 pm
    • Bernie


      That’s absolutely wonderful – you were given 48 hours to live, then heart surgery on the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes and you are still here 46 years later. Fantastic! You have been blessed with a personal miracle, that is so wonderful. Happy Feast!

      February 11, 2022 at 3:22 pm
    • editor


      You have obviously been given a special grace by Our Lady of Lourdes – how marvellous.

      One part of the story of Lourdes always comes to my mind on this Feast. During a visit to Lourdes, a young priest (Motherwell Diocese) giving a talk about the apparitions, highlighted something that had not struck me previously, I don’t think I’d even noticed it – it is where Our Lady asks St Bernadette to return to the place of apparitions every day for the next fortnight. Just think about what Our Lady actually said to the young Bernadette:

      18th February, at 6 o’clock in the morning: Bernadette came with writing implements. The lady speaks.

      “What I have to say to you, it is not necessary to put it in writing, but would you do me the honour of coming here for a fortnight.”

      Think about that: the Queen of Heaven and earth asks an illiterate young girl to do her the honour of going to meet with her at the grotto every day for the next two weeks.

      Listening to that young priest’s reflection on the utter humility of Our Lady as evidenced in those few words, imprinted its significance on my mind at that time, and I’ve never forgotten it. I can’t remember the priest’s name but I’ve never forgotten his excellent and informative sermon on Our Lady of Lourdes.

      February 11, 2022 at 7:01 pm
  • editor

    I’ve enjoyed reading all the comments so far…

    I have received the following video clip from a priest – a 100% novus ordo priest (i.e. he has no interest in the TLM, despite much effort from yours truly); he suggests that I might enjoy this clip as it seems to be an SSPX priest…

    I thought I’d post it on this thread partly because there are no jokes posted so far, and also to remind us all to pray for the crisis in the priesthood/Mass today – Our Lady of Lourdes, Health of the Sick, pray for us!

    February 11, 2022 at 5:00 pm
  • Theresa Rose

    Happy Feast Day everyone.

    Catherine, it is wonderful to hear of the intercession of Our Lady and the miracle that that resulted in the success of your heart surgery.

    I too will remember Athanasius and RCA Victor today. And, one thing we should never underestimate is the Power of the Rosary when making our requests to Our Lady. A favourite hymn of mine is O Sanctissima which can be listened to.


    February 11, 2022 at 5:15 pm
  • Theresa Rose

    This is a sight I have never seen before – the cat is beside the statue of Our Lady and watch what is doing.


    February 11, 2022 at 5:33 pm
    • editor

      Theresa Rose,

      WOW! That is an amazing clip – imagine that; a cat showing veneration to Our Lady. Many thanks for posting.

      February 11, 2022 at 6:53 pm
    • Josephine

      Theresa Rose,

      That is a very beautiful clip. I wonder what the cat was thinking about this mysterious woman! It was a really beautiful few minutes. Thank you for that!

      February 11, 2022 at 11:08 pm

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