Tag - brendan o'neill

Is UK In Permanent Lockdown? Is The New Normal Already Here… To Stay?

From Spiked Online... Brendan O'NeillEditor of Spiked This lockdown feels different to the first one. Everyone can sense it. It feels greyer, more dispiriting. The sunny weather of the April / May lockdown has been replaced by rain and the occasional snowstorm, robbing even our ‘daily’ walk of its tiny promise of pleasure. The social solidarity...

Authoritarian UK Governments Are Recruiting Child-Spies: Criminal Surely?

https://youtu.be/dkdpjAnngAk Comment: I mean, just how much further down the road to outright tyranny must we go before the majority of people inside and outside Parliament waken up to the truth about "the virus"?  Maybe if someone leaves a trail of beans from Westminster (and the other centres of Government in Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast) all...

Covid-19: Lockdown In Wales “Psychotic & Deranged” – Or the New Normal?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQ5TBsC09KU&t=338s Comment:  Here's one of the commentators underneath the above video on the YouTube platform... "I think we should be looking for an insanity vaccine for the government because covid19 is not the threat to the people, government is." That was very strong stuff from Brendan O'Neill of Spiked Online - do you agree with him?   Is this...

Climate Cult & Conforming Kids…

In the above short discussion, the speakers acknowledge that the Climate Change movement is, in fact, "religion replacement". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5ZID0RuUzo Julia Hartley-Brewer tries to pin down one of the leaders of the Green Party to "facts not fearmongering" - doesn't work!  Comment:  What is MOST shocking about the entire climate change baloney is that Pope Francis has given the...