Tag - Bridgeton

Notice – Scotland: Masses On New Year’s Day

There will be Holy Mass in Sacred Heart, Bridgeton, Glasgow, on 1 January, 2022, at 12 noon, with confessions heard before Mass 11am - 11.50am. All Welcome. Click here for SSPX Masses in the UK on New Year's Day...

Wedding of the Year: Former PP at Sacred Heart & Vicar General of Glasgow Marries “Housekeeper”

In Issue # 98, our January 2017 newsletter, our front page reported on the scandalous domestic arrangements of the then Parish Priest of Sacred Heart, Bridgeton, Monsignor Paul Conroy who doubled as the Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Glasgow.  In other words, he held the most senior post in Glasgow, second only to...