Tag - child abuse

Cardinal Pell Appeal: Will Prosecutor’s Retraction Make Any Difference?

From the Anglican blog, Quadrant Online Cardinal George Pell’s appeal against his conviction of historical sexual abuse of two choirboys will be heard before the full High Court of Australia on March 11. Pell’s conviction in a Melbourne county court in December 2018 was affirmed by the Victorian Court of Appeal in August 2019. The...

Scandal of Ealing Abbey & Press Portrayal of “The Church’s Criminality”

Monks no longer allowed to run St Benedict's school where children were abused;    ENGLAND: London Ealing: St Benedict's School Guardian, 24 October, 2019... A “sadistic and predatory” atmosphere and a culture of cover-up and denial in a Catholic school allowed sexual abusers to commit crimes against children for decades, an independent inquiry has found. Senior figures at...

Steve Bannon on Pope Francis, Trump, Theresa May & Brexit… Super-Duper!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=121&v=DuUc8JZQen8 Comment:  The above video interview lasts around 30 minutes - a bit longer than we usually like to publish, but you won't want to miss a single word. Take a minute to watch the start - you'll be hooked as the propaganda pins fall one by one...   Your thoughts will be welcome on any of...

From Cardinal To Criminal: Australian Cardinal Pell Jailed …

Update - 3 March, 2019... Since writing my original editorial comment below, I have been moved by the information given by bloggers and the evidence provided by several (not least  the Australian bloggers) which appears to point to the Cardinal's innocence.  Read on, and tell us if you agree. Comment:  St John Chrysostom, Bishop and Doctor...

Pope Francis: is it spiritual blindness or sheer idiocy that prevents him from seeing the need to ACT… NOW?!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IE5LNh8XEIw&feature=youtu.be Comment invited...    

Out & Proud & Preaching… The Link Between Clergy Abuse & “Gay” Priests

"The pedophile scandal in the Catholic Church is not a pedophile scandal. The vast majority of victims are post-pubescent teens and young men. The real problem in the Church that everyone sees and few will say out loud: gay priests."  (Matt Walsh, Twitter) I'm taking some heat on Twitter today because I said that the...

Australia: Priests Facing Jail for Refusing to Break Seal of Confession…

From Lifesitenews... CANBERRA, Australia, June 12, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – A new law in Australia requires Catholic priests in Canberra to break the sacred seal of confession to report a child-sex abuser. The law, which has drawn fierce opposition from Archbishop Christopher Prowse of Canberra, could result in faithful priests being jailed who refuse to comply....

Smyllum Abuse Diabolical – If True…

A young boy was beaten black and blue after catching two nuns in an embrace, an inquiry has heard. A witness said he was six or seven when one of the nuns went “mental” and lashed out at him in a boiler-room at a care institution in the 1960s. He told Scotland’s child abuse inquiry...

Cost of Corruption in Westminster – £20

One of our English readers emailed me today to share the self-explanatory article below. Click on photo to reach original source. Cardinal Vincent Nichols (pictured, right, waving goodbye to the last vestiges of Catholic Faith in his archdiocese) plans to share  a platform with Fr Timothy Radcliffe, notorious dissenter and advocate of "gay rights", at a youth conference being organised in the Archdiocese...

Compulsory Sex Education in Scottish Schools… Or Compulsory Child Abuse?

A petition has called for statutory sex and relationship education in Scotland's schools. Schools should be compelled by law to teach sex and relationship education, according to a youth organisation which provides sex education. A Scottish Parliament committee is to consider a petition from Sexpression:UK. The group said Scotland had a high rate of teenage pregnancy, sexually-transmitted...