Tag - climate change

Shock: Pope Francis Appoints Pro-Abortionist Member of Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences

VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) – Pope Francis appointed prominent abortion advocate and supporter of the United Nations’ climate change-oriented policies Jeffrey Sachs as an ordinary member of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences in a move that has drawn significant criticism from concerned Catholics. Announced October 25, the Vatican described Sachs, having been a regular visiting figure at the Academy for some time, as...

COP26: Will Glasgow Save The Planet?

Spiked Online reports the Insulate Britain protests in London, where idiot "protesters" have been blocking roads... The tabloids have had a field day with the revelation that an Insulate Britain activist is married to a director of Transport for London (TfL). Cathy Eastburn of Insulate Britain has been busy trying to bring transport to a standstill. She...

Climate Change Terrorism: Programming the Population Post-Covid – A Psychological Breeze…

Blogger Athanasius aka Martin Blackshaw writes... Here we go again! I see all over the news channels today the beginning of a new psychological conditioning of the global population. "Code Red on Climate Change", says the UN, we're in last chance saloon and governments must act immediately to save the world. Sound familiar? Of course...

North Korea: Total Obedience – is this where Covid-Compliance is leading us?

Comment:  The above video, albeit less than an hour, is longer than we usually post, but I urge everyone to watch it right through. It is, truly, an education in CIA - Communism in Action...  Witnessing the almost total compliance of the UK population - certainly the Scottish population (there is, at least, some fightback in...

Scottish Bishops’ Diabolical Pentecost Pastoral: No Mention of Holy Spirit!

Pastoral Letter from the Bishops of Scotland on the Sixth Anniversary of Laudato Si’ Pentecost 2021 God saw all that he had made and indeed it was very good. [1] God’s creation is a great gift to all humanity, and humanity itself is an integral part of that creation. We are blessed by having the earth for...

Covid Lockdowns to Climate Lockdowns…

Comment:  Rowan Dean, of Sky News Australia, shows up the inexcusable ignorance of the UK press for peddling the lie that The Great Reset of the world, planned by the elite at the World Economic Forum (and other outfits with "World" in their titles)  is nothing more than a conspiracy theory.  It's inexcusable because we can...

Is Pontiff Contradicting Scripture When He Warns of a Second Great Flood?

ROME — Pope Francis has warned of the possibility of a second great flood, like that of Noah’s time, if humanity fails to address global warming. Ed: well, that's not what it says in the Bible. God explicitly rules out destroying the world by flood again, and even sets His rainbow in the sky as...

Is Climate Change The New Religion?

https://youtu.be/c79UkAnrFhw Comment: The new Biden administration in the USA is putting climate change centre-stage again, and we're being told, here in the UK,  that once we are successful in suppressing "the virus" (mission impossible) we will have to continue living a seriously restricted lifestyle, including the continued wearing of face marks, to prevent the dire consequences...

Is God in Charge of the Weather?

With yet another storm (Dennis) due to hit the UK this weekend, let's challenge the secular wisdom, reinforced by Pope Francis that humans are causing extreme weather because we insist  on using plastic bags and drive petrol cars.  IS this erratic and often treacherous weather due to human behaviour, or is God telling us...

Catechism: Pope Francis Considering New Sin – Well, it had to come…

The environment According to Pope Francis, acts such as the massive pollution of air, land and water resources, large-scale destruction of flora and fauna, and any action capable of producing an ecological disaster or destroying an ecosystem should be regarded as “ecocidal” and must not go unpunished. In this regard, he recalled the Synod for the Panamazon...