Tag - donald j trump

Israel-Palestine: Should Biden Appoint Donald J. Trump “Special Peace Envoy”?

https://youtu.be/WrZ9Ki1OI2o Comment:  If I find it disheartening to watch the speedy collapse of peace in the Middle East since Biden took (and I do mean "took") office just five months ago, how must President Donald J. Trump be feeling?  If Biden had any level of common sense, never mind diplomatic and political skills, never mind a...

Low IQ House-Plants: It’s Not Remotely Possible That Trump Lost To Biden…

Successful Presidents of Trump's calibre simply do not lose office to basement-dwelling opponents who can't campaign due to cognitive degeneration that prevents them from stringing two coherent sentences together... Martin Blackshaw, aka blogger Athanasius, was published in the print edition of the American Catholic newspaper The Remnant, 31 January, 2021.  Martin's article graced the front...

Impeachment Acquittal: Corrupt, Sore Losers Continue To Hate Trump – Why?

https://youtu.be/2C90RISdVFY Comment:  Those who followed the second impeachment trial of Donald Trump know that the Democrats did not remotely prove their case.  Far from it.  Being a defence lawyer in that Senate hearing was the easiest task in the world. Mr Bean would have won the day, so it's little wonder that the excellent Trump legal...

Scots Catholics For Trump Discuss Subversive, Mis-Named, Democratic Party

Below, a very informative article by one of our American bloggers - RCA Victor - to get us thinking about the forthcoming election in November, where the choice is between another term of office (four years) for President Trump or a new President, Joe Biden, a man who is a great friend of Communist...

Covid-19: Is the Pandemic Panic Dying?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuVMmrkaMh0 Comment... Does the optimism in the above video, hopeful that the end of the pandemic restrictions is nigh, reflect what is happening in the UK?  Or is the fact that we are living under the persistent threat of more local lockdowns and fresh restrictions, an indication that, on this side of The Pond, at least,...