Tag - liturgy

Holy Week – Blog Closed To Comments

Why the Holy Week liturgy is important What is the significance of Holy Week, specifically of the rites of the Sacred Triduum, for our daily lives as Catholics? This Sunday is "Palm Sunday", which opens the Church's great week called "Holy" because of the redemptive acts of Christ that are presented through the sacred liturgy for...

Cardinal Sarah: Church Losing Credibility

Doubt has taken hold of Western thought. Intellectuals and politicians alike describe the same impression of collapse. Faced with the breakdown of solidarity and the disintegration of identities, some turn to the Catholic Church. ...  But is the Church capable of responding to these calls? Certainly, she has already played this role of guardian...

Holy Week Reflection & News Update…

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJJ3fq25oSk Comment:  During Holy Week the blog is usually closed to comments.  This year, due to the unusual circumstances in which we find ourselves, we've decided to leave the blog open, while encouraging everyone to spend less time blogging - the Catholic Truth team plan to do just that, in order to focus as fully as...

Even Newer Mass(es) Coming Soon!

Text of the Apostolic Letter Motu Proprio “Magnum Principium” Quibus nonnulla in can. 838 Codicis Iuris Canonici immutantur APOSTOLIC LETTER ISSUED MOTU PROPRIO OF THE SUPREME PONTIFF FRANCIS MAGNUM PRINCIPIUM BY WHICH CAN. 838 OF THE CODE OF CANON LAW IS MODIFIED  The great principle, established by the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, according to which liturgical prayer be accommodated to the comprehension...

Of Mice & Men: Cardinal Sarah & Co.

TUESDAY, JULY 05, 2016 Cardinal Sarah’s Inaugural Address at Sacra Liturgia UK Extract... Continued study and criticism of the reformed rites is necessary: to what extent do the post-conciliar liturgical reforms reflect the zeitgeist of the 1960s and 1970s, rather than continuity with the tradition of the Church (contra SC 23)? With regard to this particular question,...

The Same Mass? You Gotta Be Kidding!

A reader posted this Mass (on video) on our blog recently - General Discussion thread ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4tYOLRNwrc Which brought to my mind, this Mass (video posted on our website) ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvY_GG8P9GU I got to thinking about Pope Benedict's insistence that these are not two Masses, but two forms of the same rite. I can't see it, folks.  Can you?   And don't gimme ~"Oh but...

Vatican II Necessary – Kidding, Right?

By Russell Shaw... Why did we need the Second Vatican Council? Did we need it at all? Hearing those questions, most Catholics who’ve thought about Vatican II would probably cite renewing and updating of the Church as solid reasons for the ecumenical council. That answer isn’t wrong. But a half-century after Vatican II (it took place...

“The Francis Effect” – An Overview

Christopher Ferrara, the well known American Catholic lawyer and commentator on the crisis in the Church,  has written a devastating critique of the pontificate of Pope Francis to date "lest the true teaching of the Magisterium be lost in all the confusion" (resulting from Pope Francis' statements). The essays were published over a period of a week on the...

Loftus Lashes Out: Summorum Pontificum A Mere “Concession”…

Below is an extract from the column by Mgr Basil Loftus (of "there's no physical resurrection and no physical real presence" fame) published in the Scottish Catholic Observer dated Friday 13/12/13. There is no direct link to the piece online, so the relevant portion is copied below. The fact that he gets away with the rubbish...