Tag - Rosary

Happy Feast of the Queenship of Our Lady!

Editor writes...  I was delighted to read the following comment over at the YouTube channel - because, I, too, attended the Convent of Mercy secondary school in Garnethill... We sang this Hymn every day in May at Garnethill Convent (Glasgow) and wore blue ribbons with a Medal of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary....

Fr Linus Clovis: Civil War Within The Church…

Father Linus Clovis is one of the heroes of our time.  He doesn't hesitate to preach the Faith, in season and out of season...  Indeed, we were privileged to have him address one of our Conferences in Glasgow (2016) - to which he refers in this interview with Michael Matt, the Editor of The...

October & Living Rosary Association…

Ven. Pauline Jaricot The following article, written by Kevin Rowles, one of our English readers,is published here, with permission...   On May 26th 2020, Pope Francis authorized the Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, to promulgate the Decree concerning the miracle attributed to the intercession of the Venerable Servant of God Pauline Maria Jaricot,...

Trump, Exorcism, Our Lady of Fatima – Making America Great Again!

From The Remnant Newspaper... Our Lady of Fatima at the White House - posted 3 March... At a time when raw evil is consuming the world, I have no doubt that Donald Trump's efforts to keep God in the picture is the main reason his enemies hate him so. Of course, he's not Catholic but...

11/2: Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes…

Our Lady of Lourdes, health of the sick, please pray for our friends and relatives who are suffering at this time; we remember especially Catholic Truth readers - Sean who is terminally ill, with only a short time to live according to doctors, Christina, Kay, Patricia, and all who have asked us to remember...

Islam, Terrorism & The Battle of Lepanto – 7 October: Feast of the Holy Rosary…

That light-hearted response to the threat to conquer Rome  contrasts with the reaction here The following extracts are taken from How the 1571 Battle of Lepanto saved Europe... For those who know little history, today's battle with the Islamic State in the Middle East may seem new and unprecedented. It is not. In a.d.  622, Mohammed set...

Who Is To Blame For The Failure To Consecrate Russia: You…Me…Popes?

For some time, now,  I have queried the claim (widely spread around these days, not least in the Blogosphere) that the Consecration of Russia has not been done because not enough of us are doing our bit by carrying out the Fatima requests to make the First Saturdays, pray the daily Rosary, wear the Brown Scapular...

Catholic Truth Conference Huge Success!

Our Conference, held to mark the 100th anniversary of the Fatima Apparitions, and to note, too, the 100th edition of the Catholic Truth Newsletter, was, by any standards, hugely successful.  The event began with the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary, Hymn Bring Flowers of the rarest and crowning of Our Lady's beautiful statue -...