Tag - sky news australia

Covid Lockdowns to Climate Lockdowns…

Comment:  Rowan Dean, of Sky News Australia, shows up the inexcusable ignorance of the UK press for peddling the lie that The Great Reset of the world, planned by the elite at the World Economic Forum (and other outfits with "World" in their titles)  is nothing more than a conspiracy theory.  It's inexcusable because we can...

Is Climate Change The New Religion?

https://youtu.be/c79UkAnrFhw Comment: The new Biden administration in the USA is putting climate change centre-stage again, and we're being told, here in the UK,  that once we are successful in suppressing "the virus" (mission impossible) we will have to continue living a seriously restricted lifestyle, including the continued wearing of face marks, to prevent the dire consequences...

Authoritarian UK Governments Are Recruiting Child-Spies: Criminal Surely?

https://youtu.be/dkdpjAnngAk Comment: I mean, just how much further down the road to outright tyranny must we go before the majority of people inside and outside Parliament waken up to the truth about "the virus"?  Maybe if someone leaves a trail of beans from Westminster (and the other centres of Government in Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast) all...

The Great Reset & The Disgraceful, Inexcusable Ignorance of Politicians…

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pF_kXE-HXSQ The Great Reset will undeniably and deliberately have extreme and possibly dire repercussions”. “‘You'll own nothing, and you'll be happy’ is just one of their marketing slogans”...  (Rowan Dean, Outsiders.) Comment:  Is it possible, or likely, that our politicians are going along with the Covid-19 lockdowns and restrictions because they actually do not know about the...

Covid-19: Lockdown In Wales “Psychotic & Deranged” – Or the New Normal?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQ5TBsC09KU&t=338s Comment:  Here's one of the commentators underneath the above video on the YouTube platform... "I think we should be looking for an insanity vaccine for the government because covid19 is not the threat to the people, government is." That was very strong stuff from Brendan O'Neill of Spiked Online - do you agree with him?   Is this...

Vatican Scandal: Moral Imperative For Cardinal Pell To Continue His Exposé?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LciQaUojUJE Comment:  Throughout the persecution of Cardinal George Pell, Andrew Bolt faithfully reported the facts of his arrest and trial.  So, it is interesting to hear his view about the need for the Vatican to welcome back the Cardinal to finish the work of exposing the financial rot - which, more likely than not, was the...

No Science Behind Covid Lockdowns…

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWLItLt90ys Sky News Australia... American lawyer Michael Senger says the COVID-19 lockdowns “might not even be science at all” but are based on Xi Jinping’s philosophy which also inspired the re-education of Uighur Muslims in concentration camps. Mr Senger said Xi Jinping’s philosophy was the same hybrid of health and security policy which inspired the re-education of...