Tag - spiritual reading

Technology Vs The Spiritual Life …

Comment:  Some parents try to put off the day when their offspring are allowed smartphones and thus unsupervised access to the internet. This, however, can cause bad feeling and cultivate rebellious attitudes in the young towards their concerned parents. And once they reach the older teenage years, it really isn't possible to ban things, not...

Without good books and spiritual reading, it will be morally impossible to save our souls. (St. Alphonsus Liguori)

  For purchasing details, click on image... But what sort of "good books" and "spiritual reading" will help us to save our souls?   I've heard young Catholics raving about Lord of the Rings as a great story and a marvellous means of understanding their Faith better. Here's author J.R.R. Tolkien: "The Lord of the Rings is of...

Can We Read Our Way To Heaven?

Our blogger, Elizabeth posted the following request a short while ago... Just wondering if we could perhaps start another topic on what our bloggers are reading at the moment? Spiritual reading that is. I could start off by saying that I am loving Cardinal Sarah’s book on Silence. It is beautifully written, perceptive, and does...