Tag - united nations

Shock: Pope Francis Appoints Pro-Abortionist Member of Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences

VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) – Pope Francis appointed prominent abortion advocate and supporter of the United Nations’ climate change-oriented policies Jeffrey Sachs as an ordinary member of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences in a move that has drawn significant criticism from concerned Catholics. Announced October 25, the Vatican described Sachs, having been a regular visiting figure at the Academy for some time, as...

COP26: Should Scots Bishops Refuse Pro-Abort President Biden Holy Communion?

From Flourish - official publication of the Archdiocese of Glasgow... Is Glasgow set to host Pope’s plea for planet?  The future of the planet and the welfare of the world’s inhabitants – these are the issues facing world leaders as they come to Glasgow later this year for the UN Climate Change Conference known as COP26....

Coronavirus Lockdown: Is it Sinister – are we losing our civil liberties forever?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mx8xKcQMTRs&feature=emb_logo Comment:  Is the presenter of this video a "conspiracy theorist"?  A "conspiracy nut"?  Or, are those who label him thus, really the "useful idiots" of whom Lenin spoke when he described those who supported and even promoted Communism, despite the fact that it is a brutal, oppressive, authoritarian system of Government?  Are we now ushering...

Francis: Pope of Deceit & Lies…

From Lifesitenews... Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Abp Vigano: Pope is subjecting Church to ‘powerful forces’ that want world government November 21, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – For twenty centuries, the Catholic Church has professed faith in Jesus Christ, the only Savior, which has come down to us intact, as she received it from the Apostles and Fathers of the Church...

UN Establishes Post of LGBT Enforcer

International institutions exist to impose their radical vision on the whole world. Just a few days ago in Geneva disaster struck. Click here  Radical delegations from Europe have established the position of UN-LGBT Enforcer. This UN-LGBT Enforcer will travel the world imposing the sexual revolution on peoples and churches and countries who do not want it. It will...